Loved by the Elite Commander by Jessica Coulter Smith
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (86 Pages)
Other: M/F, Forced Seduction
Rating: 5 stars
Review by DryasMy people are dying out, and if my generation doesn’t find compatible mates soon then my people will become extinct. When I hear of a race called Humans who are capable of breeding with Elorian males, I know we must find some and convince them to mate with single males on Elora.
Their home planet is too far from my own, but a ship of slaves crash-landed on X-2 five hundred years ago and many were of the Human race. It’s there I know I’ll find the females who will save my kind.
It never occurred to me that I would be the first to claim a mate, or that she would have been so horribly abused. Despite her horrific past, my sweet Marcy gives me a chance, and now that she’s mine I will do anything in my power to protect her.
On the Colony of X-2 we meet a young woman named Marcy suffering at the hands of a male named Bruce. Women on the colony are treated as slaves and they have to do anything a male tells them to or face the punishment. Most of the punishments are public so the others would know what would happen to them.
Macy is a strong woman who did her best to survive in a situation that would break most. The horror that all the women were going through would cause anyone to feel anger. When the Elorians find out how the women are in such straits, they find it hard to control their rage. Her courage by taking the chance on leaving with J-Ril is commendable.
The Elite Commander, K-Tan, was on a mission to find these women because his people are facing extinction. When he met Marcy in his room, he wanted her. Their love is sweet and hot at the same time. I enjoyed seeing Marcy finally opening herself to a man and the ability to feel desire. Her trust was hard to earn due to her abuse from other men, and she was still was wary around others. Yet when she became pregnant, K-Tan still decided that he needed to take her home to his planet, as it wasn’t safe at her colony. I was glad when they decided that the rest of the men would take care of the rest of the woman, and that they would not force them to take the Elorians force to mate them.
I loved reading this story, seeing such a sweet relationship develop from a horrible situation. The bond between them is something all men and woman crave, and few find. Great reading.
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