Pack of Lies by Vanessa Vaughn

Pack of Lies by Vanessa Vaughn
Publisher: Ravenous Romance
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Full Length (184 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/F, M/F/M, M/M, F/M/M, Ménage, Multiple Partners, Anal Play, Forced Seduction
Rating: 4.5 Cherries
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

When Jack is attacked by a powerful werewolf one moonlit night, his world is forever changed.

Marcus is that wolf, the strong leader of his pack, who never imagined a mere mortal could ever escape him, much less ever become one of his kind. And yet, as time passes, he can’t deny the handsome human is slowly beginning to change.

No longer the civilized architect he used to be, Jack feels a new power coalescing inside of him. He barely even recognizes himself as he becomes more sexual, more impulsive, more wild in every way.

But as the bite transforms him, it also binds he and his attacker together forever. The two share a powerful unbreakable link, no matter how forcefully they may each try to deny it. Marcus is already hiding secrets from the other wolves, and his position as Alpha is threatened. Could Jack be the new ally Marcus needs to set things right, or will their desire for one another draw them away from all they know and alter the course of their lives forever?

This is the werewolf story to read if you are looking for grit, dark desires and a rough and tumble type of plot.

This book follows Marcus and Jack. Chapters take turns being in first person POV for each of them. I got to see that being the Alpha for Marcus is hard and he tries to enforce rules that were in place before him. He doesn’t like it but it’s all he’s known. Those very same rules reinforce his loneliness and I felt it wasn’t fair at all. Why should a man be denied love just because he doesn’t follow the status quo? Because I think they’d shred and eat the poor guy, alpha or no. How does a man fight against that?

Jack is a human that gets bitten. He has to face losing who he was and try to fit into Marcus’s world. The thing is Jack has a lot more integrity and feelings than Marcus is used to. Jack is a man who always wanted to please a lover and this new ferocious passion within him threatens that consideration. He wants to survive because, in turning werewolf, he’s found something special to fight for. He has a lot to learn and I felt bad for him too. Once he got over his initial denial stage, he was willing to try. It takes a lot of courage to do that.

The conflict isn’t only about facing the change going from human to something other. It’s about betrayals and about staying true to oneself. It’s also about standing up for what’s right and being aware of someone else’s feelings and then sticking up for them, no matter the price. It’s a bad turn of events when a person Jack thought he could count on ended up not being what he thought. Before we talk about infertility, let’s look at the factors that can boost up the risk are:- Pregnancy Diabetes Unhealthy eating habits Menopause Important things to keep in mind that this medicine isn’t for all. viagra canada pharmacy Manufacturing levitra generika 20mg and selling duplicate drugs is an offence however it is also true that some people make counterfeit medicines using inferior quality material for profit. In case official store cialis without prescription you find any delay in getting the delivery, they won’t hesitate in cancelling your order and proceed with checkout. Some babies levitra without prescription spit out food first few times, which is completely normal. It was not only a shock for him but me too. I never saw that coming and it saddened me. It made for great drama and it packed a powerful punch but I still felt bad for Jack. Poor guy.

The secondary characters are, as far as I’m concerned, all jerks. I think they believe they are superior and righteous and therefore above humans. I personally believe all of them should become area rugs. I didn’t like them, I think they were all bad guys and I’m amazed Marcus had the ability to keep any form of decency or ability to recognize a higher moral plane after being with them as long as he had. It made me respect Marcus’ character more.

The romance between Marcus and Jack is rough, passionate and very hot. There are some other combinations of sex earlier on that read like just what they are, lustful primal urges with no emotional connection. It’s not that way with Marcus and Jack and that’s why it works so well. There is a clear delineation between the two. The author did an excellent job of that.

On the whole this book was intense. Pack of Lies is not for a reader looking for lighthearted fluff. It’s dark; it’s violent and has a very real feel to it. I liked Marcus and Jack and although the ending has them together, I have a feeling it won’t be an easy road. I hope Ms. Vaughn gives me a chance to revisit these two guys again because I want to read another installment with the hopes that there will be more reasons for both Marcus and Jack to smile. In this book, they’ve earned it. Now I want to see it. The writing was done well enough for me to care. I believe other readers would feel the same and I recommend reading it to find out.

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