Fish Out Of Water by Ciar Cullen
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (95 pages)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 3.5 Books
Review by: SunflowerLove…another swing and a miss? Not this time.
At thirty-five, baseball star Eric Fisher is washed up. He thought a vacation to his private island getaway would clear his head, help him accept the simple fact that his career is flagging. He was wrong.
In the middle of a solitary afternoon on the beach with a bucket of beer, a woman emerges from the ocean. She’s pretty, with a body built for the bikini she’s almost wearing. She smells like the giant fish she’s dragging through the sand. And she’s crying.
Caren McCabe is livid. Fish species are disappearing fast, no thanks to rich Hollywood types who buy up rare island habitats like St. Andres. Worse, her boat has just capsized, taking with it the bulk of her research—and any hope of getting tenure.
It takes a hurricane to bring them to speaking terms. As the winds howl, they have a meeting of minds and hearts neither of them anticipated. Just as things heat up, though, the full moon forces Caren to answer the sea’s siren call and assume her true form. A form that no mortal man must ever see…much less be allowed to love.
If there were two people that needed a chance at happiness, it would be the duo in this story, Eric Fisher and Caren. I love the play on Eric’s name. He’s a baseball star, but one who’s on the downward slope from stardom. They call him Fish. A bit fitting for this story, so it gave me a chuckle. Anyhow, Eric’s career is hanging in limbo, and he’s not sure of his next move. That’s when this raving man woman enters his life, and though they don’t get off on the right foot, Eric can’t help but try and make things a little better for Caren.
Caren’s a hot mess. She’s on the verge of finding the information she needs, when things take a turn for the worse. She ends up on the shore of some rich person’s private land and isn’t the least bit happy about it. Little did I know this woman came with secrets. Caren has a tendency to be all over the place, but for the most part, she’s all right.
Fish Out of Water is a mix of smoldering attraction from two people who aren’t sure what to make of each other, a secret that the reader knows but one of the characters doesn’t…somehow that just tightens up the tension for me as I wonder when the bombshell would be dropped and how someone would react. The biggest problem I had was the book ended abruptly. It didn’t seem like the perfect place to stop.
Overall, I liked the story. It kept me interested. Sometimes Caren got on my nerves, but it wasn’t enough to pull me out. It’s a contemporary with a bit of paranormal, featuring one of my favorite paranormal creatures. You may have already guessed what that is, but I won’t reveal that little tidbit here. I recommend giving this story a try.
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