Be Sensible Miss Wynchcomb by Sarah Richmond
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (309 pages)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by CamelliaAlways so sensible, Constance Wynchcomb, companion to Lady Caddick-Boyle, has lost her heart to the most gallant of gentlemen. At least, that’s how Evan Galsworthy presents himself.
When Evan asks to court Constance, his background is called into question. His mother died in childbirth and the whereabouts of his father is unknown. Her ladyship won’t allow a man of dubious pedigree in her house.
In hot pursuit of his parentage, Evan discovers a family secret that makes him unworthy of Constance’s love. He breaks off their courtship before she learns the painful truth of his past.
Her heart broken, Constance is left bereft by Evan’s sudden dismissal of her affections. When she’s told Evan has gone missing, she does what no sensible woman would do. She goes looking for him to demand an explanation.
Is she prepared for what she will find? Will love be enough to heal their wounds?
Innate curiosity and an itch for adventure versus sensible. Sensible comes out second best nearly every time and gets Constance Wynchcomb into more than one tight spot; but no one can say she is just a spectator on her own life. Granted, she is without a dowry, with no social rank or status and is the companion and nursemaid for one of her mother’s well-positioned distant cousins, but she has educated herself much better than most young women. Her genuineness and loyalty shine in many events but never more than when she puts herself in danger to save a lost soul who has been mistreated for almost three decades. Her tenacity and her standing up for what she wants makes her story shine.
Evan Galworthy’s story intrigued me. The secrets, hardships, and his survival skills are remarkable. However, an undercurrent of anger and hurt about his murky past that nobody will tell him about makes him feel unworthy to pursue a life with a wife and family. How his story unfolds bit by piece kept me turning pages. Even though he loves Constance, he feels he must let her go. He does get a “set-down” from her when she tells him not to presume what she needs and then she proceeds to take matters into her own hands—delightful reading!
Mrs. Crook, the inn owner, and the bishop are two of the most interesting secondary characters I’ve read about in a while. They do surprise.
Sarah Richmond does a great job of revealing how the social structure is changing as new inventions and a new rich segment of working people come emerge in early twentieth century England, while entertaining the reader with the deeds and misdeeds of flawed characters, some of whom rise above their flaws and others who cling to their flaws to the very end. Her writing style makes for smooth reading.
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