A Team Of Two by Brad Lee

A Team Of Two by Brad Lee
Publisher: Simply Sensible Entertainment
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller, Action/Adventure
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Across Los Angeles, all electronics are suddenly destroyed.

Gone forever. Useless. Is it a single terrorist attack? Or the opening salvo in a larger, sinister plot?

Brilliant young intelligence analyst Haley is convinced the USA is about to be bombed back to the Stone Age, resulting in chaos, death, and destruction.

Has someone successfully created a tactical EMP—electromagnetic pulse—device?

And if so, can she and Axe, a former Navy SEAL, find and stop them before the world as we know it is destroyed?

Or is the situation even more dire than it seems?

Across a three mile radius in LA including a number of their busiest freeways, all electronics simultaneously die. Cars, smart-gear, lights, everything. Is this an isolated attack, or the start of something far greater? Hayley is convinced the whole of the USA is about to be bombed back into the stone age, but she can’t find the proof required to appeal to the powers that be. So once again, Hayley and her former Navy SEAL partner, Axe, are going it alone, determined to save the world.

This book is set just a few months after the ending of A Team of One and I really enjoyed the fact the characters had progressed somewhat after their crazy ordeal in the previous book. Even so, I enjoyed that this book still very much had the feel of picking up just a little after where the last one left off. I loved a few cameos from characters in the first book – and equally adored the introduction of a few more secondary characters that I very much want to know better in the coming few books. This author has a real knack for writing characters I find highly enjoyable and definitely want to get to know better.

I will admit that in some places this book doesn’t have the break-neck speed of the previous book. At first, I thought I’d find the story dragged, but quite the contrary I found it helped build the momentum and, in many ways, kept me eager to turn more pages and find out how everything fit together and how it would all build even further. While there was one main plotline – the EMPs – there were a few smaller threads both supporting and circling around the storyline. There was also an unfinished thread from the previous story. So, while I could understand if some readers feel this book wove a little more back and forth and didn’t simply slam you face-first into the action like the previous book, I honestly feel this added complexity to the plots and the solid weaving together of everything added quite a richness into everything and helped me enjoy the story even more.

The vibrant and interesting characters coupled with the high speed action and the complexity of the plot meant that I practically lost an entire weekend to reading this book without a break and a deeply resented the few times I was forced to stop reading. This book is rather like crack – so be warned: once you start this it will be extremely hard to put it down. While I do feel readers can enjoy this book if they pick it up alone, I would strongly recommend going back to book one (and that book by itself was phenomenal to my mind) mainly because there are a number of secondary characters as well as some small aspects to why Axe and Hayley trust each other so deeply and work so well together that comes from that previous book. This book I think will just feel more complete to readers who have read the first one.

An exhilarating and thoroughly enjoyable action-based mystery/espionage style of book this is a brilliant author and a fabulous new-to-me series that I am thoroughly hooked on. Bring on the next one!

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