Extraterrestrial Encounters: A Collection of Sci-Fi Stories by Kelli A. Wilkins
Publisher: Self-Published
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Contemporary, Historical
Length: Short Story (114 pages)
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by AstilbeAre you ready to step into the unknown?
In these 18 sci-fi stories, you’ll encounter aliens of all shapes and sizes, curious (and sometimes unlucky) space explorers, and ordinary Earthlings having otherworldly experiences.
Some of the out-of-this-world tales in this short fiction anthology include:
“The Hoax” – A reporter learns that a creature from another planet is a dangerous thing to fool with
“It Grows on You” – A strange kind of mold has invaded an office, and it’s the perfect tool for revenge
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“The Con” – An alien becomes an unlikely ally to a down-on-his-luck petty crook
“Space Cowboy” – When a second-rate rodeo star is abducted by aliens, he makes the most of the situation
“They Just Keep Eating” – A Nebraska farmer encounters a menace from space… and it’s hungry
This collection of speculative fiction will stimulate your imagination, unnerve you just a little, and make you wonder… “What if we’re not alone?”
Even the most ordinary day can turn out to be full of surprises.
As soon as I read the description of “What Lurks Below” in the blurb, I couldn’t wait to find out more. The only thing more exciting than finding life on Mars would be discovering somewhere astronauts might not expect it to lurk. Ray, the protagonist, was someone who’d never expected to travel to the red planet in the first place. Learning this fact about him early on only made me more curious to see what he’d discover now that he was there.
All of these stories were deliciously short. Some of them were only a page or two long! What impressed me about that is how the author was still able to draw all sorts of fascinating parallels between the various places she invented. Characters encountered similar odd events in certain cases, but the outcomes of them were still wildly different from one plot to the next. “Live from Space” was an excellent example of this. Like “What Lurks Below,” it followed explorations on Mars that gave the researchers working on them results they never could have imagined. While I can’t go into details about what, exactly, was found in this case, I loved comparing it to the other Mars and alien planets that various characters explore.
One of my favorite tales in this collection was “Ground Cover.” It followed a young boy named Stanley whose friend was chopping down an overgrown patch of wild ivy in order to find his lost baseball. When the ivy reacted unexpectedly, Stanley was injured and needed to seek help. All of this happened in the first few paragraphs, so I was thrilled to see what might happen to these characters next. The possibilities seemed endless!
I’d heartily recommend Extraterrestrial Encounters: A Collection of Sci-Fi Stories to anyone who loves this genre and is in the mood for short, satisfying glimpses of unique worlds. Very cool! Very interesting!
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