Stoneface by Tymber Dalton

Stoneface by Tymber Dalton
Publisher: Siren Publishing, Inc.
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (279 pages)
Other: M/M/F, M/M, Ménage, Anal Play
Rating: 5 Cherries
Reviewed by Moonflower

Gwen has a cheating ex, a paranoid best friend, crazy overprotective and ultra-religious parents…and is a successful erotica writer. Forced to overcome her fear of flying to search for her sister in Rapid City, Gwen doesn’t expect to run into her internet buddy, Tim. Better yet, Tim’s boyfriend, Jack, is a police detective. They welcome Gwen and her older brother, Liam, to stay with them during their search.

Jack earned his “Stoneface” nickname after personal tragedy hardened his heart. He loves Tim, but Gwen stirs up painful memories that make Jack’s feelings for her suspect in his own mind. It doesn’t help that he falls in love with her.

Unfortunately, finding their sister leads to more problems. Shattered trust, broken hearts, and Liam coming out to their parents in a defiant showdown make Gwen question her priorities. Can she risk her heart again trying to break through Jack’s “Stoneface” façade?

Stoneface is a tale with characters that you fall in love with because of the emotions they invoke and the complexity of the story that is told. The storytelling is intense and gripping. Why can’t all love stories be this sexy yet sweet?

Gwen is a woman forged in strength. She is a very strong woman that has had to survive first the repressive hand of her parents, but then the cheating of her ex-husband. She has an amazing career and supportive siblings. Her strength is tested when she must go search for her missing sister, Amy. Gwen battles her crippling fear of flying to search for her sister in Rapid City, South Dakota. While in Rapid City Gwen meets lovers, Tim and Jack.

Tim has been a fan of Gwen’s for years and she has held a secret place for her in his heart. He is the owner of two bookstores, one in Laguna Beach, California and the other in Rapid City. They have shared an internet correspondence relationship that has blossomed into an amazing online friendship, though they have never met face to face. Gwen has no idea that Tim has relocated to Rapid City and is pleasantly shocked to find a friendly face when she needs one most.

Jack is known to his lover as Stoneface. He is a strong brooding man with a painful past and rarely shows his softer side. He is a detective in town and his first meeting with a feisty Gwen is a memorable one. There are several reasons Jack won’t initially help Gwen help find her sister, one of them being she reminds him of someone. Eager to have her business in town complete, Jack assists her with the task and the mystery behind the missing sister is revealed.

In the midst of the whole mystery of Amy, the three of them find that their attraction is too strong and they don’t waste any time showing it. But this is a case of too much too soon and after a painful confrontation they go their separate ways. Their time apart is riddled with pain and change.

The subplot of Amy’s disappearance truly weaves this story together. It compiles all the characters, to make an engaging and appealing story. Ms. Dalton wrote an enthralling tale that showcased her ability to write believable characters with emotions and depth. She captures your attention and you feel like you are a part of their journey and tribulations.

Stoneface is an exceptionally well written story. The love and pain these three characters share is so strong and touching, all you can do is open your heart to them. This is another Dalton tale that will forever be a part of my collection.

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