Ghosts Of Boyfriends Past by Vivi Andrews

Ghosts Of Boyfriends Past by Vivi Andrews
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: contemporary, paranormal
Length: Full Length (180 pages)
Heat Level: sensual
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Sunflower

Letting him in could mean losing him forever.

Elizabeth “Biz” Marks has the magic touch when it comes to matters of the heart—except her own. In a slightly tipsy fit of loneliness, she once tried to harness a little love mojo to work in her favor. Instead the spell mutated into a nightmarish curse that kills off her boyfriends on her favorite holiday: Valentine’s Day.

With three permanently ex-boyfriends on her conscience and another hearts-and-flowers holiday approaching, the last thing she needs is a too-gorgeous-to-be-true reporter snooping around.

Biz just has extraordinarily bad luck, or she’s a bona-fide Black Widow who bumps off her boyfriends for a chunk of the inheritance money. Either way, Mark Ellison is sure there’s a story here. Especially when his attempts to charm her send her into a panic.

The harder Biz tries to keep Mark and his beguiling dimples as far away as possible, the harder he digs to get at the truth. Now she’s beginning to wonder if his is the love that will finally break the curse…or if she’ll be burying her heart along with him.

Biz Marks has a secret. She’s cursed. No, really she is. If you don’t believe me, just look at her past. Three deaths in three years, all on the same day each year! Suspicious yet? Mark Ellison thinks so, and he’s gone to seek the truth behind these mysterious deaths that have one thing in common- Biz.

Biz is a funny character. I absolutely loved her. She once tried to use a spell in her favor, and let’s just say the results were not at all what she expected. So her once favorite holiday is now a day of doom. No one can know who she is and what she’s done, and more importantly, she doesn’t care for this particular holiday anymore, nor will she let a man near her around the time. She’s got enough ghosts — and I do literally mean ghosts — to deal with now.

This reporter isn’t about to give up though. Mark is determined to find out everything he can about this woman and if she’s responsible somehow for these deaths of her exes. What he doesn’t expect is an attraction to this odd and mysterious woman. Hmm. This could lead to trouble, perhaps.

Ghosts of Boyfriends Pasts is a light paranormal romance, and very enjoyable. The cast of characters were a delight. I love how the more Biz pushes Mark away, the more he comes back for more. Oh yes, these two can’t keep away from one another, no matter how much Biz tries. She does everything within her power to keep Mark out of death’s grasp. She just might even tell him something that she’d rather keep quiet.

Once you read this cute story, you’ll never think of Valentine’s Day the same again. And if you’ve ever stated that you were cursed, that may be nothing compared to Biz Marks. Want a little ghostly humor in your romance? Readers will find all that and more in Vivi Andrews’ book Ghosts of Boyfriends Past. Read at your own discretion. I hope you’re not afraid of a few lingering spirits….

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