What Scares Me the Most as an Author by Traci Wooden-Carlisle – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Traci Wooden-Carlisle and D. Tina Batten will be awarding $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

What Scares Me the Most as an Author
As an author, what scares me the most is taking full responsibility for my work and not being able to piece one thought with another to finish a message.

Let me explain.

I consider my writing a ministry. I see it as a collaboration between me and God where He gives me a message to express through my characters or a way to express a subject with a different perspective, and it is my job to listen to Him while guiding the character’s dialogue or interaction to relay that message in the story.

If I deviate or start filling in pieces just because I think they should be there, then I will have to take full responsibility for the message that is conveyed. That burden is too heavy because I am too afraid of getting the message wrong.

As long as I deliver God’s message as He intends, I’m okay with both good or not-so-good reviews. When readers share their feelings, thoughts and yearning to draw closer to God when reading my books, it makes it all worth it.

I began to have problems with my sight when I was six and it took a couple of years before I was properly diagnosed. In the meantime, I went through private tutoring in phonics, reading comprehension and grammar because my parents believed I had a reading, not seeing problem. I ended up reading at the 9th grade level in the 3rd grade and became a voracious reader. When I couldn’t read, I would write myself stories and have done so since I was eight. I absolutely love my imagination and the ability to find the right word to relay what I see in my imagination. I love the stories and thoughts I am able to piece together from one idea. I would truly feel like I have lost a huge part of me if I could no longer take one idea and weave it into a story.

The first novel I published started with me writing a story to myself. It wasn’t until I reached the seventh chapter that I realized that I might have to share it with others.

There is a thin line between the natural and the spiritual realm.

Ms. V., a humble servant of the Lord, has been placed on assignment at Center of Hope Christian Academy.

By day, she serves as a trusted counselor for students, giving them a safe haven to pour out their innermost feelings while providing professional and honest truth wrapped in a firm kindness and love that inevitably draws them closer to Jesus. Not to be outdone, the faculty also bends her ear from time to time.

By night, Ms. V. enters the spiritual realm and takes her place on the battlefield as one of God’s faithful prayer warriors. She wields her whispering sword, slicing through the enemy’s plans to bind the precious hearts under her charge.

Her assignment’s burden on her physical body is taxing, but can she withstand the strain and remain victorious?

Saving souls is her true mission, but at what cost?

Readers are in for a journey of spiritual intrigue and biblical insight as they experience the ramifications of each character’s life-altering decision.

Enjoy an Excerpt

The mist settling over the earth was about five inches high. It nearly obscured the ground in front of her as far as her eyes could see. She was reminded of mud-covered battlefields with little to shield one from enemy fire.

The clouds hung low, making the whole scene look like something out of an apocalyptic dream. The fallow ground before her was vast. It was a wasteland, offering only the promise that nothing would ever grow there again. The desolation could have gone on forever, except for the demonic presence that lined itself up like a dirty barrier of windows used to dim and conceal what was on the other side.

She felt them, though. She felt each and every one of the children held in bondage on the other side of that transparent demonic force. The thought brought to mind a scripture, and she looked down at the writing on the sword in her hand. She could have spent time thinking about how odd it was that she didn’t remember taking a sword with her, but there were more pressing matters, and she was happy to have the weapon to wield.

She began reading the inscribed scripture out loud, her voice ringing across the barren land slick with mud. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood,”

As the words left her lips, they solidified in the atmosphere, charging toward their mark like a spear. They reached the barrier, causing it to shift and ripple but not tear.

About the Authors:

D. “Tina” Batten is a loving mother, wife, sister, daughter and Mima to her grandchildren. She is a gifted visual storyteller who is passionate about bringing encouraging messages of inspiration and hope to the world.
Tina Batten, a writer for over eighteen years of various dramatic works of performing art via stage, and film, encompasses unique ways of creating fascinating story concepts that touch the heart of most who view or read her work. She is both honored and thrilled to have teamed up with long-time friend, sister in the gospel and co-author Tracy on this phenomenal collaborative book project. With such a humble heart and desire to bring people together in love and unity, Tina Batten will continue her work as a visual storyteller spreading the good news of Jesus Christ one project after the other.

As Always, D. “Tina” Batten gives God All the Glory!

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Traci Wooden-Carlisle began writing to publish in 2011 and enjoys writing stories that provoke thought and evoke emotions. Her desire is to draw readers into the lives of her characters and share messages of God’s love, His faithfulness and peace. The messages in her books speak to her way before they speak to her readers.

Traci lives in San Diego with her husband, David. When she isn’t writing she does some light traveling or assists people with their physical fitness, creates graphics, designs pretty things for her jewelry business and swag for authors.

You can find her on the following social media platforms.

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Buy the book at Amazon.

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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge for January 31, 2024

Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop”. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

Today’s topic is: Series I Wish Had Just One More Book in Them

Rocketship Ride by Franco D’Auria – Spotlight and Giveaway


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


Come for a journey through the minds of two loving brothers as they explore the world around them using their imagination!

Join them in their rocketship as they barrel through space, meet with remarkable aliens, get in and out of extraordinary situations, and find the time to enjoy the company of amazing friends and family.

Let them take you on this incredible journey, and hopefully they inspire you to have your fantastic adventures too!

About the Author: Franco D’Auria discovered a passion for writing and world-building through his long career as a game designer for HitGrab Labs. Lending his voice to the game MouseHunt and its whimsical fantasy world of Gnawnia, his imagination was bursting for new creative outlets.

What started as an innocent request from his children to sing a bedtime song about rocketships gradually evolved into this book. It celebrates the boys’ love of books, their special relationship as brothers, their adventures with family, and the spark of imagination that they share.

The book is FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

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Return to Lerici by Rachel Dacus – Spotlight and Giveaway


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Rachel Dacus will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

A suspenseful, uplifting story of second chances, family bonds, and redemption.

Sisters Elinor and Saffron rarely see eye-to-eye, but they agree that an unknown half-brother appearing in their lives can only spell trouble. The Greene sisters want to support their ailing mother, Betsy, as they gather in their cottage in Lerici, Italy. But they don’t want Betsy to keep searching for Baby Boy, the only name they have on faded adoption papers.

While the Greenes debate, Baby Boy finds them. A rough childhood has led Daniel to a life as a thief. When he learns of his connection to the wealthy Greenes, he decides to scam them. He goes to Italy and using a fake identity observes them at close range. Watching these people makes him ache for what he never had—a loving family.

Betsy is touched by the young man’s story and guesses their hidden connection. Discovering his true identity, she asks the family to help him. But Daniel’s shady past is catching up and putting the Greenes at risk. Should they bring their lost lamb into the fold—and can he claim his heritage if it endangers his family?

Enjoy an Excerpt:

April in Lerici was blossoming like the paradise it was. Elinor knelt over her tomato plants pulling weeds on a fine, cool morning. Whenever she had troubles, she turned to her plants, and today she had a basketful of troubles. Bushels and bushels, and they all revolved around her mother. Betsy said she was ailing, but she was being vague about the specifics of her illness. And she’d written Elinor to say she was searching for their missing family member, Baby Boy, as he was listed on the adoption papers they’d discovered in an old drawer. Best left at the back of that drawer, Elinor thought. An unknown quantity could only be another basketful of problems.

She dug harder to loosen the weeds. Her tomato plants had to have room to breathe, though soon Elinor wouldn’t have much room. Because Betsy was coming here to stay with them, and bringing her larger-than-life personality with her, and who knew what else, packed in that huge tapestry purse of hers.

Elinor bent closer to her plants, her babies that would later this summer be ready for farmer’s market. Italy was renowned for the quality of its tomatoes, and in this fine, coastal soil they grew bigger and more flavorful than almost anywhere else. In a couple of months, hers were going to be a hit.

A sudden pain stabbed her stomach. She sat up and put her hand on her abdomen, where her sister’s transplanted kidney rested, filtering her blood. Nothing had hurt for months. Why should she have a sharp pain now, two years after the surgery?

Getting to her feet as if to escape the sensation, she stood looking out over the trees to the sea. The pain still throbbed, but was now ebbing. Years of practicing to calm the PTSD she’d had after the explosion that injured her, Elinor couldn’t help picturing the worst—losing her life here in her lovely garden, before she could fully grab her amazing second chance at love.

About the Author

Rachel Dacus is the author of six novels, four time travel books in the Timegathering Series and two books of women’s fiction. She has also published four poetry collections. Rachel’s work has appeared widely in print and online, in journal that include Boulevard, Gargoyle, and Prairie Schooner. Her poetry is in the anthologies Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California and Radiant DisUnities: Real Ghazals in English. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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Buy the book at Amazon.

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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge for January 24, 2024

Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop”. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

Today’s topic is: Languages I’m Learning or Want to Learn

Cerys: Valkyrie Earth by Merrin Slade – Spotlight and Giveaway


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Merrin Slade will award a $50 Kobo gift card to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

In a world where perfection is demanded of its citizens, one imperfect woman may be the only person who can save humanity.

One thousand years in the future, humans have developed the ability to alter their genes to create a perfect version of themselves, but not all are so fortunate. Cerys Skye is a Wild Type, genetically unaltered and forced to live in the Refuge—a place for Wild Types and the unlucky citizens whose genetic modifications society has deemed as imperfect.

All the fiery tempered young woman knows is how to fight. Using her wits and skills, Cerys must compete in brutal prize fights if she is to bring food to the table for her younger sister. But, she is always aware that the next fight could her last—she must find a way out of this life.

Leaving behind all that she knows, the last place the tempestuous Cerys expects to find herself is joining the United Planet’s Space Force Academy, where she battles prejudice and intolerance in a world run by genetically modified humans.

As the new recruit discovers, not all is as it seems at the Academy with a shadowy cyber-evil seeking to threaten humanity. But, when loyalties are tested and the stakes are high, can Cerys rely on newfound allies and her unshakeable courage to stop the impending catastrophe?

Contains mature themes.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Cerys shifted her jetpac speed to cruise and the hum of thrusters died away, leaving only whistling wind. Her titanium fight boots, and one hundred meters of searing air hung between her and death.

She floated above the Goliath. Her mouth was as dry as sun-scorched wind. Below, tiny people seethed around the edges of the stadium’s arena like leeches, blood-hungry and thirsting for the show to start. As she drifted lower, the Valkyries, all golden tresses and gleaming breastplates, twirled and swooped, a heavenly distraction. She flicked a salute. Gerry and Hilde swept their swords in flashing arcs. Their jetpacs accelerated beneath the holograms of arched wings as they glided into position.

“On me,” Cerys shouted, hitting the drop signal. She dived for the arena. Wind ripped past her, and adrenaline surged in her blood. She shot through images of exploding stars and the crowd turned to the sky like a bristling savage beast. Its roar pounded her like a fist.

Valkyrie. Valkyrie. Valkyrie.

About the Author: Merrin Slade is a science fiction writer who transports readers to alternate futures and faraway universes.

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The book is discounted for a limited time in NZ, Australia and the UK on Kobo.

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Fashionista’s Playbook by Candi Scott – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will award a randomly drawn winner a $50 Amazon GC. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The door to the New York fashion world shut firmly in her face, Moriah Stanhope’s only option seems to be to return to her small-town home as a failure. At least, she would go home in disgrace, but her car was just repossessed. In front of the hottest guy she’s ever seen.

Travis Madera is supposed to hire an assistant. One with qualifications and experience. Someone who won’t be starstruck by the fact he’s a professional football player. But he never could resist a damsel in distress, especially one with all those curves.

Moriah’s been humiliated in front of guys like Travis before. But as his assistant, she has access to every moment of his day-to-day life, so surely she can stay ahead of any potential problems.

Until the past comes rushing into the present.

Read an Excerpt

“Travis…” I whispered, half questioning-half pleading.

He jerked his hand away and sat up straight on the couch. “I’m sorry, Moriah. I didn’t even realize—”

I placed my fingers against his mouth, the heat of his breath rushing across the digits. My touch was so sudden, it surprised even me. His lips were warm and oh so kissable. My pulse hammered away against my ribs, desire blazing through me. I would have kissed him, but Travis was completely still, his face an unreadable mask.

When he didn’t react, I pulled away. I’d made a mistake, misread his touch, something. Panic turned to sheer horror. “Oh my God, I’m sorry.”

His hard exterior softened and he grabbed my hand. He sighed a bit, half-closed his eyes, then brushed his lips across the tips of my fingers in the softest kiss.

I relaxed a little.

“When you touch me, it makes me want things I can’t afford.” I offered weakly, not trusting myself to say much more.

From behind thick lashes, his eyes darkened; an intimate change of his features that spoke to me in a truly primal way. He kissed my fingertips, stroked his hand down my wrist and back up before rubbing small circles against the beat of my pulse.

About the Author:

Candi Scott is the spicy contemporary pen name for award winning author of Two Hearts, One Stone and the Arkadia Fast Series, Leslie Scott. She has been writing stories for as long as she can remember. The happier the ending, the better. Currently, she lives and writes amidst her own happily ever after with her soul mate, son, and domestic zoo.

Outlaw’s Lady by Bobbi Smith – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Bobbi Smith will award a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Wrongly Accused

When Pinkerton detective Slade Braxton went undercover to infiltrate the notorious Dakota Kid’s gang, he became one of the most wanted outlaws in the West. Now, set to stand trial for murder and robbery, he realized his ruse had been all too convincing—especially when the judge at his hearing turned out to be the woman of his dreams—the woman he’d shared a kiss with before sinking back into the shadows.

Out for Justice

Alyssa Mason was shocked when the mystery man who swept her off her feet at the town dance strode into her courtroom, accused of killing her father. Something about the handsome, arrogant Braxton disturbed her usually calm resolve. Though not easily distracted from her moral duties, Alyssa soon found herself fighting a forbidden attraction—and wondering if she’d have no choice but to abandon the law…and become the Outlaw’s Lady.


Enjoy an Excerpt

Slade had been standing in the shadows watching the evening’s festivities, feeling like the outsider he was. He’d been looking for the town’s sheriff in the crowd when he saw the woman for the first time. She was a timeless beauty, and as he was watching her, another man took her out onto the dance floor. It was only as they turned his way while they were dancing that he saw the sheriff’s badge on the man’s chest.

As he moved farther back into the darkness, Slade’s frustration over his situation grew even more. He knew a driving need to be someone other than Slade Braxton, the outlaw and fast gun, for just one brief moment that night. When the music ended and he saw the woman standing alone on the dance floor, he started through the crowd.

“Miss?” Slade said as he reached her side.

Alyssa looked up, startled. She hadn’t noticed the stranger’s approach. She found herself gazing up at by far the best-looking man she’d ever seen—tall, dark and somehow dangerous.

“Hello,” she said, giving him a tentative smile. “Have we met?”

“No, we haven’t, but would you care to dance?”

A new tune had just begun to play.

Mesmerized by the mysterious man who’d appeared out of nowhere, she knew she had to. “I’d love to dance with you.”

The handsome stranger smiled as he took her in his arms and swept her out onto the dance floor.

The melody was a slow one, and Alyssa couldn’t have been more pleased. She felt as if she were floating on air as they moved together.

About the Author:

After working as a department manager for Famous-Barr, and briefly as a clerk at a bookstore, Bobbi Smith gave up on career security and began writing. She sold her first book to Zebra in 1982. Since then, Bobbi has written over 40 books and several short stories. To date, there are more than five million of her novels in print. She has been awarded the prestigious Romantic Times Storyteller of the Year Award and two Career Achievement Awards. Her books have appeared on numerous bestseller lists. When she’s not working on her novels, she is frequently a guest speaker for writer’s groups. Bobbi is mother of two sons and resides in St. Charles, Missouri with her husband and three dogs.

Read on ?Kindle Unlimited or buy for only $0.99 during the month of January.

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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge for January 17, 2024

Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop”. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

Today’s topic is: New Words I’ve Learned Recently and Their Meanings

Hudson at the Track by Alexis Levesque – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Alexis Levesque will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Character Creation

Good day everyone!

My name is Alexis Levesque and in today’s blog stop, I am talking about the process of my character creation.

I had this vision to create a book for my own child where he could be the main character in the story. While at the engineer school, I’ve decided to use efficient time management between lunch time and breaks to draft my vision onto paper. I am by no means an artist but good enough for someone to understand the pictures with a clear description of the illustrations.

My plan was to create a book about motocross for my son, Hudson, who is already riding his bike at home and including us, his parents, and his little brother that we also feature in the book.

Once my story was in line and my illustrations were all completed to the best of my ability, I connected with Tellwell publishing. Tellwell was very helpful and provided me with all the tools I needed to bring my project to life and to a high standard. I was able to connect with a professional illustrator and editor through a project manager who was assigned to me to ensure the product in creation was in line with my vision.

I decided to bring this project to life so Hudson, my child, could have his own book and to also show him that everything is possible and doable if you take the time to focus on the task. He is very proud of his book especially when he sees that customers are buying it from a store where he dropped off copies on consignment.

Readers, hope you enjoyed this short story and follow us next week for another blog stop!

Please leave us an honest review 🙂

Discover the importance of safety gear, perseverance, and bike maintenance in this thrilling motocross adventure. Let the story be the starting point of your child`s imagination. Encourage them to step outside of the book into the world of motocross where they set the limits and make anything possible.

About the Author: Alexis Levesque is from Québec, Canada, and always had an interest in motocross. Fueled by this passion, he embarked on a creative journey to craft a children’s book centered around motocross, featuring his son Hudson as the main character. Today, Alexis, along with his family of four, resides in New Brunswick, Canada.

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Buy the book at Amazon.

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