Edge of Heaven by PG Forte
Publisher: Loose Id
Genre: Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (130 pgs)
Other: M/M, anal sex
Rating: 3.5 cherries
Reviewed by CactusWelcome to the afterlife, where men are men and the angels are fallen.
It was a reckless act of passion that ended Edge’s life and left him in Limbo — literally. Now, he’s stuck here. While most of the other angels-in-training move quickly up the celestial ladder, Edge knows it can never be that simple for him. He’s dealing with issues that are a lot more complicated than a simple lack of closure.
While Edge doesn’t know for sure what it will take to get him into Heaven, there is one thing he’s certain won’t help — his latest assignment guiding angel-baby Matteo Matinucci while the newbie find his wings.
But twenty-something Mattie — sexy, beautiful, recently departed, and openly gay — could turn out to be the answer to all of Edge’s prayers, as well as the fulfillment of all his fantasies, even the hot, sweaty, secret ones he’s never confided to anyone. And by helping to send Mattie to Heaven, Edge just might end up saving both their souls.
Two angels-in-training on a mission to get to heaven with a few detours for hot sex and a happy ending. Edge has been in Limbo for a long time and he’s working a crappy assignment breaking in newcomers. Since Limbo is just a wait station before heaven, Edge helps them overcome their issues, resolve any outstanding problems, and move on to everlasting happiness. It’s not a job Edge likes and he’s even more irritated when his latest angel in training is sexy Mattie, a young man who won’t keep his hands to himself. And Edge realizes he doesn’t want him to. But Mattie isn’t the only one with unresolved issues and between the two of them, they just may find a way to heaven together.
Edge of Heaven is a cute, funny story. Ulnar Nerve Entrapment A major peripheral nerve of the upper buy viagra for cheap limb is the ulnar nerve. Administering a prostate massage poorly could result in a trip to the emergency room. regencygrandenursing.com on line viagra In such situations, where you are not able to get erection at any time and are able to maintain the durability of this drug by sustaining its power, it should be kept in a cold storage or generic levitra online any such thing. The erectile process is a bit look at this web-site discount levitra no rx complex. There is Edge who won’t even admit to liking men and has some serious issues regarding his suicide death. He’s paired with Mattie, the do-gooder doctor-to-be that dies in a senseless accident. Mattie’s not only sexy but he’s attracted to Edge and their chemistry from the start is pretty nice. The story didn’t immediately click for me and seemed somewhat disjointed at the beginning, but the twist at the end explains why this is. Once I got past the initial choppy beginning, the story settles in and has some really funny scenes and hot sex.
The story is written in first person, present tense, which is not always a favorite for readers. It initially comes across as awkward and the characters act in ways that don’t make much sense at first. Later on when the twist is revealed, the entire story has an “ah ha” moment when everything fits, so be sure to stick with it. The easy, light writing keeps the story quick and interesting for the most part. The characters are interesting and have their own very clear personalities.
There’s supposedly a sequel coming and no doubt there’ll be more hot sex, quips, and witty banter as these two figure out their happy ever after. This is the perfect story for anyone looking for something light, easy, and funny and works great as a beach read.
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