Eternal by Mychael Black

Eternal by Mychael Black
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Paranormal, LGBTQ
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Sam McIntosh knows he doesn’t need to be in the closet with his friends, but his family is another matter entirely. He keeps his sex life under wraps and never lets on to anyone that he enjoys any gender. So far, that’s worked just fine — until his father hires a new guy to work on the family farm.

Cole England has far more secrets than the average man, the least of which is his vampiric nature. He’s on the run from hunters sent by his father, and they are closing in on him. The last thing he needs is to fall for the son of the humans who hired him on their farm.

Between Sam’s bigoted family and Cole’s hunters, it’ll be a miracle if they can manage to explore the blazing attraction neither of them can deny.

Sam is in the closet to his family due to their bigoted ways. He’s out and proud with his friends, but his family – no way. This has worked just fine until his family hire Cole to work on their farm. The attraction is instant and Sam struggles to hide his growing desire. Cole has a bunch of his own problems – a vampire on the run from the hunters sent by his father, the last thing he wants is to drag the handsome Sam into his eternity and issues. Can the two men explore their blazing attraction without everything falling down around them?

I enjoyed this quick steamy read. Sam and Cole are well written and very realistic characters. It was quite easy for me to become attached to them both and they are quite relatable. I was pleased with both of their introductions and found their chemistry and instant attraction believable. This set me up very well for my enjoyment of this book, and for them to both have a mutual conflict with Sam’s bigoted parents and the hunters sent by Cole’s father helped solidify their working together as a team – even without the sexual tension and attraction between them.

It’s been quite some time since I’ve read a paranormal story and I found this one to be quite refreshing. There is some world-building which I enjoyed since I don’t recall reading anything similar from this author before. I also thought the slower pace of Sam learning about Cole and his heritage was a good way to ease readers into the various complexities of the authors paranormal world. I was pleased there wasn’t a massive info-dump and it was Sam and Cole chatting and getting to know each other where most of the vampire side of things was explored. I enjoyed this.

Readers who like a strongly paranormal but still steamy erotic story should find this short novel a good blend of the two. I thought it was a well written and fairly refreshing story and would be happy to try more books like this by the author.

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