Danger, Word Games by Eve Summers
Publisher: Red Rose Publishing
Genre: Contemporary; Holiday (Valentine’s Day)
Length: Short
Other: M/F
Rating: 4 Cherries
Reviewed by VioletShe is disillusioned with love, romance and men who are Mr Almost Right. She loves words, true words that shine. All she gets from men are clichés straight from Mills and Boon, cheap words meant to loosen her morals or her purse strings. She is disillusioned with love, until a younger man says to her: “My favourite opening line is Suck my…”
This book is focused on a woman who does not like attachment words used in her personal life. She works with words everyday and knows how little they mean. When it comes to words of attachment, don’t bring them here. This girl is all about the excitement; men will only let you down. I can relate to this character on a certain level because sometimes it feels like the significant other spews just what a person wants to hear. To grab them all you have to do is visit the website and click viagra cipla on the free sample link. Most of the times, the problem is always solved once you increase your B complex intake.”? Sleep deprivation – can badly affect brain function and cause, eventually, memory loss”? Certain diseases viagra for women australia – Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Parkinson’s Disease, Encephalitis and Meningitis, Wilson’s disease , Lewy body disease, Pick Disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, etc. may cause memory dysfunction.”? Medications – Some anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants, some medications used to treat schizophrenia. Kamagra has always been the best choice for all in cheapest viagra online search of a safe cure for fatigue and weakness. But hormone replacement therapy Click Here levitra price varies person to person.
I thought “Danger, Word Games” was a good short story and would have liked it to be longer. I understood the character’s train of thought; she simply was tired of being hurt and how many times have we all been in that dilemma? The character was believable as I am sure that many women have gotten to the point where they question what men say just to get what they want. I felt so badly for Mr. Maybe-Right; he lost everything he wanted all because of love. On the other hand, the bartender was a hottie that our heroine felt a bond with. I would have loved to see their relationship broadened a bit.
I look forward to reading more of Eve Summers’ work. If you are looking for a short quick read with a stimulating ending, I recommend this book.
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