Grimwell by Michael Belanger

Grimwell by Michael Belanger
Publisher: Woodhall Press
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Romance, Contemporary
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Voted BoM by LASR Readers 2013 copy

Embark on an unforgettable journey into the enchanting realm of Grimwell, where books wield an unexpected power to shape destinies. Meet Derek Winnebaker, a spirited barista with a penchant for literature and a taste for strong coffee. When Derek stumbles upon a novel detailing the whimsical adventures of a fantasy creature known as a grimkin, he finds himself irresistibly drawn into its fantastical world.

Using the book as his guide, Derek bravely navigates through life’s twists and turns, transforming from a downtrodden bystander into a courageous protagonist. From mustering the courage to ask out his crush to standing up to his tyrannical boss, Derek’s journey mirrors the epic saga unfolding within the pages of his newfound literary companion. Yet, just as Derek begins to master his narrative, the whims of fate take a dark turn reminiscent of Kafka’s surreal tales, challenging Derek’s agency in his own story.

In this captivating blend of comedy, romance, and twisted fairy tale, Grimwell prompts readers to ponder the profound influence of literature on our lives. Will Derek seize control of his destiny, or will he remain ensnared in the machinations of an unseen narrator? Prepare to be enthralled and enlightened as Grimwell invites you to reconsider the power of storytelling and the choices that shape our realities.

Feeling stuck in life is frustrating, but there are many ways through it.

Derek was a likeable and sympathetic protagonist. While it’s not at all necessary for me to share a lot in common with a main character in order to enjoy reading about them or agree they’re well written, I was delighted to see how much I could identify with his vivid imagination, his love of the fantasy genre, and the troubles he dealt with in real life that didn’t have easy solutions. He was an intelligent person who had made a few understandable mistakes, and I nodded along as he acknowledged where he had gone wrong in the past and what he wished he’d done differently. There is nothing like meeting a character who feels so familiar, and I hope other readers have the same warm and understanding reaction to this realistically flawed but also genuinely good individual.

While I will admit to finding the pacing a little slow in the beginning, this writing style was necessary in order to introduce Derek to the readers and set everything into motion for his grand adventure. I was so glad I remained patient for these sections as they richly rewarded me once I was about sixty pages into it and became a solid five-star read shortly after that. There were plenty of bright spots much earlier than that, of course, but this was the sort of tale that works best in my opinion for readers who are willing to let things simmer a little at first. This is not a criticism, only a heads up for anyone who needs it as there are plenty of wonders waiting to be discovered if one gives them time to appear.

Some of my favorite scenes were the ones that found creative ways to blend together common fantasy tropes with situations that often happen in the real world. For example, Derek’s manager at work was someone who was excellent at giving orders but rarely interested in rolling up his sleeves and helping his employees actually get anything accomplished when they hit a busy period. I’ll leave it up to other readers to discover how Derek was inspired to try to change this dynamic by how such things can play out in the fantasy genre when a boss is lazy or treats their workers unfairly, but I mentally cheered him on as he realized just how much better things should be for him and everyone else who works in the service industry. This was a clever example of how something can be deeply rooted in more than one genre in ways that enrich both or all of them.

Grimwell made me yearn for a sequel.

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