Flock This by Jayce Carter

Flock This by Jayce Carter
Publisher: Totally Bound
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Moonflower

Trouble doesn’ t find me— I go looking for it.

I’ve been rejected all my life— always too loud, too messy, too much. I thought joining the spirit world— full of vampires, werewolves and magical beings living alongside humans— would change that, but as an anomaly without a clan, I’m more unwelcome than ever. Instead of power and sexy trysts with hot immortals, I end up working as a courier just to survive. I got turned into a crow shifter and all I got out of it is a sucky, dead-end job.

However, when I make a delivery and instead find the vampire leader’ s corpse, the stake that killed him in my hand, standing on the sidelines stops being an option. Without a clan to speak for me, I have no choice but to figure out who framed me and find the real killer on my own. Surrounded by people I can’ t trust, in a world that has no place for me, I’ve got to use every skill in my arsenal to stay one step ahead.

They say a little mischief is good for the soul, but too much of it can kill you.

Flock This is the first book in the Flocking It Up series and we start with a crow shifter who has a job as a courier. Things go pear-shaped when she makes a delivery to someone who’s just been murdered and is found with the bloody stake in her hands.

Grey doesn’t belong to any of the four clans but isn’t surprised as she has never felt as though she fits in anywhere. As she tries to find out who has framed her for murder, tries to stay alive, and maybe even find out who actually was the killer, we stay with her. Told in the first perspective, we see her innermost thoughts – most of which revolve around how chaos follows her and how alone she is. She isn’t actually alone though; she has friends and family she could turn to if she only trusted them enough.

Well-written and smoothly paced, this was an interesting story that just didn’t grab me as I wanted it to. As it’s the first in a series, I’m hoping to see more of the different players as the overall arc moves along. There are a couple of steamy scenes but nothing major. Most of the book is being sent down one alley or another, looking for the killer.

On the whole, it was enjoyable and recommended for anyone who likes urban fantasy.

Angelite by Rebecca Henry

Angelite by Rebecca Henry
Ambrosia Hill #5
Publisher: Totally Bound Publishing
Genre: Young Adult (14 – 18 y.o.), Sci-Fi/Fantasy, LGBTQ, Romance, Contemporary
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

When love is broken and fate uncertain only truth can be found in angelite.

Zinnia’ s fifteen birthday is marked by her move to Ambrosia Hill with her mother Lily. After surviving a wicked Halloween with Ursula Geist and banishing the dark witch to the depth of Lake Cauldron, Lily decides Zinnia needs the protection and guidance of the aunts as she continues her journey as a green witch.

Zinnia’ s dream of moving back to Ambrosia Hill becomes a reality as she is reunited with Billie and is welcomed by the charmed volleyball team as their lucky number thirteen. Zinnia has everything she’ s ever wanted including a coven of witches to practice her green magic with. The Aunts as always, have tricks up their sleeves and prepare to host a surprise kale-pulling gala at Fern House to call forth Lily’ s true love.

Things seem perfect in the Fern House living on top of the tallest hill in a sleepy town until Zinnia meets the new girl, Scarlet at the kale-pulling gala. Scarlet is a ward living with the catholic nuns at Ambrosia Hill Episcopal Convent. Her uncanny beauty and charismatic charm soon win the attention of the charm volleyball team and most importantly, Billie. Zinnia is overcome with a fit of searing jealousy as Scarlet’ s presence emerges a darker side of Zinnia. Strange and unsettling happenings are reported in the town. Cows dry up overnight and a mysterious serpent is seen lurking in Ambrosia Hill, hiding within the tall grass, ready to strike. Zinnia fears she has been cursed when her fate line breaks in two on the palm of her right hand and Zinnia is forced to rely on her inner strength when magic fails her. But who can save Zinnia when she soon discovers that the monster in Ambrosia Hill this time is her?

Moving is an adventure.

I know I’ve mentioned the wonderful world building in all of my previous reviews of these books, but the author once again surprised me with new details. As someone who grew up in a few small towns, I smiled and nodded along as Billie introduced Zinnia to some interesting secrets about the community that Zinnia thought she already knew so well. It happens in real life sometimes, too, so of course it could also happen in fiction! Locals don’t always think to share everything right away with newcomers, especially when it comes to information that may be a little controversial or out of the ordinary. Kudos for the author for keeping me guessing.

With that being said, it would have been helpful to have more time spent exploring and developing the latest secrets of Ambrosia Hill. It wasn’t until the last 50 pages or so that I learned much of anything about them at all. While I know the author probably wanted to keep some things under wraps for the future, it was a little disappointing for me as a reader to have to wait until the end for even a few of my questions to be answered. It felt like there was a lot more that could have been done with these developments, and I would have happily gone with a five-star rating if they had either been introduced earlier or if several more chapters had been added on to explore what Zinnia thought of them and how they might change her life.

The character development was often slow in the first four Ambrosia Hills books, so I was glad to see it pick up here. Zinnia was given some great opportunities to deal with her jealousy and practice self-control when other people irrationally – or, in some cases, rationally – irritated her. Did she always make the most gracious life choices? Absolutely not, but that was a good thing. Everyone has bad days, and it was refreshing to observe how she behaved when she wasn’t her usually pretty calm and collected self. You can learn a lot from how someone behaves when they’re in a terrible mood, so I’m excited to see where Ms. Henry takes Zinnia and everyone closest to her from this point forward.

This is the fifth instalment in a series that I’d recommend reading in order due to all of the character and plot development that has already occurred in this universe, some of which the narrator assumes the reader already knows.

Angelite made me grin and wish for another adventure with Zinnia.

Scorned by Angela Addams

Scorned by Angela Addams
Publisher: Totally Bound
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Moonflower

Hell hath no fury like a werewolf scorned.

All I’d ever wanted was to blend in among the humans, but my stepbrothers had other plans. When one of them sent a thug to abduct me, I had to let my true self out, claws and all.

That was the thing… The men in my world were always underestimating me.

Being the hothead that I was, I went straight to the source of the problem—the new alpha of my family’s clan, my stepbrother Sal. He had a surprise of his own, though, and when he hit me with a magically infused pure silver collar, I crumbled like I didn’t have A-plus DNA in my blood.

That was when the Duke brothers entered my life. Heroes in their own minds, they worked a deal with Sal to buy me… as if I were a commodity. To the males in my species, that was what I was, but to the Duke brothers I was the final piece in a prophecy puzzle. They wanted me to rule their clan, be alpha to their pack, which meant they wanted me to take the bites of all three of them.

To that I said, not on your life, boys. But, damn, they were hot, and I was willing to give cohabitation a try. I’d explore their old-world scrolls and prints and listen to their fairy tales about a superpowered queen alpha. I could even get behind training with their pack, but I wasn’t ever going to let a werewolf take a bite out of me.

At least that was what I kept telling myself. The beast inside me had other plans, and I’d never truly known how to stop her from getting what she wanted, no matter who she might have to destroy to achieve her goals.

Scorned is the first book in the Hell Hath No Fury series, and we start with Charlie trying to live as a human after being exiled from her pack. After something happens, she returns ‘home’ to give her stepbrother, Sal, what for. Things don’t turn out the way Charlie was expecting though – including her being sold to a different pack!

The three brothers are all unique, with their own very differing personalities. They want Charlie to lead their pack and they’re not too bothered about how they go about that, being as they say she has been calling to them for years. I loved the aspect of Charlie learning about her beast and abilities with the brothers.

I was thoroughly enjoying this book, right up until the last scene. And it’s not because I don’t like BDSM scenes because I do. What I didn’t like was how this took place in the dreamscape with no consent or talks about limits. Yes, that may take the sexy out of it, but it is needed!

I look forward to reading more in this series and seeing how the story continues.

Love’s Anchor by Mimi B. Rose

Love’s Anchor by Mimi B. Rose
The Laurentian Mountain Clan
Publisher: Totally Bound
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Erotic Romance
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

She’s caught between two clans. One says she’s their property, the other she’s the Fated Mate of the Alpha’s son.

After hiding from shifters all her life, Mirabelle Beauchamp finds herself caught in a deadly rivalry between two clans. When sexy Alpha’s son Maxime Ducharme helps her fend off a shifter attack, she’s thrown into the world her mother shielded her from. Maxime’s rivals return, claiming Mirabelle is one of them, but she knows she belongs to Maxime and Maxime belongs to her.

They’ll both have to fight for what they want. For the freedom to choose—and to love.

Hot, fast and shifter fun!

I’ve never read anything by Mimi B Rose and I’m glad I rectified that. This was a hot read and fast, but it moved along at a good clip. I liked the writing style and will check out more of the author’s work.

Mirabelle and Maxime are a good pairing, even if they’re from rival clans. I liked the way they had to work together and figure things out, while fighting off temptation and rivals. This story moved fast, but I liked the insta-love portion. It worked for the story.

There were a few loose ends I wanted to see tied up, but that only whet my appetite for the next book. I see this is a prequel, so I’m excited to find the rest.

If you want something hot and fast, then this might be the right story for you.

Syndicate Rising by Amy Craig

Syndicate Rising by Amy Craig
Publisher: Totally Entwined
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

A one-night stand turns serious…

Nina’s neighbor sets her up on a blind date with a handsome insurance salesman. After a candlelit dinner, Nina hooks up with him in a posh New York hotel room, but she writes off the date as a one-night stand. Returning home, she discovers her neighbor’s death, her dog’s abduction and the salesman’s possible involvement.

Traipsing across the city with her date in tow, she realizes he’s a quarrelsome billionaire and that her dog may never return. Grieving her losses, she accompanies her date to a ‘billionaire summer camp’ in Sun Valley, Idaho, but the idyllic setting revolves around his whims—and the person who took her dog follows them.

Suspenseful and intense.

It seems I’ve found the motherlode of suspense and intense stories of late. This one is no different. It’s steamy, but there’s a good mystery and fascinating characters. The writing plugs along well and kept me interested throughout. I needed to know what would happen next.

Nina goes on a blind date and ends up with Alessio. It’s not what either expects and that’s what I liked about it. It was not the normal blind date trope. The mystery is compelling. I wanted to know more. This is a fast paced story, too. I didn’t mind the pacing, but it did cause me to go back and reread a few times to be sure I caught everything.

It’s a hot story and I would’ve liked to have known what happened after the story, but that’s a testament to the author’s ability to make me care about the characters. I wanted more and it’s a good thing.

If you’re looking for a story with heat, heart and a mystery, then this might be the book for you.

Mac of All Trades by Aurora Russell

Mac of All Trades by Aurora Russell
Minne-sorta Falling in Love, book 2
Publisher: Totally Entwined
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

She thinks she might be losing her mind…but she knows she’s losing her heart.

Poised. Elegant. Lovely. The local press loves to write glowing stories about Lana Fitzhugh, the youngest sibling and only sister of the famous Minnesota Fitzhugh family. But Lana’s past holds secrets, pain and shame…so much that she’s unworthy of a relationship with any good man, especially her brother Fitz’s close friend Mac. Keeping her distance from him is the right thing to do, so why can’t she stop thinking about him?

Finally settling into his first new job after long months of recovery from a severe injury, when Joe ‘Mac’ MacKenzie meets Lana Fitzhugh, the former Navy pilot thinks things might finally be looking up for him. His friend’s little sister is gorgeous, kind and makes his heart and body come alive again. But after they share an explosive embrace, she pushes him away so hard he’s still reeling.

When tragedy plunges Lana into the unexpected role of guardian to a preschooler, odd coincidences begin to happen…and grow increasingly more sinister. As Lana begins to fear that she herself might be the source of the danger, Mac doesn’t hesitate to return to help her. The only thing better than the joy they discover as a makeshift family is the passion they find in each other’s arms, but the unknown menace still grows closer every day. Will they be able to move beyond the past to grab for a future together?

Two people better together.

I love a good story featuring characters that belong together. This is one of those stories. Aurora Russell always writes captivating characters and this pair was no different. I couldn’t put the book down and had to know what would happen next. I haven’t read the first book in this series, but I didn’t feel like I’d missed anything.

I liked that Lana feels human–meaning she thinks she’s got flaws. She can sometimes be a bit over the top about that, but it’s relatable. She feels her past isn’t what it could be. I liked that she was normal (as normal as can be). I also liked Mac. He’s so devoted and he’s the quintessential romance hero. He steps in when he needs to and he gives her space to do her thing. I liked their interplay together.

This was a whirlwind feeling book, with lots of stuff going on, but it’s good stuff. I won’t give away spoilers, but it’s a great ride.

If you’re looking for a hot read with a twist of suspense and a preschooler, then this is the book for you.

Twelve Secrets of Christmas by Amelia Foster

Twelve Secrets of Christmas by Amelia Foster
Publisher: Totally Bound
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Holiday
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Moonflower

A workplace connection gets murky when the heir to the company is involved.

Leah Carson’s four-year relationship exploded on New Year’s Day and soured her toward all holiday-related activities. She no longer excessively decorated her home and office for Christmas, choosing the grinchy path instead. Working for a media outlet forces her into some semblance of holiday cheer, especially when the up-and-coming channel sets its sights on making a mark with a New Year’ s Eve special to rival all the standard offerings—something thrown into question when the host of the broadcast is put in jail, and Leah and her team are scrambling to fill the slot.

Brendan Lanza is heir to the throne of Lanza Broadcasting, but he has to earn his seat by learning every department within the company at his father’s orders. His term with the marketing team offers the unexpected bonus of getting to know Leah better. The respect his father holds for the woman becomes an understatement once Brendan sees how her clever brain easily handles issues, something only rivaled by the temptations her body creates in him.

But her less-than-festive spirit and the threat of losing their highly anticipated special lead Brendan to appoint himself as her Secret Santa, sending twelve anonymous gifts to Leah. Their office flirtation ramps up as Leah begins to receive presents from a secret admirer, creating a bit of conflict as she believes that she is torn between two men, and Brendan is left to decide if he’s betraying their blossoming bond by withholding the truth behind the packages she finds on her doorstep each night.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – or is it?

Leah received a crockpot instead of an engagement ring and, one week later, her 4-year relationship disintegrated too. Taking her broken heart to the extremes, Leah decided to take the Grinch path and refused to have anything to do with Christmas again. I did say it was an extreme reaction!

Brendan is the boss’ son, learning the ropes in every department. He loves Leah’s mind (as he frequently tells her once they get together) as well as her curves. His plan to restore her Christmas spirit is to send her Secret Santa gifts. Will he fess up once they get together though?

This was a fast-paced story with plenty of steamy scenes to keep you reading. I found this to be an enjoyable read so long as I suspended belief over Leah’s reactions, which I thought slightly incredulous! Still, it was a fun read that kept my attention from beginning to end.

The part about them both having conflict with the secret Santa presents wasn’t really conflict, in my opinion. I thought it all tied in nicely at the end.

A steamy seasonal read that I can recommend.

Rihanna’s Rancher by Bella Settarra

Rihanna’s Rancher by Bella Settarra
The Cowboys of Cavern County
Publisher: Totally Bound
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

There’s no time for love when you’re only passing through town…is there?

When Rihanna Richards takes a job as the new bank manager in Pelican’s Heath, she is relieved to leave her life in the city behind, especially with all the pitiful expressions of those who are only too aware of how Phil Cartwright dumped her shortly before their wedding.

Ace Blenheim, the new foreman at the Shearer Ranch, also came to the town to put his past break-up behind him.

When the two meet, sparks fly. It seems they both have a tendency to wind each other up, and neither is willing to back down. Rihanna’s stubbornness and Ace’s knack for making assumptions lead to a very fiery relationship.

Ace gradually learns a little about his beautiful nemesis, though, and softens his approach toward her. After all, he can’t deny how he has begun to feel about her.

Rihanna secretly has feelings for the gorgeous cowboy but can’t afford to let her heart get broken again—and, besides, she’s not planning to stay long in Pelican’s Heath.

Rihanna discovers that something is very amiss at the bank, and when her life is at stake, will anyone care enough to come to her rescue? And has Ace overstepped the mark completely when he delves into her past?

She’s not staying and he’s not playing around.

I love stories with characters who initially are mean to each other or get under each other’s skin are thrown together. This story ticks a lot of those boxes. I love the work of Bella Settarra and I couldn’t get this book fast enough. Now add the cowboy aspect and there’s a great thing going. This story has a lot more than that going on.

Ace and Rihanna are great together. I like couples that initially give each other hell and that push makes them grow closer together. It’s good. Guys like pushy women and women like alpha males. In this story, it really works. Plus, he’s a cowboy and I could see him. That’s the best part. The writing was so descriptive, I could see him and felt like I was right there with them. Rihanna thinks she knows what she wants and what she’s going to do. She’s a purpose driven person and relatable. She has her failings, but it was easy to relate to her.

If you’re looking for a story that’s got relatable characters, steamy scenes and a great plot, then this is the one for you.

Wild Cowboy by Gemma Snow

Wild Cowboy by Gemma Snow
The Sinclair Seven
Publisher: Totally Bound
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Action/Adventure, Mystery/Suspense/Thriller
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Submitting to this wild cowboy is one hell of an adventure…

Environmental journalist Reece Prescott never expected to see the mysterious woman from the Turkish marketplace again, so to meet Morgan Tempest in the middle of a summer storm at the top of the Blackleaf Mountains knocks him sideways.

Their instant connection blows him away… and makes him want to return to The Ranch, the secret club he owns with six of his friends. It’ s the closest thing he has to home and the place he always finds himself avoiding when the anniversary of the worst day of his life rolls around. For Morgan Tempest, though, he might just be able to handle it.

Morgan has spent the last year reclaiming her independence and rebuilding her business. She’s in control and saying yes to life now. That includes the wild cowboy she meets in the mountains… and The Ranch, a place where everything she thought she knew about her boundaries—and desires—is challenged.

But before Reece and Morgan can explore everything the other has to offer, the real world comes crashing in, bringing with it climate disasters, armed mercenaries, corrupt politicians and their own troublesome pasts.

If they can survive all that, then maybe, just maybe, they’ll be ready for that next great adventure— falling in love.

Hot and satisfying.

I love a good Gemma Snow book and this one delivered. The writing flowed well and had me on the edge of my seat for the duration. I couldn’t get enough and will certainly look for more in this series. I felt like I was right there at the ranch with these characters. Holy smokes and the chemistry was off the charts.

Morgan and Reece are great together. I loved the instant chemistry and the willingness between them to explore what they needed. I love that this story is set in somewhere not a city club and wholly there for exploration. The real world aspects of the story are plausible and I needed to know what would happen next. I’m glad I did. This story scorched the page and I loved it.

If you’re looking for a solid story, hot characters and plenty of sizzle, then this is the one for you.

*The Billionaire’s Appetite by L. A. Day

*The Billionaire’s Appetite by L. A. Day
Publisher: Totally Bound Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Larkspur

She wanted funding—he needed submission. He would give her more than she asked for.

Charity’s father pulled the funding for her research, but she may have found the perfect replacement. Silas is a billionaire and he agrees to meet to discuss her proposal. After an embarrassing first encounter with the gorgeous but elusive billionaire, she didn’t expect him to help her.

Silas Radford is intrigued by the beautiful and brainy scientist. She asks for funding, but he wants a partnership—and not just in business. Sparks fly between them the moment they meet, but there are a few issues to set to rest before he can close the deal.

But Charity doesn’t realize Silas is friends with the father she feels betrayed her. And even if they can get past that, he still has to show her the full extent of his darker appetites…

What happens when a scientist and billionaire businessman meet? That’s the premise in L.A. Day’s newest book, The Billionaire’s Appetite. This quick read is passionate, fun and entertaining.

Silas is a successful businessman with a womanizing reputation. He likes to be in control and when he sees something he wants, he grabs it. So, when he meets Charity, he pulls out all the stops to make her his. Despite his faults, I liked Silas. He is colorful and entertaining and knows what he wants.

Charity is a scientist looking for money for her project. When Silas agrees to help her, she is ecstatic, but she doesn’t realize there are strings attached. Charity is so easy to like. She is dedicated to her project and innocent.

I loved Silas and Charity together and I enjoyed all the push and pull between them. I could feel all the tension flowing between them. Plus, they have tons of chemistry. This is a fun erotic story from start to finish.