Body Moves
by Jodi Lynn CopelandWelcome to Private Indulgence, a spa like no other, hidden away on a lush island in the Caribbean. Two very different women are about to meet the men of their dreams… and make their wildest sexual fantasy come true…
For plastic surgeon Danica Crosby, Private Indulgence is a proud achievement. The luxurious, secluded resort caters to every possible human need – but Danica has never explored her own. Then gorgeous, hard-bodied Jordan Cameron checks in. For the first time, Danica is the one to strip off her clothes as Jordan’s hot hands and talented mouth strip away her inhibitions and reveal her wildest desires…PRIVATE FANTASIES
Logan Delaney is tired of the same old, same old. Private Indulgence is just the place to find out what a makeover will do for her curves, her confidence – and the sex life she’s always longed for. Tanner Grey is up for that – and the man is everything she’s always wanted. He’s determined to show her exactly how hot, wet, skin-to-skin passion can transform a woman…
If you’re looking for a couple of novellas that will entertain and bring the heat, then you’ll like Body Moves. They were both great for a quick getaway that was both entertaining and sultry. Quite appropriate considering it’s set on a resort island.
In PRIVATE PASSION we’re introduced to two feisty people who are at cross purposes, without even realizing it. Well, without one of them realizing it, anyway. When Jordan Cameron sets out for Private Indulgence, he’s going there to prove that the owner of the facility isn’t a good investment, not realizing how cynical he’s become in his work-all-the-time world. He thinks he’s protecting someone he loves, and while good intentioned, his intentions aren’t quite honorable. When he meets Danica, he does everything wrong, in a most magnificent way. Quite often he let that same cynicism get the better of his common sense. Several times I wanted to smack him upside his head for the way he behaved, and so did Danica, but in the end he redeems himself in quite an admirable way.
Danica is the proud owner of Private Indulgence with her own demons to fight, but she’s not about to let them get the better of her. She was incredibly determined and had a very quirky sense of humor (not to mention a very interesting personal assistant who believed she was psychic). Something about Jordan rubs her the wrong way, and at the same time she can’t seem to get enough of him. She keeps saying off-the-wall things that are quite hilarious when you look at the context in which they are taken, and I found her quite endearing. She seemed to me to be the perfect example of that friend we all have who we want to see happy, but there just don’t seem to be any men out there smart enough to appreciate what she has to offer.
PRIVATE FANTASIES was the second novella contained in this book.
The characters were just as fun as in the first tale, and equally flawed. Logan Delaney was quite fierce and I really liked her spunk. She knows what she wants, or at least she thinks she does until she meets Tanner. All her adult life Logan has been convinced that men don’t find her as sexy as her more… curvy counterparts, and are threatened by the fact that she knows her way around an engine better than they do. She’s intent on her goal to get implants to increase her sex appeal to the opposite sex. She’s going to end her sexual drought one way or another. When she finds herself having much deeper feelings than just lust for Tanner, she’s not quite sure what to do about it.Tanner used to be the island Lothario until he realized how empty the sex for sex’s sake was. He made a vow to himself that he would be celibate until he could have a meaningful relationship. When he feels an instant pull to Logan, who was supposed to be his patient, he decides to convince her that a meaningful relationship is so much better than what she is aiming for. Tanner was really irresistible, and I found I was rooting for him.
Both of the novellas in this book were pretty well written. They were a great example of loving someone for who they are, both on the outside as well as the inside, and that is something we don’t see enough of.
The only issues that I had with this book were that they seemed to stall a bit near the middle, but then picked back up, and while the second story takes place on the same island at the same resort/medical facility, we don’t get to meet up with the previous characters. I felt that it would have been nice to get a sort of “update” on Danica and Jordan, but they weren’t even mentioned. Half the fun of reading a story in the same setting as a previous one written by the same author is getting to play catch up with old friends. While not a necessary ingredient for a good “sequel”, it still adds to the enjoyment of a story. These things were relatively minor, and didn’t detract from my enjoyment of either story, so I only mention them in passing.
Jodi Lynn Copeland is a very creative writer who blends the right amount of romance with erotic sex to create a well-balanced, enjoyable read. There were quite a few incredibly steamy scenes that were very inventive (a scene on the golf course springs to mind!). All in all this was a fun couple of stories by a talented author. I look forward to more of what Ms. Copeland has to offer.
Reviewed by Viscaria
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