Protect and Serve: Legal Beagle by Cynthia Sax

Protect and Serve: Legal Beagle by Cynthia Sax
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (37 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/F, Anal Play, Forced Seduction, Fetish, Toys, Spanking
Rating: 3.5 cherries
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

My name is Officer Wright. I’m genetically enhanced as one of the city’s finest, and a normal day for me involves plugging liquid sunshine into rogue vamps, tagging and bagging renegade werewolves, and putting the fear of the badge into all criminals.

But these are not normal days. While my partner takes a leave of absence to bang his bunny, I’m stuck on babysitting duty. Yeah, stop laughing. It would be more humorous except the chick I’m tailing is a hot little beagle-shifting judge, and when she takes the bench, believe me, my whole body comes to order.

It’s another odd shifter combination with cute puppy-isms and some fascinating role playing to keep a reader entertained and interested.

Overall, my favorite thing about this story is the author’s reference to the heroine being a dog. I laughed out loud about the affects a ball has on her, I got a kick out of the fact that when the heroine shifted, her inner puppy takes over and she’s all sorts of cute. I also enjoyed the visuals the author painted when Sadie was defending herself in puppy form. In spite of the fact that it was a scene with light drama, I giggled. I also appreciated the fact that the author created a strong female lead that didn’t bow down to pressure from the bad guys. She’s quite the woman.

Wright is the hero in more ways than one. He’s Sadie’s personal hero but he’s a man with a badge, so his very nature is about protecting the community at large from some very bad characters. He’s an enhanced being so everything thing about him is larger than life – bad for the bad guys and extremely sexy for the heroine. His dialogue is a bit gritty and rough, which fits his personality, right up until the last line in the story.

I’ve used a gavel a time or two when I was president of a club for a few years. Never in my wildest and most kinky dreams would I have thought to do what Wright did. Readers are in for an eyeful. Not only that but the role playing I mentioned before took on a whole new level because both parties are in the legal profession and the double plays on words brought smiles and chuckles.

There is mild suspense and drama to spice things up and it propels their relationship to the next level – that of being a serious and committed couple.

Because this is another short story in the Serve and Protect series, I’ve come to expect the first person point of views in each chapter. I have always thought it was an interesting touch because then readers know what is going on for both the hero and heroine and it’s always fun to see how different the guys are from gals.

That being said, and because the villain had so much potential to be nastier, more of a real threat, I felt disconnected from the seriousness of it. The author initially tried to build up the tension so a reader would know that there was some hefty weight behind Sadie’s job, but it never pulled me in. That’s the quandary of a story of less than fifty pages – a reader gets teased with something that the author truly showed a talent for exploring but because of space constraints, can’t expound on it. As it is, Ms. Sax zeroed in on the relationship and how Sadie and Wright investigated it to their lustful satisfaction, many times and for one scene, in a unique way. For readers who are looking for the erotic element, it’s there and Ms. Sax delivered. For those that are looking for a deeper connection with the plot, they won’t find it here. The book focuses on pure entertainment.

Protect and Serve: Legal Beagle is adorable, funny and sexy. It’s a great length for readers who want a story that serves as an appetizer. You know the kind – enough to tide you over, satisfies the taste buds and makes a reader feel romantically refreshed – with a kick. It’s a fast yet good read.

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