Grand Jete by Diana Copland

Grand Jete by Diana Copland
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Holiday
Length: Full Length (170 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 4.5 Cherries
Reviewed by Edelweiss

Jordan Armstead is not a ballet fan, so finding himself at the Opera House with his family, watching his niece in ‘The Nutcracker’, is not his idea of a good time. That is until a god-like specimen wearing little more than a loin cloth and simmering oil appears on stage, effortlessly partnering his female counterpart through the sensuous ‘Arabian’ pas de deux.

That night, when the very same man, after suffering a potentially career ending injury, appears in the emergency room where Jordan is a nurse, Jordan finds himself as attracted to the man as he was to the dancer. The attraction is mutual, and they share a magical twenty four hours. But at the end of it, Jordan finds himself wondering if he’s impulsively given his heart to someone who has more important things to do than think about a one night stand. Against the backdrop of Christmas trees, sugar plums and falling snow, two men with absolutely nothing in common find out that where the heart is concerned, it just doesn’t matter at all.

Can two completely different men take the Grand Jete and risk all to be together? This charming Christmastime tale about a pair of unlikely lovers warms the heart like a cozy holiday fireside.

The male leads in this book both followed non-traditional career roles. One, a nurse and the other, a ballet professional, were written as strong and confident protagonists. The witty banter was lighthearted and I laughed out loud several times from the clever dialogue. I was especially impressed by the way the author created a completely believable world with plot lines that were well paced, and secondary characters that truly enhanced emotional climate of the story. In real life, this romance would seem impossible, as there was not much angst involved. The true beauty of this story is that it captured the magical spirit of the holiday and left me smiling. The happily ever after was continued in the epilogue and served as a satisfying end to the tale.

The love scenes were also written well, as the emotion was well conveyed not only with words spoken between lovers but also with a surprisingly detailed description of the background. Kudos to the author for including in these scenes the practice of safe sex. Both men value the safety of their partner above their sexual needs.

Edits on this book were carefully done, with very few spelling or grammatical errors. Each sentence flowed into the next effortlessly, with the storyline progressing to the finale. It reminded me of a well performed ballet, almost perfectly choreographed and executed.

Fans of M/M romance will love this feel good tale of blossoming love during the winter snow. Grand Jete was a treat to read and I highly recommend it. I’ll end with my favorite quote from this holiday romance, “It’s almost like magic, having you here now. I still don’t quite believe it.”

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