Kostas’s Convenient Bride by Lucy Monroe
Publisher: Harlequin Presents
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full length (224 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by XeranthemumHer boss needs a bride…
Can she step out of the shadows and down the aisle?
Discovering her boss, billionaire tycoon Andreas Kostas, must marry is devastating for Kayla. Then Andreas proposes that Kayla wear his ring! Having experienced the incandescent pleasure of his touch, she’s hidden her yearning for him ever since. It’s the proposal Kayla’s always dreamed of, but dare she risk her body and heart to become a convenient wife?
Oh, how I adore the characters that Ms. Monroe creates. The conflicts and dynamics between her heroines and heroes are always entertaining.
I’m going to choose Andreas as my favorite person in this novel. Why? Because he cracked me up. Everything he did proved two things; he actually loves Kayla and that he has no clue that he does. He’s one sexy Greek who doesn’t care two figs about the fluffy, inconsequential and spurious trappings that people seemed determined to infuse their conversations and/or business dealings with. He cuts to the chase, is blunt and tells it like it is, and folks can like it or lump it. He’s a sharp businessman and it’s given him a certain reputation, not to mention he’s also impressively rich. Andreas is very goal oriented, focused and driven. He plans everything out in his life according to those goals. Everything that is, except the reaction of the heroine, Kayla. For some reason, his goals are not her goals, and it throws him for a loop. That’s when the fun really begins. He makes a ton of mistakes and the aftermath of each one showed me exactly what this romance reader looks for.
What I liked about Kayla was her throwing curve balls at Andreas. She was a geek, a Brainiac if you will when it comes to writing computer code. Yet, she is much more in tuned with her feelings. She knows what she wants and when she realizes that she might never get it, she starts taking steps to move forward with her life. That was another big moment that catapulted the story into something wildly entertaining. The scene when Andreas followed her and banged on the door? Oh yeah, someone is finally waking up. Just remembering that part puts a big silly grin on my face. What comes after is a romantic pursuit that pushed my happy buttons.
Another winning element in the novel is the family dynamic. Andreas has a ginormous chip on his shoulder. It’s completely understandable that the hero acts like a lion with a thorn in his paw. What I didn’t expect was Kayla’s ability to bring about a miracle that soothes more than one ornery lion’s paw. Nor did I expect the surprise the heroine received from her own gene pool. The happy ever after is bigger than just one man and one woman. I thought it wonderful and made this book even better.
I have to mention the descriptions that Ms. Monroe used to show me the intensity of Andreas’ gaze when he fully focused on Kayla. It gave me happy, zippy shivers. When they could no longer resist the pent up passion between them and finally exploded in each other’s arms, it was everything I hoped for; sexy, sultry, intense, loving and well written.
Kostas’s Convenient Bride is the kind of romance that Ms. Monroe is known for. She has once again made me very happy by writing a wonderful, engaging and fun romance with a couple of people who were so very perfect for each other because they were both kind of oddball. If a reader is looking for a story to while away a lazy afternoon, then this novel should fit the bill. It sure made my day.
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