Her Renegade Rancher by Jennifer Ryan
Publisher: Avon
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (298 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by CamelliaWith their hearts’ desires on the line, nothing can stop the Montana Men
No one knows better than Colt Kendrick that life can change in an instant. He lives without regrets except for one: not making the gorgeous woman he sees every time he walks into the local diner his.
Luna Hill is haunted by the heart-stopping kiss she and Colt never should have shared. Their timing has always been off. Just as sparks begin to ignite again, she is offered a job that will take her far from their ranching town. But when a dear friend dies unexpectedly, leaving Luna a staggering gift, she has a chance to stay and finally make her long buried wishes come true—even ones that involve the sexiest cowboy she’s ever known.
Not everyone is happy with Luna’s good fortune, and as they make their feelings dangerously and abundantly clear when she falls in their crosshairs, Colt will do anything he can, risk everything he has, to keep her safe. Because Luna showed him he has a heart…and it belongs to her.
Sizzling, sweet and sensual with a touch of spice, Her Renegade Rancher has a hero and heroine that makes me love to read romance. Trust, loyalty, honesty, and love abide in spite of all the negativity and danger that presses in on Luna Hill and spills over to her longtime friend (and more) Colt Kendrick.
Jennifer Ryan had my attention from page one, broke my heart in the first chapter, then healed it bit by piece as Luna moves from struggling waitress to determined owner and conscientious caretaker of her inheritance with Colt Kendrick backing her up every step of the way. With more money and power than she’d ever dreamed of having, she tries with all her might to see that the ranch and money her dear, old friend Wayne Travers willed to her is taken care of like he wanted it to be.
However, Wayne’s two sons, his sister and her husband are beside themselves when the will is read. They, goaded by insatiable greed, are determined to take away from Luna what they feel is rightfully theirs. The intensity of their hate, the both subtle and blatant sabotage and worse stalks Luna like a blood-thirsty monster.
The purity of intent on one side of the coin with the greedy, mean-spiritedness intent on the other side make Her Renegade Rancher a true good-against- bad struggle. How love slips in while the struggle is going on creates some heart-warming and ecstatic scenes. Also the family side stories add a special touch to the bringing everything together.
A beautifully written story!
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