Encounters: Weylyn’s Gift by Lex Valentine

Encounters: Weylyn’s Gift by Lex Valentine
Publisher: Pink Petal Books
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (22 pgs)
Other: M/F, Toys, Voyeurism
Rating: 4.5 cherries
Reviewed by Mistletoe

Werewolf Weylyn Randall is bi-sexual and happily carefree. He spends his nights fucking and playing bass in a band. His days are spent recuperating for another go-round when the sun goes down. Nothing gives Weylyn more pleasure than getting his “were” on. After years of this hedonistic lifestyle he doesn’t think there’s a mate out there for him. He’s happy having encounters with whomever strikes his fancy and hooking up with best friend and occasional lover, Drake Keating, whenever possible. Then Drake sends him a gift in a plain brown wrapper. Along with the gift comes a magical woman and between the two, they unleash the next phase in Weylyn’s wild sex life.

Weylyn’s new gift from Drake has him more than a little intrigued and when you add in a beautiful woman like Keir, Weylyn’s libido comes along for the ride. I enjoyed this quick and fast paced read. Weylyn is a great man. He loves everyone, man or woman, he has no preference. He enjoys them all and is ready to try almost anything. It seems that Weylyn may have met his match in Keir. She is more than ready to help him enjoy his new gift and the two seem made for each other.

The author has done a wonderful job of bringing these characters to life. As quick as the read was I still felt like I got to know Weylyn and Keir. I loved getting to see how the two met and found each other. Watching the sparks turn into fireworks between Keir and Weylyn was a great read. As hot as this book is we still get a nice romance between the two characters. It is more than just a story about the two having sex, it shows us the beginning of their relationship and had me wondering just where it would go from here. This may not be long but it is still a wonderful story to be told. I cannot wait to see more from Weylyn and Keir and what they will be up to in the future.

These short stories about the characters in the Dark World are a nice look into their lives and I love getting finding out more about the inhabitants of this world.


  1. Thanks so much for the great review! Weylyn is my favorite character of all time!

  2. A wonderful review. I can ‘see’ the author’s characters and can imagine a hot, sexy read. Wonderful cover, too.

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