Surrender Your Heart by Serenity Woods

Surrender Your Heart by Serenity Woods
Publisher: Noble Romance
Genre: Contemporary, Historical, Sci-fi/Fantasy
Length Short Story (46 pgs)
Other: M/F
Rating: 5 Cherries
Reviewed by Mazus

One night of passion with the man you’ve dreamed about every night for ten years . . . What lady can resist that?

After three months of holding out against her Yorkist besiegers, Lady Eleanor de Woodford finally surrenders her Lancastrian castle to Sir Henry de Tracey, only then realising he’s the man she fell in love with ten years ago. However the once boyish Hal has grown into a powerful, impressive knight, a man used to being obeyed, who’s not going to let their past change the fact that he wants her castle, and he wants it now!

Although she knows she should hate Henry for betraying the real king and killing her husband, having suffered seven years of marriage to a selfish, sometimes cruel man, Eleanor is desperate for a night of freedom before she’s married off again to some old knight in a faraway land. She asks Henry for one night of passion and he, still finding her the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, is happy to oblige. Eleanor has already surrendered her castle. She doesn’t realise she’s about to surrender her heart as well . . .

Standing tall and head held high, Lady Eleanor de Woodford faces the knight who killed her husband in battle. Though scared and uncertain of whether the knight will harm her or her people she faces him with great courage, only to realize the knight is her long lost love.

Sir Henry de Tracey is flabbergasted when he meets the Lady of the castle, Eleanor, the one who got away. Lady Eleanor had been married to an oaf of a man, left unloved and unsatisfied throughout her entire marriage, so she decides to take one night with the man she had dreamt of for years. She has a lot to learn and a lot to lose. Can she give herself to the man who once meant so much to her for only one night?

I adored this story. Its heartwarming tale took me to another time. The blurb just does not do it justice. I was able to feel Lady Eleanor’s uncertainties and desires. For such a short novella the characters are so thoroughly created you truly feel as if you know them. The descriptions are superb and very well written.

Though this book is short it is heartfelt and sensual, I highly recommend it be read. I give this novella high praise because it is not often I have come across such a well written “Second chance at love” story.


  1. I’ve read some of Serenity’s other work and think she’s a wonderful writer. Her characters are vivid and her descriptions are amazing.

    This is a great review and one I can’t wait to agree with from personal experience.

    I’m off to buy my own copy!

  2. Thank you so much for this lovely review! It’s wonderful to know someone has read and liked my story. And thank you Gina, too. I really appreciate your lovely comment 🙂

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