Viscount Breckenridge to the Rescue by Stephanie Laurens

Viscount Breckenridge to the Rescue by Stephanie Laurens
Publisher: Avon Publishing
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (447 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 5 Books
Review by: Honeysuckle

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Miss Heather Cynster . . . but not before she encounters kidnappers, danger, and a daring rescue at the hands of Viscount Breckenridge

Determined to hunt down her very own hero, one who will sweep her off her feet and into wedded bliss, and despairing of finding him in London’s staid ballrooms, Heather Cynster steps out of her safe world and boldly attends a racy soiree.

But her promising hunt is ruined by the supremely interfering Viscount Breckenridge, who whisks her out of scandal—and straight into danger, when a mysterious enemy seizes her, bundles her into a coach, and conveys her out of London.

Now it’s up to the notorious Breckenridge to prove himself the hero she’s been searching for all along . . .

Kidnapped right off the fashionable London streets and spirited away across the Scottish border. Heather Cynster is hardly a scared school room miss but even she finds the situation a bit frightening. If only she had a hero!

Author Stephanie Laurens has added a terrifically exciting new trilogy to the amazing world of the Cynster family. Heather Cynster is the oldest daughter of Lord Martin and Lady Celia Cynster. Anyone who has picked up one of Ms. Laurens Cynster novels knows when you mess with one of the family you risk taking on the whole brood and they are a formidable bunch!

I truly enjoyed Heather! She’s intelligent, resourceful, and stubborn to a fault. While the story is centered on her kidnapping and subsequent rescue, it’s the journey that she and Breckenridge take to realize their HEA that kept me turning the virtual pages. He is the ideal hero who struggles with the need to protect the woman he comes to love and admire and an understanding of her personality to know that forcing her to bend to his will won’t win him any brownie points.

Heroines that make you proud to be a woman and heroes that have you begging for your own are a hallmark of Ms. Lauren’s writing style. The Cynster trilogies are guaranteed to be bookshelf keepers and I’ve only read the first of the three. On her website Ms. Laurens explains how the stories are stand alone in their individual romances but that they also overarch one another with a thrilling background story of the mysterious laird that seems determined to get his hands on a Cynster sister.

If you love breathtaking pictorials that sweep you into the scenes, harrowing cross country treks and a blossoming tension-filled romance between two characters clearly meant for one another then you will really enjoy Viscount Breckenridge to the Rescue. The title says a lot but in the end I think they ultimately rescued each other from a life without true love. Middle sister Eliza’s story is next and we get a sneak preview of her adventure at the end of Heather’s story. It starts with a bang and much like Heather’s story it’s sure to be a “can’t miss” book.

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