One Night With You by Vanessa Devereaux

One Night With You by Vanessa Devereaux
Publisher: Cobblestone Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (172 Pages)
Other: M/F
Rating: 5 Cherries
Reviewed by Clematis

Both nursing broken hearts, Dana and Mike meet at a New Year’s Eve Party. When the clock strikes midnight, a tipsy Dana tells Mike her New Year’s wish and that’s to get pregnant.

Mike, after being shot in the line of duty and being dumped by his wife, realizes he wants to be a father. When the two decide to have a baby without any strings attached, things get complicated and after they both realizing they’re falling in love, there’s no turning back.

Wow! A story where a couple has ‘vanilla’ sex, without the added enhancement of whips, belts and bonds, yet still manage to love every moment of the experience! This is simply a good old-fashioned love story and I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end!

The plot seems deceptively simple at first; two heart-heavy individuals, recovering from love’s crippling demise, meet again at a New Years party, where Dana reveals her wish to become a mother. Mike ponders what may be his last and only opportunity to procreate and the next day, offers every delectable inch of him as an alternative to the sperm bank. He wants to be there for the birth, to stay involved in their son or daughter’s future, without any strings attached to Dana. For both, it appears the perfect solution to avoiding the heartache that comes with relationships. But neither has counted on the powerful physical connection from the start, or the feelings and emotions invariably developing as time goes on. And it’s all just divine; Ms Devereaux’ characters are just fabulous.

My heart broke and ached with them and I confess to finding myself torn and teary, riveted to every word and elated with the eventual HEA. The heated love scenes between her leads were intensely passionate, while almost hilarious and yet so poignant to me, from the point of view, in that they themselves were so blind to its healing and loving power. By the time they realize the dangers, it’s far too late, and protecting their hearts from further involvement, the only viable action left to them. I loved that they were fallible and at times, awkward and uncertain. And I particularly enjoyed the make-out scene in the confined space, where I feel certain, many of us have found it ‘hot’ only because of the passion of the moment.

Handled beautifully by Ms Devereaux, with fabulous side characters that enrich the telling, her story is one that I recommend whole-heartedly, for the sheer enjoyment of it. Definitely inspires me to seek more of her work, past present and future, which I look forward to. If it sounds like your cup of tea, too, don’t miss this memorable, endearing romance, and don’t forget the tissues, as you’ll probably find out you need them!


  1. Thank you so much for this lovely review and happy to hear you enjoyed this story-Vanessa.

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