Spring Training by Devon Rhodes

Spring Training by Devon Rhodes
Publisher: Total-E-Bound
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (47 pgs)
Other: M/F
Rating: 3.5 cherries
Reviewed by Anemone

With two diverging careers on the line, Teri and Aaron are torn between the right thing to do…and what feels so right to them.

With a son who’s played since he could walk, Teri lives, eats and breathes baseball. She was almost more excited than Emery when his invitation to a minor league team’s training camp came. But excited doesn’t begin to describe her reaction to Em’s new mentor, Aaron Reynolds. A spring fling? Just the ticket.

Fighting a chronic injury, Aaron is biding his time until he can return to the majors. Being assigned a mixed-up rookie to babysit is fine with him, especially one that come with a sassy, sexy camp follower like Teri. But he soon finds he has his hands full…trying to keep Emery on the straight and narrow…and trying to keep his liason with Teri strictly physical.

Spring love is in the air! Teri is a mother of twins, and one of them, Emery, is wildly talented at baseball. After her son is scouted for a minor league team, she visits him to be a good mother and check up on him. His roommate Aaron lets her in and immediately the sparks fly.

Aaron is actually a famous ball player on the injured list and when he heard Emery’s number one fan was stopping by, he was expecting a groupie, not the gorgeous 43 year-old mother of his new roommate. He can’t help being attracted to her, even though she’s his roommate’s mom.

Ms. Rhodes has crafted a sweet romance between these two characters. The plot wasn’t complex but instead concentrated on Teri and Aaron, and of course Emery getting into trouble. While the conflict is light between these two, the plot was enjoyable. When they finally hooked up in the end, you could hear the fans go wild. The sex was more on the less explicit side but still satisfying.

My only question was… what happened to the twins? They stole the show! But if you enjoy heroes who know how to swing their bat properly, if you have thing for baseball players, then this book is a must buy. Ms. Rhodes is an auto-buy for me and if you are a fan of hers, this is a title you are sure to enjoy.

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