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However Long the Night by David Pereda
Publisher: Eternal Press
genre: Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery Length: Full Length (281 pgs)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by PoppyCuban-born, award-winning Miami Architect and successful real estate developer Cid Milan suddenly faces a dilemma when his dying father reveals to him a shocking twenty-five year old family secret. Cid realizes there is only one thing he can do to unravel the mystery of his own past and right the wrongs committed. He must return to the land he abandoned. In his quest, Cid rediscovers himself and his roots as he searches frantically throughout Cuba for his teenage flame, Sandra, and the secret she kept from him all these years. In the process, Cid learns an invaluable lesson about love, forgiveness and redemption which changes his life forever.
However Long the Night was a gritty, incredibly realistic portayal of life for Cid Milan, a Cuban who came to America more than twenty years prior to the story’s real beginning. Cid wasn’t always the most heroic of heroes, at least not at the start. I admit I struggled to like him for the first several chapters. He’s arrogant, selfish and I wasn’t overly impressed with his moral compass (especially about what caused an estrangement between him and his brother, Manny). Still, as time and pages passed, it became clear that Cid was molded by his past and that underneath the outer layer was a man with a good heart and a sense of right and wrong. I may not have always agreed with his behavior or choices, but I understood the reason why he acted the way he did.
This story is layered with conflict over conflict, from the discovery of a family secret and Cid’s decision to return to Cuba and the things he learns there, to the internal machinations of people looking to betray Cid within Cid’s own company. There’s so much going on sometimes, it leaves the reader breathless.
I thorougly enjoyed reading about Cuba. For most of us here in America, Cuba is a land of mystery. We know little about it, and Mr. Pereda certainly embued his story with loads of information about the country: its sights, sounds and people — the good and the bad.
I think the story really gained traction once it entered Cuba. More questions were posed, intrigues about Cid’s father’s past there and the hunt for Sandra, the love of Cid’s young life and mother of the son he never knew. The author writes with flavor and sensual detail. Occasionally, it slowed the story, but the reader is never truly bored. Perhaps it’s only because we have so many questions and worries that we get frustrated when things don’t move forward quickly enough to satisfy the need to discover just what’s going to happen.
Overall, though, I recommend However Long the Night, not as a romance as it’s billed by the publisher, though there are romantic elements, but as a fascinating suspense with a Cuban flavor and a completely satisfying ending.
This is one book to take a closer look. Thanks so much
debby236 at gmail dot com
Thank you for hosting David today.
Thank you for having me on your blog today as well as for your perceptive review. I’ll be in and out all day available to answer questions and respond to comments from you and your readers.
Thank you, Debby. I encourage you to have a closer look.
Hi David. This reviewer (who did a good job, by the way) suggests that maybe HLtN should be marketed as a suspense/mystery rather than as a romance. What are your thoughts about that? As an author, does it matter to you what the genre label is that is attached to your book? Because, ultimately, there is always going to be a label!
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com
To be honest with you, Catherine, I wrote the book as mainstream fiction and not as a romance. My publisher billed it as romantic suspense, and I went along; it had a love story at its core, right? Unlike my thrillers, that move at breakneck speed and should keep you turning pages to find out what happens — which is never what you think it might be — I slowed down the pace in HLTN and lingered more on description and characterization. I wanted to show Cuba then and now as the backdrop of the story, or, as Judy perceptively picked up in her review, the key “character” in the story.
This reviewer seemed to really get into the story. I think it sounds like something i really want to read.
I was looking at reviews for another thriller/mystery/suspense novel and came across this review. The romance part was not what drew me in but when Poppy mentioned the suspense, I was intrigued. Cuban flavour would be another added bonus, the last thrillers I’ve read mostly focused on Europe or North America, However Long the Night promises a nice change.
anzuazura (at) yahoo (dot) de
It was a lot of fun following you around in this tour. Hope to meet up with you again in the future.
This is the best review so far. The reviewer said: ‘As Americans, we don’t know much about Cuba.’ This is true, I’ve never had the opportunity to visit because the revolution took place just before I graduated high school. Whenever I see Cuba portrayed in film or TV, they always show 1950’s cars…mostly Chevrolets and I wondered if that was really true. So searching the internet, I discovered that it is really fact. Learn something new every day and you just never know where you’ll pick up said knowledge!
kareninnc at gmail dot com