Howling for Kitty by S. Michael

Howling for Kitty by S. Michael
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (26 pgs)
Other: M/F , M/F/M, Ménage, Anal Play, Voyeurism
Rating: 3.5 cherries
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

Mac and Griff, mated werewolves, have been sniffing around sexy pole dancer Miss Kitty for days. They finally make their move, inviting her to join them for a coffee after her last shift one Saturday night.

Kari’s been hurt by shifters before, badly, and she carries the scars to prove it. She can’t deny that Mac and Griff are a sexy pair of pups, though, and she’s drawn to them despite herself.

Can the boys convince Kari that they’re not going to hurt her, and in fact are everything she’s been dreaming about — and more?

If a reader is short on time but long on wanting to read a book that condenses all the good stuff into one quick and entertaining package, then Howling for Kitty will satisfy the need.

Kari, Mac and Griff are the focus of the story and the goal of the two men is to convince the heroine what they know to be true – that they’d be great together. Their nose knows, so it should be a piece of cake, right? Not so fast. Kari has some past baggage that’s pretty hefty. Mac and Griff are going to have to do some pretty fancy talking, their actions are going to have to provide the proof Kari needs to believe in them, and they have a very short time to do it in. Talk about pressure.

Some readers might think the movement from meeting and into bed is too fast. This is a short story meant to entertain with sexy fluff and romance. The author provides just enough of a back story for a reader to understand Kari’s wariness. There is enough paranormal information to explain a few things which allows for the story to happen the way it does.

Through dialogue, the author showed me who was alpha and who was the submissive beta. Her descriptions were adequate for me to get a feel for what turns on each of the protagonists and the sexual persuasion was both hot and sweet. However, this story only works because of the paranormal aspect with which the author used to good effect.

My most favorite line in the whole book is, “She was going to smell wolfy for days.” I read it over a few times, with my grin getting wider and wider at each pass. It’s terrific.

Howling for Kitty is quite simply, fun for fun’s sake. It’s not rocket science, it’s entertainment. It has some very sexy scenes that scorched my eyebrows and the characters were cute. The story is a like an appetizer — it whets your appetite for more.

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