Love at First Sight by Cardeno C.

Love at First Sight by Cardeno C.
Publisher: Dreamspinner Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (210 pages)
Other: M/M, anal sex
Rating: 3 cherries
Reviewed by Cactus

Do you believe in love at first sight? Jonathan does: the moment he glimpsed the striking David from afar, he was hooked, but David disappeared before they could meet.

More than three years later, Jonathan gets a second chance—he and David finally meet face to face, and the two fall into a passionate love affair. David turns Jonathan’s previously lonely life into a fairy tale, giving him more than he ever imagined. But the past few years have been hard for Jonathan, and he’s terrified that his young son and scandalous past will be too much for David. If they’re going to build a future together, they’re both going to have to dig deep: David for the courage to share himself in a way he’s never considered… and Jonathan for the strength to tell the truth.

Love at first sight is rare enough but when it happens to two people, it may be something special. Or so Jonathan hopes. Jonathan saw the man of his dreams by chance on a trip to New York City. Determined to make that dream a reality he moved there but finding his man wasn’t as easy as Jonathan would have liked. After a few heartbreaking and life changing years, Jonathan returns home only to run into David, the man of his dreams, in a chance encounter. Now that Jonathan finally has the man of his dreams, he has to keep him, which means exposing his deep dark secret.

Love at First Sight is a very sweet, gentle romance. Although this is a book in the Home series, you don’t have to read the previous books to appreciate this one. Previous characters and couples appear throughout the story but the appearances are always very brief and inconsequential. In fact I’ve read the previous books but couldn’t remember the various couples and that didn’t affect this book at all. This story relies on super sweet romance that verges into being corny and a lot of coincidences. This is not something that always resonates well with me but readers who don’t mind inconsistencies or can overlook convenient setups likely won’t be bothered when these are used here.

Instead the romance and instant love and chemistry is the focus. This isn’t a surprise either from the series, the author or the title so fans of the author know going in that the stories tend to be heavy on the love and absent of any conflict. David and Jonathan meet, fall madly in love right away and proceed to have happy, mind blowing sex throughout the rest of the book. This isn’t bad per se if that’s what you’re looking for in a book and the “no complications, no drama, no problems” aspect will definitely appeal to some readers. The theme of love being everything and all things dominates the book as the happy couple oozes their love over everything and everyone (pun intended). Again this will appeal to certain readers who want that and while I don’t mind such a theme on occasion, this particular story went way too far into corny and obvious to truly appeal to me.

Jonathan and David are nearly perfect in their respective ways without much nuance or depth. The various secondary characters are exaggerations – from the two-year-old who speaks nearly perfect and complicated English to the various insane family members and friends who appear and, though I can’t believe I’m saying this, there are actually too many sex scenes.

Again this is all personal preference. While I may not have loved this for me, I can easily see why this story may appeal to readers who want an uncomplicated story about two men who fall, and stay, in love. It’s definitely sweet with a firm happy ending.

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