Gridlock: Cybershock by Nathalie Gray

Gridlock: Cybershock by Nathalie Gray
Publisher: Samhain Publishing Ltd.
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Action/Adventure
Length: Short Story (77 pages)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 4 books
Reviewed by Orchid

He finds love on the eve of a war he doesn’t plan on surviving.

A Cybershock story.

Dante knows the price of rebellion. The Grid created him in its likeness, turning him into a killing machine—tested, modified and enhanced to be a “better citizen”. Years may have passed since he escaped that freak show, but the scars are still fresh.

Without the mandatory implant, Steel scrapes by, living free of the Grid’s control. When a job goes bad, everyone around her dies, their minds crushed by the notorious Cardinal. But he doesn’t kill her. He takes her to a secret lair filled with fascinating, forbidden pre-Grid knowledge. Who is this man—ruthless murderer or eccentric loner?

Bad-mannered as she is, Dante can’t bring himself to silence the abrasive, cigarette-addicted Steel. Something about her calls to him, though trusting her could be a mistake. Should she betray him, it would wipe out years of patient waiting. Waiting while the Grid hunts him for the priceless information he carries within his living data vault. Waiting while his dish of revenge turns ice cold.

For Dante intends to go back. And this time, he intends to be the only one left standing.

Computers and machines have taken over the city and become one big machine controlling everything and everyone. All but a few people have ports in their bodies and these keep them connected to the Grid in the heavily guarded bunker above the city.

Steel is a girl of the streets. She’s avoided having a port inserted in her body and consequently is unknown to the Grid. Struggling to survive she is on a drug delivery run when her violent ex-boyfriend appears with his gang.

The Cardinal’s aim is to rid the city of its evil element and put an end to the grid. He helps Steel escape the thugs. She believes she has also eluded the Cardinal, but wakes to find herself captive in his home. She learns his plans regarding the Grid and fears he will kill her to keep her silent.

This is the second book I have read from the Cybershock series. It is also set in a dark, dirty future city. More scientific than paranormal I enjoyed both setting and characters. I felt sorry for the Cardinal, and Steel was a strong person, everything I’d expect a girl in that situation to be. She did what she had to.

Gridlock: Cybershock is a good story with a definite thread of survival running through it. I believe the end could have been drawn out more, but otherwise this is the best one I’ve read in this series. Well thought out and written, capturing my interest and keeping it. An exciting, short read and a great way to spend a few hours.

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