Magic Never Lies by Erin M. Leaf

Magic Never Lies by Erin M. Leaf
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Full length (174 pages)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed Moonflower

Blake Gerritt kicked music and fame to the curb years ago and now he’s happy with his anonymous life in an ordinary town in the middle of nowhere. He raised his sister after their parents died and the simmering magic in his blood has faded. He’s cool with that—he’s too old for falling in love anyway. Magic can’t fix his past and he doesn’t need it for his future.

Aaron Wade is young, rich, and miserable, even though millions love his songs. He knows he should be happy, especially since his bigoted jerk of a father is finally dead, but he can’t sleep. He can’t deal. A small town in the middle of rural America is just the cure he needs to get back on track with his life, no outside help needed.
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But what happens when love comes out of nowhere? Does a man let himself fall or does he refuse the magic that could change everything?

This is a story about true love. Blake has magic in his blood and he knows the minute he lays eyes on Aaron that he has found “The One”. Only trouble is, it takes Aaron a while to catch up.

Blake was a musician but has hidden away in a small town when his parents died and he raised his sister. Aaron is a musician who desperately needs a break from it all after his bigoted father dies. On the surface, these two don’t have a lot in common, often seeing the opposite side of whatever they’re discussing.

Erin M. Leaf is a brilliant author and I have simply adored most of her work. This one, though, just didn’t quite hit the mark for me. For one thing, the constant true love comments started to drive me insane, and I’m sure they did Aaron too as he had no idea what was going on either! I felt it was mentioned a few too many times, ramming the thought home instead of allowing it to flower.

On the positive side, the writing, in general, is brilliant, giving you plenty of clear descriptions so you can see what is happening in your head. The characters have their roles to play and even manage to surprise you along the way. I did love the ending and thought it perfect for this story.

A really good story with supernatural hints that I can definitely recommend.

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