Personal Tutor by Emma Paul
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (80 pgs)
Other: m/f/m, m/f, menage
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by StephanotisIt has been three months since Daniella Brandon’s divorce. Worse her ex has hooked up with a blond bombshell half his age. With out a job, desperate and in debt, Daniella decides to answer and ad for a female companion to “teach” a wealthy twenty-some-thing young man “the ropes”. Little does she realize or bargain for that the ad is for not one but two hot twenty-some-thing-twin brothers.
Trace and Cage have a very interesting proposition for her. Both men want to share her for two weeks and are willing to pay a hefty fee. Out of desperation–and like it or not she is very attracted to the two young men–Daniella accepts. However, things soon become more complicated, and she finds herself, falling hard and fast for one of the twins.
Part of the appeal of reading a story is living vicariously through the characters and that’s what happens in Personal Tutor. We can sympathize with Daniella because she seems to have a run of bad luck. Divorce, and now the prospect of a job she knows she’ll hate, but the bills are piling up. However, along comes an opportunity to be a ‘personal tutor’ to a hunky guy. This is the point in the story where I asked myself, if I was her, would I sleep with this man for the money that would pay off my debt?
The author did a great job making me feel like I needed to answer that very question. I think that’s because Daniella is portrayed as someone quite realistic. She could actually be one of your best friends who’s going through a rough patch which I felt was the most enjoyable part of this story. There’s that push pull thing that makes this sort of story fun, too. And when she does make the decision, I felt like I was actually thrown into her next dilemma; two hunky guys waiting for attention.
If you’re short on time but need your reading fix, check out Personal Tutor by Emma Paul.
Thank you so much for the wonderful review!