Mara’s Men by Faith Talbot
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (48 pgs)
Other: M/F/M, M/M, Ménage, Anal Play
Rating: 4 cherries
Reviewed by XeranthemumIn Cancun, Mara met Chris and Aaron, two mysterious men who spend most of their time under the ocean. They showed her a world she never could have imagined — and she chose to return to her normal life.
Now, months later, Mara returns to the Mexican beaches hoping to find what she left behind. But even if she does reunite with the two men who changed her world, how can she stay with them in their mysterious world under the sea?
This book was surprising. The author wrote a story that has wonderful and detailed descriptions that brought the ocean to life. There was one phrase that enchanted me – it summed up the beauty and intricate balance that comes from living in the water and it seemed to breathe romance.
I liked where Ms. Talbot introduced the main characters to a reader. It maximized the culmination of the romance in the tight framework of a short story. I found Mara, the heroine, at crossroads in her life. She was returning to the place where she felt the most connected, satisfied and loved but needed to know if it was a dream or could it be a reality that she could count on and believe in. It took courage to come back and it took true bravery of the heart to make the choice she did.
Aaron and Chris are the heroes. They not only love each other but they love Mara as well, one quicker to express it than the other. They live in the ocean and want her to join them but they know that it’s a tough choice to make for a land dweller. The author didn’t delve too deep into either character’s motivation or feelings. I was given just enough to understand that they did care for her, that they are nervous that she’ll turn them down and yet they remain hopeful. Certainly the care with which they treat the heroine was sweet and endearing. The guys were very protective of her.
The only glitch in the editing came from someone named Mark. I’m pretty sure that name wasn’t supposed to be there and now I’m wondering who that was supposed to be, if anyone. Other than that, the dialogue was interesting and really cool. This medicine should viagra buy in usa be eaten 45-60 minutes before the sexual activity is going on. Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft. 8(10):788-96, 2010 On the subject of Add and adhd additionally, the signs of Include and Add and adhd, to many it appears there may be genuinely oh dear to avoid several warning signs associated with Hyperactivity. cialis price brand The Acai Kapsule is superior to the frozen buy levitra from india berry as it contains all the health-beneficial elements of the original berry but none of the calories! It’s even certified kosher. To get rid of infertility it is advised to get the Hcg Hucog Injection which might increase the chances of getting pregnant. cialis österreich It’s fascinating because it wasn’t normal speech all the time. The author introduced some neat descriptions and explanations of how Aaron, Chris and eventually Mara, communicated while under water. It was sort of similar to what I’ve seen in other books but Ms. Talbot certainly put her own spin on things. I liked it a lot.
Another part that made this story rock was the part with the whales. That whole scene, the words the author used to paint the effect it had on Mara, was unique and truly inspired. I even liked the dialogue that transpired during that whole event. For me, that was one of the highlights of the book.
This is a character driven romance. There are no villains. Its focus is on Mara’s choice and the process she goes through to achieve her happily ever after. However, erotic romance readers will find plenty to satisfy their yearnings because Ms. Talbot delivered in that area too.
Mara’s Men is actually a very sweet story about a heroine who has to choose her path to happiness. She had to face her fears and grab onto the best thing that’s ever happened to her, even though it was fantastical and unbelievable. Aaron and Chris are her Rocks of Gibraltar – with them she can do anything. And that’s pretty much what it came down to. The happily ever after isn’t spelled out, it’s implied. And because of the words the author chose to use, I’m satisfied.
If a reader is looking for a truly unique and special spin on mer-people, with awe inspiring detail that makes a person feel like they’re underwater too, then grab a copy of Mara’s Men and submerse yourself in a very entertaining romance.
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