Rules of Arrest by Aurora Rose Lynn
Publisher: Total-E-Bound
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (45 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/F, M/F/M, Ménage, Anal Play, Voyeurism
Rating: 3 Cherries
Reviewed by EverlastingAn arrest encourages delicious possibilities for sex…
Chloe Denton’s new, minimalist look gets her arrested! The handsome, off duty sheriff detains her in the back seat of his cruiser but now there’s an emergency Trent Jacobi never anticipated.
Will Chloe consider a threesome? Is she a ball buster? And how many times can he pretend to arrest her for the sake of more hot sex?
What is hotter than being handcuffed and arrested by the sexiest sheriff you have ever seen?
This author managed to create two characters that brought me into their world, making me a voyeur to their life. As she introduced the heroine, Chloe, she also introduced Chloe’s feelings about her life being destroyed by her divorce. What woman hasn’t been through a horrible divorce and lost her identity as her husband walks out the door? Aurora Rose Lynn has brought out feelings of love, loss and renewal as she introduced her hero in the book. Trent, the extremely sexy sheriff, is the walking wet dream that every woman wants to open her eyes to as he faces off with Chloe.
Just when I was comfortable being the reading voyeur to Chloe and Trent, the author introduced the step-brother, Jeff, the elusive bad boy who was going to help fulfill Chloe’s dreams. This sexy man makes a unexpected appearance in the storyline and left me fanning myself from the sexy scenes he is in.
From the beginning, the author built the story with heartfelt emotions bringing the reader into the action.
In the middle of the tale, Ms. Lynn became a little wordy but there was still enough passion and vibrant emotion to keep me hooked on the storyline. As a short story it is exactly what someone is wanting from of a quick read: hot, steamy and interesting.I can’t wait for the next book to come from this author. She is definitely someone that I will be following in the future. Everyone should put this book on their short story list.
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