Christmas in the Trap by K. Larry

Christmas in the Trap by K. Larry
Publisher: Twyla T. Presents, LLC
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Ginger

Born with all odds against him. No mother. No father. No siblings. Remo was destined for failure from the very beginning. In spite of, he was determined to beat the odds. Just as things begin to look up for him, an accident sends him crashing into The Plug; The man with more jewels than kings and more money than corporate America. One simple mistake puts him in a position that he never thought was possible. Will he succumb to the demands of the streets? Or will he stand in his own greatness?

Mahlia is young, hard working, beautiful, and ready for love. She has her cousin Amelia by her side and they are more like sisters so Mahlia has no problem confiding in her ride or die. When jealousy rears its ugly head, the cousins are faced with drama out of this world. Will the bond that Mahlia shares with Amelia stand in the way of love? Or will true love win? They say Christmas is the season for magic, so come take this crazy ride in The Magic City as K. Larry brings nonstop drama, love, deceit, and betrayal in this sultry African American Urban Fiction Novella.

Remo has all odds against him; will the streets win him over or will love?

This was a quick and good read that follows Remo and Maliha. Remo grew up without family as a ward of the State of Alabama then his luck seems to turn for the better once he comes in contact with Mike Larry. Will Remo choose the dangerous lifestyle of the street hustle?

Told from different views this novella is packed with a good story of drama, jealousy and chances for change. There are a few typos, but they did not impact the flow of the storyline or my reading. Warning the language may be harsh to some readers. I enjoyed the chemistry between Remo and Maliha. Mike and Amelia made some bad choices that had me fusing as I was reading. What happened in the book was unexpected and made for a very entertaining read.

I will definitely read more books from this author.