Taming Rowan by Suzanne Barrett

Taming Rowan by Suzanne Barrett
Publisher: Turquoise Morning Press
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary
Length: Full Length (190 pgs)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 5 books
Reviewed by Aloe

Karin Williams’ devastatingly handsome project officer has a boulder-sized chip on his shoulder. Rowan Marsden expected a male engineer and he’s not giving Karin an inch. Working conditions are…tense. Even…worse, she must share on-site accommodations with the sexy Brit who she fears will break her heart. What’s a girl to do?

If Rowan had his way, he’d never work with a woman. Yet as Karin demonstrates her expertise on the job, he cannot deny his growing respect for her–or his desire. He wants the passion she offers, but not the commitment. Until a horrendous accident at the project site threatens Karin’s life, and proves that even a wounded man is destined to love….

Karin knew the project officer on her next assignment was male and didn’t like women, but she figured she can handle the old crotchety fellow anyway. What she didn’t anticipate was that he would be a handsome hunk of a young man and that he would still feel that way.

This author has created a fun premise for her story. She takes an attractive young woman who does a traditionally male job and puts her on-site for said job in an isolated area. Not only must Karin prove her worth as an engineer, she has to deal with the scorn of her boss and the fact that she must share quarters with him due to limited housing. With all this conflict in a cramped travel trailer and a small office, you can all but feel the smoldering fire burst into flame.

Rowan loved once and got burned. He doesn’t care if Karin looks like a goddess, he’s not interested. And she looks too much like his ex-wife anyway. Ms. Barrett makes him a brash, belligerent character that has a heart there somewhere, but he’s not using it. She makes Karin pretty, intelligent, and independent and the two characters clash quite often throughout the story. Rowan is drawn to her and doesn’t want to be and Karin doesn’t always do what she’s told like a good girl. I could easily relate to Karin. Being independent myself, I found it easy to empathize with her position in life.

Watching these two do battle with each other is the most amusing part of the story. There is explicit sex in the story, but it fits. It’s part of Rowan trying to come to terms with his feelings for Karin. Even the story of their engineering feat is good reading. The smaller characters are all interesting, too. This author has created a “family” of engineers. Having the story set in England is an additional bonus. You even get to walk the fell with Karin and Rowan.

Why not get a copy of this book for you and watch these two fight their way to love? It’s a very good read.

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