Thursday Spotlight: Tory Richards

Animals in Romance

You probably think that when I say animals in romance I’m talking about werewolves. I wish! Werewolf stories are hot. But I have yet to venture down that road. No, when I say animals in romance, I’m talking about your typical household pets.

I’m an animal lover. I have three furry felines of my own. And each one is as different as the next. They have their own little personalities and quirks. And they’re entertaining. Because of that, you’re going to find an animal of some kind in a lot of my books. And not just in the background, either.

They can bring a lot of character to a plot.

In Cupid’s Arrow, it was a dog that brought Emma and Mike together for the first time. In my first book with Whiskey Creek Press, Cupid’s Arrow didn’t have a very big role in the story but the concept certainly gave me something to think about, and the possibilities were endless. It was like a light bulb going off. 🙂

I came to realize that animals can play an important role in stories. After all, we have them in real life, too. And with the right script they can be just as entertaining as the hero and heroine. You can use them to your advantage and their presence, under the right circumstances, is a great page filler.

Annie had a mynah bird named Harold in All the Right Moves. He added a lot of humor to the story and was a source of annoyance to the hero. Come to think of it he annoyed Annie, too, when in the mornings the first thing out of his beak was “You need a man”! I mean, can you imagine waking up in the bed of a handsome stud, to hear your pet bird saying something like that?

When the contract was over with the first publisher and I received the book rights back, I added over 20,000 words of new content including a whole new last chapter. It’s being considered for print publication with a new publisher. Keep your fingers crossed! I’d love to see this book go into print.

One of my little felines, Rufus, made his debut in It’s All in the Jeans. If it hadn’t been for him getting stuck up a tree Logan and Libby might never have met. Some, ah, interesting discoveries were made while they were rescuing Rufus from that tree.

A white wolf was our hero’s cabin companion in Someone to Love Me, a story that takes place in the Alaskan wilderness, and a mischievous dog named Dammit came between Mike and Maggie in Wicked Desire.

As an animal lover it’s cool reading romances that have pets in them.


  1. I’m an animal lover too, and love when the writer has animals in there stories. I really liked Cupid’s Arrow and the dog was great in it because I know some friends that have met because of there dogs.

  2. I was raised on a farm and just love all types of animals.

    I have not read too many books that had animals (as pets, not as monsters!) and I look forward in reading Cupid’s Arrow.

    Tracey D

  3. I find no matter what I’m writing, an animal creeps into the story. I’m glad you liked Cupid’s Arrow.

  4. Most of my books have animals in them, Tracey. Dogs, cats and even a mynah bird. I’ve always liked animals.

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