Mrs. Murray’s Home by Emily-Jane Hills Orford
Publisher: Tell-Tale Publishing Group
Genre: Middle Grade, Mystery, Paranormal
Length: Full (191 pgs)
Age Recommendation: 12+
Rated: 4 stars
Review by Rose
Home is where the heart is, or so they say. It’s also been said that a home is a person’s castle. But home is also with family and friends. Mrs. Murray longs for home, the family home, a castle an ocean away. The Brownies also crave for home, the same castle Mrs. Murray considers home. And Granny? Mary’s Granny hasn’t been home since she was Mary’s age. It’s time to visit the homeland, Scotland. Mary’s excited to tag along with Granny, Mrs. Murray and the Brownies. And then there’s the witch. The one they thought they’d killed. And the treasure. The one they had found. And it all ties together, for better or for worse. Join the adventure in book 3 of the popular “Piccadilly Street Series”.
What an absolutely charming book! This is the first of the series I’ve had the chance to read, but it will by no means be the last one. In fact, I have already ordered the first two and can hardly wait to read them. However, it is not necessary to have read the first two books in order to enjoy this third volume. I was never lost, but would like to see how Mary gets involved with Mrs. Murray and the Brownies (what fun they are… there were some moments when I literally laughed out loud at some of the antics).
Ms. Orford has the ability to draw the reader in and let them feel like they are right there in the moment with the other characters. The action was non-stop and kept me on the edge of my seat as Mary strives against her greatest enemy.
Thanks for a wonderful read, Ms. Orford. I’m looking forward to Mary’s next adventure.
Your book sounds like a great read and thank you for sharing it with us.
Thanks for hosting!
Your books sounds like alot of fun. Thanks for sharing.
Great cover.
I’ve enjoyed the tour and can’t wait to read this one! Thanks for sharing!
What do you find to be the most challenging part of writing? And the most rewarding?
I liked the blurb and excerpt. It sounds like a really interesting book. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks for sharing your book. Wishing you a successful release.