Wounded Cowboy by Jan Irving
Publisher: Total-E-Bound Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (99 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play, Toys, Spanking
Rating: 3.5 cherries
Reviewed by CoreopsisWhen Charlie Danvers finds Luka, a beautiful scarred man with silken black hair and feral green eyes, naked and freezing in an April snowstorm, he takes him home to his lonely cabin, unaware the man who can’t sleep in a bed or use cutlery is far more than he seems.
Wolf-shifter Luka is dying. He survived captivity and abuse from the brutal pack that killed his family, holding out because of dreams of a man with big, gentle hands. When Charlie Danvers finds a beautiful scarred man with long silken black hair and feral green eyes, naked and freezing in an April snowstorm, he takes him home to his lonely cabin and will do anything to heal him.
At first, Luka is afraid, even of Charlie. He has nightmares and can’t sleep in a bed like a normal person and he can’t even figure out how to use a knife and fork at Charlie’s table. But Charlie’s patience is rewarded as Luka slowly comes out of his shattered pain, helping Charlie take care of the other wounded creatures on his nature reserve.
Love can blossom even when all hopes seems lost and for Charlie and Luka it’s their hope and strength that lead them to a love worth fighting for. This is the fourth installment of Jan Irving’s Uncommon Cowboys series and she takes the readers on a journey through the darkest actions suffered upon a person and the struggles they go through to overcome their fears.
Luka is a werewolf on the run from an abusive pack. My heart wept for this character. The things this young shifter had suffered through would have broken most people but it’s his faith in his dreams of a man, a man he calls the healer, that keep him going. Through the pages of Wounded Cowboy I get to see Luka grow, become stronger, and start to believe in himself all from the love of a gentle man.
Charlie, like Luka, is standoffish but for different reasons. Charlie is a man who is a loner; he likes to be around people but prefers the sanctuary of his animal preserve on his quiet mountain. When Charlie is first introduced he’s the strong one, taking care of Luka and helping the man he found in the snow. But further in the story their roles change and Luka becomes the assertive, aggressive one and Charlie the submissive. The author did a good job describing Charlie’s attraction to Luka and his need to loved and dominated by Luka.
The sexual encounters between Luka and Charlie are definitely a toe curler.In all great love stories trouble doesn’t linger far behind. The pack that held Luka captive comes looking for him and when push comes to shove, Luka shines and dominates. The love of a mate is a powerful thing and in this story the reader is taken step by step of Luka’s transition from being the scared abused wolf to a powerful man, willing to do all it takes to keep his mate and pack safe.
The one thing in this story that bothered me was the way Luka was a constant contradiction to himself. He was abused and assaulted for over half his life and one minute he would be against anything sexual. He proclaimed it was ugly but then in the next instant he was all over Charlie and wanting him sexually. This was an occurrence that happened more than once in the book. I felt it hard to believe that this character who had suffered so much could so easily change his mind so quickly in regards to something he felt so strongly about.
This book is fourth in the series and could be read as a standalone but I would recommend reading the first three beforehand. References are made to previous characters and it helps explains some things stated in this book becaues it gives the reader a better clarification for some of the tension between characters.
Overall I found Wounded Cowboy an entertaining fast paced read. I’m a fan of Mrs. Irving’s work and would recommend her to all readers.
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