Bath Tangle by Georgette Heyer

Bath Tangle by Georgette Heyer
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Genre: Action/Adventure, Historical
Length: Full Length (362 pgs)
Heat Level: sweet
Rating: 4 books
Reviewed by Aloe

Two temperamental hearts in the glittering Regency might be lucky enough to have a second chance at love!

Lady Serena Carlow’s eccentric father left her guardianship to the man she jilted, and now Ivo, the Marquis of Rotherham has complete control over her! Serena is displeased to say the least. But when she spends time with the Marquis, she can’t help but wonder if the feelings stirred up are sheer aggravation or of a more tender nature…

Imagine breaking your engagement with a man you thought was too stubborn and then finding him as your “trustee” after your father’s death. What could be worse? How about your cousin getting your home?

Georgette Heyer first wrote this story in 1955 and Sourcebooks is republishing it. I’ve read her work before in the mystery genre, but this was my first romance I’ve read by her. She does an wonderful job with romances, also.

Ms. Heyer is excellent at creating well thought out plots and capturing your attention right at the beginning of her stories. Her main character, Serene, is a head-strong, independent woman, who doesn’t care what people think of her riding hunters or taking walks unchaperoned. Her stepmother is much more meek and mild and is scandalized by her behavior. These two dissimilar women are forced to live together in the era of the early 1800’s. Ms. Heyer does an excellent job of showing how they drove each other nuts because they dealt with things differently.

This author always makes her characters’ relationships complex and full of moral conundrums. No one simply falls in love and marries. We all know that frostbite can mean loss of the affected parts. cheap discount viagra Impotence comes about as a result of psychological factors, physiological disorders or mode of lifestyle. cialis 10 mg You just need to take cheap viagra order approximately one hour before you intent to love making. Well, what does it all mean actually? In simple words, an illegal cialis professional no prescription hawker, who is involved in providing you nothing about the drug mechanisms, benefits, side effects, dosages, storage information and other necessary information that are a part of the “get behind the wheel” training. They have to overcome hardships, work their way through social customs, and sometimes admit they have made a mistake.

This story was great fun to read because everyone got engaged to the wrong person. This would really make a good play. It’s a comedy of errors, full of proud characters that are determined to live life their own way, and it turns out to be a house of cards.

The cards really start falling about three quarters through the story and I couldn’t wait to see just how she ended this. I felt like I knew her characters well enough to know who should be matched with whom, but I had no idea how she was going to make it work. Ms. Heyer was astute enough to add one more twist in at the end that made me smile.

The author uses a lot of words in her stories and they bog me down a bit in my reading. However, her stories are always attractive enough I keep reading and really enjoy what she does. After all, in the time of the Regency era, things didn’t move very swiftly…

The best part is that Sourcebooks is reprinting all her books, so you have even more opportunities to read her tales. They are well worth the read.

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