Dragon Lord’s Fire by Cynthia Sax

Dragon Lord’s Fire by Cynthia Sax
Publisher: Changeling Press LLC
Genre: Action/Adventure, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (40 pgs)
Other: M/F, Voyeurism
Rating: 4 cherries
Reviewed by Snowdrop

Sharing a womb with a dragon shifter has made Lady Trinia different. She hides herself away from all those that could reject her. The rejection she most fears is from her destined mate. She knows the red dragon searches for her. She can feel his presence. She doesn’t know that prophecy declares he will love another.

Ever felt like there was one person out there just for you? Your soul mate waiting to be found so that you could become whole?

This short story is a well-woven tale of longing, lust, temptation, and trust. It’s a bit of a faery tale with a dash of paranormal lustiness.

Trinia is a great character to watch grow as she becomes less afraid of what surrounds her or what others think of her and becomes more sure of herself. She also shows off great qualities such as selflessness and unconditional love.

Brennen is a fierce dragon shifter on a mission to find the lady of his recurring visions. He teaches us that looks do not matter, love conquers all, and that human emotion can get the best of us at times whether we like it or not.

At first the relationship between Trinia and Brennen seemed like it might only be one of pure lust and sexual gratification, but as we read on it starts to introduce tenderness, compassion and love. Rest all you need to do viagra generico cialis is following the guidelines and intake the drug properly. This hinders blood flow to spongy online cialis sale tissues of penis. Which medication is the best for this problem? The medicine which should be used and the one which is famous amongst a lot of people is cialis discount pharmacy. Hoodia gordonii can be found in buy sildenafil without prescription the world. Together they must prove that love can overcome all… even long standing legends.

On a side note, I loved the new type of shifter that is introduced in this short story. I have never heard of a dragon shifter, but Ms. Sax describes all the details of a shapeshifting dragon in beautiful, glittering detail. I would love to read more of her writings of the dragon shifters.

I’m sold on this story and its writing. Great job Ms. Sax… I’ll be looking for more from you.

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