Again by Mary Calmes

Again by Mary Calmes
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (80 pgs)
Other: M/M, anal sex
Rating: 3 cherries
Reviewed by Cactus

Six years ago, Noah Wheeler went to meet his boyfriend, Dante Cerreto, at the airport, and his world ended. Dante was kissing someone else and claimed to be in love. So Noah took his heartbreak—and the sonogram pictures of their surrogate child—and closed the door on the big picture of what he thought his life would be, focusing instead on the piece of the dream he got to keep, being a father.

Now on vacation in Las Vegas, Noah accidentally runs into the Cerreto family, and then the man himself, and learns that not only was he deceived, but Dante was as well. Now Dante wants to make up for lost time, six years’ worth, and to do that he needs Noah, the only man he’s ever loved, and Grace, the daughter he didn’t know he had, to give him a chance at happiness. Dante’s going to have to take a crash course in communication and seduction, though. Noah’s not going to fall in love just to be broken again.

If the love of your life appears six years after breaking your heart, do you give him a second chance? That’s the question Noah is considering when his ex-husband and father of their child shows up unexpectedly. Although Dante broke Noah’s heart year ago, Noah can’t help the love he still feels. Although he knows it’s fast and overwhelming, Noah can’t quite stop the hope that he and Dante can live happily ever after this time.

Again is a very sweet, uncomplicated romance. The plot depends on the well known “big misunderstanding” trope. Some readers are fans of this while others don’t always appreciate this particular theme. In Again, it’s used with a very heavy hand so for those readers that are sticklers for believability, this story may not work as well. For readers that are more forgiving for the sake of romance, then the use of this familiar and well-used theme may not bother so much. I’m between the two and while I can usually suspend disbelief enough to get into the story, I did find that much of the supposed tension between the men was unbelievable.

However if you can get beyond that issue, the story is a sweet, easy romance about two men who reconnect after years apart. There is no real tension or question of the two getting back together. The characters aren’t quite three-dimensional and come off slightly predictable. Dante streamrolls his way over Noah, who seems to lack any courage to stand up for himself. They’re definitely cute together and well suited but not always the most likable couple. There are several secondary characters that appear briefly on page that add a bit of humor and context to the story.

Overall this is a very classic romance without a lot of depth. It’s not poorly written but it’s not a truly memorable story either. It’s an easy read for those wanting something uncomplicated, sweet, and amusing.

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