Baby on His Hollywood Doorstep by Lauri Robinson

Baby on His Hollywood Doorstep by Lauri Robinson
Brides of the Roaring Twenties Book 1
Publisher: Harlequin
Genre: Historical
Length: Full length (369 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Mistflower

A roaring twenties runaway…

A baby who needs a daddy!

With the Chicago mob hot on her heels and her late best friend’s baby in her arms, Helen Hathaway hightails it to Hollywood. There she finds little Grace’s uncle, charismatic film producer Jack McCarney. She knows she should keep him—and Grace—at arm’s length; after all, they could be wrenched apart by Grace’s father’s return. But instead she’s falling for Jack, bonded by the baby who needs them both…

A book written by Lauri Robinson is pretty much a guarantee for me that I am going to have an enjoyable read. I’m pleased to share that Baby on His Hollywood Doorstep wasn’t a disappointment. In fact, I’m excited that it is book one in the series Brides of the Roaring Twenties. I don’t know why I count but this happens to be my seventh Lauri Robinson book.

Baby on His Hollywood Doorstep was an excellent introduction to a new series. I considered the plot and setting to be rather unique and it therefore piqued my interest to want to read the next one.

Another reason I enjoyed this is because of the cast of characters. I developed a kinship with each one. Helen, the heroine, was born into a life that she had no choice in the matter. As life typically goes, there are often turns of events that we have no control over. We all have the choice to let it define us or not. Helen struggled with the cards life dealt her. It was heartwarming to read how she chose to rise above it. It happens, of course, with the help of others, mainly the hero, Jack, and as expected Jack had his life struggles too, but together they became a united force.

I truly loved this book and have no qualms recommending it. However, I have one bone to pick. Without giving any spoilers, I felt that there is a scene omitted. If so, it’s one I would have preferred to have been in on because Helen has a rather significant meeting/conversation with a significant person and I was not privy to it and I felt I should have been. I learned of it and heard what was said after the fact because she told Jack. Prior to this meeting there was a previous confrontation with this particular person where things were said that were pivotal to the plot. There was an agreement and, well … I can’t say anymore other than I would have liked to have heard her and this particular person have this second conversation. Perhaps it was done on purpose so that I would feel the same anger as Jack did when he learned what Helen had done behind his back. He forgave her faster than I did. Perhaps if I was in on the conversation then I would have been more forgiving. I kind of understand her reasoning but I didn’t like feeling left out. That’s the only major hiccup I experienced while reading this story.

I was entranced from beginning to end and was genuinely entertained. I’m thrilled that I already have the next book sitting next to me waiting to be read. I encourage others to join me in experiencing this new reading adventure, starting with Baby on His Hollywood Doorstep. The future for this series looks promising.

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