Dream Spinner by Kristen Ashley

Dream Spinner by Kristen Ashley
Publisher: Forever (Grand Central Publishing)
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Larkspur

Hattie Yates has finally met the man of her dreams. Yet years of abuse from her demanding father have left her petrified of disappointment. She’s already failed to reach her goal of becoming a professional ballerina—she can’t handle the terrible consequences of another dream becoming a nightmare. But when a stalker sets their sights on Hattie, there’s only one man she dares to hope can help . . .

Axl Pantera knows Hattie is the only woman for him. Yet despite the attraction burning between them, Hattie refuses to let him in. The former soldier is determined to woo her into letting down her walls. And when danger comes calling, he’s up against more than her wary and bruised heart. Axl will do anything to prove to Hattie that they’re meant to be, but first, he’ll need to keep her safe.

Kristen Ashley is one of my favorite authors, so I was really excited to read her newest book, Dream Spinner. This is the third book in The Dream Team series and this one is about Axl and Hattie. It is an enchanting, fast paced story with some suspense added to the mix. As always, KA includes a cast of colorful secondary characters, which is what makes this story and everything she writes so much fun and interesting.

This is an upbeat and intoxicating story about Axl and Hattie and it is wonderful to have a ringside seat as they fall in love. Axl and Hattie are perfect for each other; they have explosive chemistry and a passionate relationship as they help each other deal with their troublesome fathers, Hattie’s stalker and some dirty cops.

Hattie is a dancer at Smithies. She is shy and caring, but has very little confidence because her father is always putting her down. When Axl asks Hattie for a date, she turns him down, even though she likes him, because she is afraid to say yes.

Axl is a commando who works for Hawke. Anyone who works for Hawke is tough and willing to do all the things the police can’t or won’t do. The commandos aren’t afraid to cross any boundaries, they get the job done, whatever it takes, legally or illegally. Axl is protective by nature and when he finds out Hattie is receiving threats, he wants to be the one keeping her safe. He cares about Hattie, but she is vulnerable and stubborn and afraid to open her heart.

I enjoyed all the encounters between Axl and Hattie and I also enjoyed all of Hattie’s amusing girlfriends. When they get together they are a hoot. They are a tight knit group and just what Hattie needs in her life.

This is a delightful story filled with romance, intrigue and a whole cast of entertaining characters. Although, I have to admit, I was a little disappointed there wasn’t an epilogue because KA’s epilogues are epic and my favorite part of the book. That said, I still loved this exhilarating, rollicking story and I’m sure you will too.

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