Knight Everlasting by Jackie Ivie

Knight Everlasting by Jackie Ivie
Publisher: Kensington
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (177 pages)
Heat Level: Hot
Rating: 4.5 books
Reviewed by Camellia

In the heat of battle, a powerful Scottish laird takes a mysterious woman captive…

His Powerful Desire

When Aidan MacKetryck finds a flaxen-haired maid caught in the crosshairs of battle, he quickly saves her from certain death. But while Aidan expects gratitude, he is sorely disappointed—for the fiery lass makes it clear she wants nothing to do with him…

Her Dangerous Secret

Juliana D’Aubenville is in hiding from those who want her entire family to perish. Despite her attraction to the strikingly handsome Aidan, Juliana knows she must escape before her identity is revealed. The trouble is, Aidan refuses to let her go…

Their Forbidden Love

With each moment Aidan and Juliana are together, their desire becomes more enticing—and harder to resist. But just as Aidan tries to lay claim to Juliana once and for all, their darkest secrets are finally revealed—putting both their love and their lives in terrible danger…

“Rash, reckless, thoughtless” Laird Aidan MacKetryck rescues Jullianna D. Aubenville, but Julianna vows he stole her. Pressed close together to hide from the enemy, Julianna feels sensations new to her while Aidan’s body and mind ignite with a desire like he has never before known, testing his self-control to the limit.

Aidan, no stranger to women, attributes the super charge of sexual desire to their near-death experience. He never felt such a need to possess a woman and deems it to be unhealthy and unbelievable. He recognizes she is a well-born, but assumes she belongs to the MacDonal clan. He doesn’t know she is one of the hated English.

While Juliana doesn’t understand her sexual response to Aidan, she does know how to survive. She and the steward, who had been killed in the foray that killed many of Aidan’s men, had escaped Fyfen Castle when Julianna’s father and all the household had been murdered. She survived the cold winter in a leaky croft, foraged for food, and disguised her identity. Stubborn, head-strong, quick-witted, and with a wicked tongue, she stands her ground with the barbaric Highlanders and patiently waits to escape. She withstands the rigorous traveling, the culture shock, the emotional growing pains that change her from the sheltered, well-brought-up English young lady to a passionate, independent-thinking woman who loves the volatile Laird Aidan Ketryck in spite of herself.

Secondary characters add a viciousness to life at the massive, impregnable Castle Ketryck. The “Black” Ketryck, Aidan’s uncle, plots against Aidan, Dame Lileth Fallaine-Dumphat works her magic (scary!) that augments intrigues, while Lady Reina works her special magic with Julianna—adorns her with scents and clothes that mesmerize the people at the feast. The many castle inhabitants who get caught up in the uncle’s machinations and Aidan’s determination to protect Julianna at all cost create adrenaline-pumping events that hold the reader spellbound.

Jackie Ivie is a fantastic story teller. Her descriptions of extreme emotion, whether it is a fight to the death or love making that transports to heavenly ecstasy, give the reader a vicarious experience in the thirteenth century Highlands where life was hard and the people who survived lived only by embracing extreme measures. Ms.Ivie weaves superstitions, humor of the time, unique customs of the Highlanders, and the unending struggle to hold on to power into Knight Everlasting, as she assails the reader’s senses and revs up the heartbeat with sensational loves scenes. WOW!

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