Thursday Spotlight: Marianne Arkins

“The Christmas Curse” was done as a response to a call for holiday stories from The Wild Rose Press. By the time I saw this call-out, I had very little time to respond, so this story was quickly thought and even more quickly written. It, along with “Pregnancy Cravings”, was written in first person initially. I find that I am funnier in first person, and this story was meant to be along the lines of a tragicomedy.

My poor heroine has spent her life having horrible things happen to her during the Christmas season and I had a blast thinking of what those things could be. Sadly, one of her misfortunes—a training bra in her Christmas stocking when she was in sixth grade, observed by all the males in her family—actually happened to me. I still remember (even after more years then I care to talk about) pulling out the gaily wrapped package from my stocking, tearing into it and … seeing this unmentionable! My brother and step-father were RIGHT THERE. The only thing that might have been worse would be if it had been sanitary supplies.

And, so because I’m told I should “write what I know”, the same thing happened to her. As well as so much more. And, for her hero I gave her the man who was the cause of all her misfortune in this particular holiday season. What could be better?

For an excerpt, blurb, book trailer and more for “The Christmas Curse”, visit here:

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