Everyday Stories by Sean Michael

Everyday Stories by Sean Michael
Publisher: Torquere Books
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (90 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

This collection brings together nine Sean Michael short stories that follow the everyday lives of everyone’s favorite Jarheads: Rock, Rig and Dick. Whether working in the garden, fooling around with paint, or just plain fooling around, nobody loves like these two Marines and their Nurse.

Love is what happens during the happy ever after. Nine short stories are collected and presented showing Rock, Rig, and Dick in their everyday lives. Between work, school, family, and daily stressors, these three show that love can happen in the smallest moments and in the biggest. There’s never a good reason not to fool around for the wildly popular Jarhead boys.

Sean Michael’s Jarhead series holds a soft spot for me. Michael was my first m/m author and I still love his Jarhead series, which I re-read often. I enjoy the characters and their stories mostly because they are the most complex the author has written, largely due to the numerous stories where characterization can occur in between the repeated sex scenes. So these short stories fit well with the series and can easily be read as stand alone stories but they don’t really offer much insight into the characters themselves. There is some nice interaction with the men in different scenarios so a reader can glean how the three men fit together but really these are just for long time readers and fans of the series.

That said – they’re exactly what you would expect from a Jarhead short story from author SM. Each one is an extended sex scene, or several sex scenes put together that show the men in various everyday circumstances. Whether they’re releasing tension from a bad day, just goofing off, or having a typical morning sex session, it’s a glimpse into the highly sexualized life of this trio. I found the stories fun and typical, they’re basically the same scenes you’d find in one of the novel length stories but since I already have a soft spot for them I liked reading the scenes anyway. It was like skimming the books for the sex and no plot but you get to see the men and their love for each other shinning through their playtime.

It’s the romance of the stories that really does it for me as a reader. I like revisiting these characters 15-20 years down the road in their relationship and seeing how they continue to love and desire each other. They make allowances for their age but still see each other through the rose colored lens of love. Although the stories are entirely and completely sex scenes, one after the other, there’s always emotion, laughter, and heartfelt moments that make it more than simple porn and thus worthwhile reading. Perhaps not the greatest set of short stories and nothing fans haven’t read for years but always a nice nostalgic trip with a trio of beloved characters.

Need For Sale by Sean Michael

Need For Sale by Sean Michael
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (39 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/M, Spanking, Anal Play
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Fern

It’s been two years since Neil’s Master Chris passed away unexpectedly and he’s ready for someone to touch him again. More than ready. The problem is that everyone is respectfully keeping their distance. Participating in the annual charity Hammer Auction seems like the perfect opportunity to announce his readiness, and to get some of the touches he craves so badly at the same time.

To Neil’s surprise, his best friend and neighbor, Master Dalton makes the winning bid, leaving Neil to wonder if he must continue exist alone and untouched. Master Dalton has a secret, though, one that might change Neil’s life forever.

Neil is on a mission. It’s been nearly two years since his partner was killed in a car crash and Neil needs sex. Badly. So he agrees to set himself up for auction at the local club. Dalton, his best friend and neighbor, pays handsomely for the night, but leaves Neil confused. Neil knows he isn’t Dalton’s type, so what’s going on? Two men, friends first, but both longing to experience the other. Finally one night – one auction – brings all those fantasies to life.

I’m always a total sucker for the plotline of “friends becoming lovers” and this short story totally lives up to every expectation. Neil and Dalton know each other very well, but there’s always things our lovers know that our friends don’t. In one heated night, both men will discover secrets and hidden treats about the other, shocking and surprising each other at every turn. I love how although Dalton is a dominant, and Neil a submissive, neither are into seriously heavy scenes. There’s a tenderness, a sweetness to their coming together that really satisfied the romantic in me.

Intense and sexy, this is a brilliant M/M. Kinky, but not over the top, I think it will appeal to those who like a bit of bite in their erotica. I grew attached to both Neil and Dalton almost from the start, and relished their first sexual encounter. It was hot to read about them breaking through the friend barrier and deeply satisfying. Another excellent short story by Mr. Michael – and highly recommended.

Black, One Sugar by Jae Christopher

Black, One Sugar by Jae Christopher
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (18 pgs)
Other: M/M
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

David has a secret, a secret he has been struggling to tell his lover, Aaron, since the very beginning of their relationship. Unfortunately, David just can’t seem to find the right time or words to share that secret.

Until one morning, when he accidentally blurts it out over their coffee. Now all David has to worry about is whether or not Aaron can handle what he’s been told.

David was happy being alone, not needing or wanting the complication of a boyfriend. But after being ambushed into a blind date, Aaron is too perfect for him to pass up on. Two months down the track and after a special evening together, David finally tells Aaron the truth — that he has lycanthropy. Aaron is understandably shocked and upset, Aaron had merely asked David how he liked his coffee, and instead found his world turned upside down.

This is an emotionally charged short story. I really enjoyed how the author brought the drama and tension together so quickly. I also liked the simile between the phobias and bigotry surrounding lycanthropy in the story’s world, and AIDS and other similar diseases in ours. I was a little disappointed how there wasn’t any graphic sex or showing of passion/displays of affection between David and Aaron. Despite the new depth to their relationship there wasn’t much in the way of physical contact between them or sexual chemistry. This gave the book more of a flavor of straight-Paranormal to me, not romantic or erotic Paranormal.

The world-building is solid and well explained without feeling like a massive info-dump. It made me interested in the author’s style of werewolves and their world. I’d certainly be interested to read more stories by Jaw Christopher. Short and emotional, this would be an excellent prologue-style story for a longer series, or an introduction into an interesting new paranormal world.

Velvet Diamonds by Sean Michael

Velvet Diamonds by Sean Michael
Publisher: Torquere Press Publishers
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (128 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/M, Anal Play, Forced Seduction, Toys, Spanking
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Mistletoe

From Kes, the Velvet Glove’s guest manager finding his soul mate in A Bird in the Hand, to corporate leader Isaak finding what he needs as a sub with Velvet Glove regular Car in Raw Need, these five stories run the gamut from sweet to spicy.

Just like the Velvet Glove has a little something for everyone, these gems explore five different flavors for you.

Velvet Diamonds brings together five previously published short stories from the Velvet Glove world. Stories included are: A Bird in the Hand, Peace Within the Quiet, Love and the Farmer, Three to Heal, and Raw Need.

This collection of short stories brings readers into the world of the Velvet Glove and many of the men that reside there. So many different men and pairings happen at the Velvet glove. One never knows what they might find. These stories bring us some hot yet sweet romances. Men taking a chance and many finding love and happiness in doing so. With a little help many of these men all find something special that will last.

I really enjoyed the characters in this collection of wonderful stories. Love and trust shines brightly through in each of the stories. All the men find themselves longing for more with each other. There are couples and a threesome in between these pages. Some not realizing that they were looking while others were wishing and longing.

I loved many of the characters in these stories and would love to continue seeing just what more comes to them. One of my favorites is Kestrel. Kestrel is not only a character that finds his love but also lends a helping hand to others. He is a sweet man who finally finds someone to care for him. Every man is special in his own way and the relationships that develop between them make for a nice read. Attraction quickly turns to affection and love with these men.

These stories pulled me in and had me wanting more, wondering what happens after the stories ended. I loved seeing each of the men find what they were longing for. This book showed me just why this author is an automatic buy for me.

Tony’s Tiara by Berengaria Brown

Tony’s Tiara by Berengaria Brown
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (17 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Tony’s sister Sharon has spent a year planning the perfect wedding. Tony’s very nervous about being on display on stage as one of her attendants, and that’s before everything goes wrong. Lost tiaras, drunk groomsmen, the list is endless. Without the love and support of Josh, Tony simply would never have survived the weekend. What else could possibly go wrong?

Tony is committed to Josh and loves him. But with gay marriage now legal in their state, and Tony’s sister Sharon getting married, wedding fever has taken hold of his friends and family. And Tony’s just not sure he’s ready yet. Sharon could be crowned queen of the Bridezilla’s and it’s totally turned Tony off all things wedding. With so many things going wrong Josh is starting to wonder if there will ever be the right time to talk Tony into legalizing their commitment. But with two rings in his pocket he’s determined to find the right moment and try.

This is a lovely, sweet short story. Tony and Josh clearly love each other and seeing them work their way towards a legal commitment is wonderful. The antics of Sharon and her demands, the drunk friends of friends at the rehearsal party and all the usual drama associated with a big to-do made for a funny backdrop on what is really a heart-warming love story. The sex is hot and descriptive, but I don’t feel it’s kinky enough to turn off new readers to the M/M genre. I enjoyed the story especially with the host of funny, drunk, realistic secondary characters.

I found this to be a great quick read, funny and light but still well written. Tony and Josh are clearly meant for each other and seeing them sneak in their happily ever after was lovely. Recommended.

Lake Effect by Racheline Maltese and Erin McRae

Lake Effect by Racheline Maltese and Erin McRae
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (26 pgs)
Other: M/M
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Fern

When Kyle and Daniel return to their hometown to get married, they find themselves facing an obstacle course of family drama and small-town misadventure in their quest to make it down the aisle.

Misbehaving relatives and a reformed high school bully, along with an ill-advised hookup in the wedding party and a weird late-night meal with a cabbie and his ex-wife, leave the happy couple doubting whether they want to get married at all. But a hot quickie before their walk down the aisle helps remind them that the most important part of getting married is being married.

Kyle and Daniel have returned home to get married. While Rochester isn’t their favorite place on earth, it’s where both their families call home and will make their mother’s happy. What follows is a funny, all-too-believable clashing of worlds. City vs Small Town. Old school traditions vs modern life. Despite an incredibly rocky road with well-meaning but insane family members and high drama, Kyle and Daniel love each other and are determined nothing will get in the way of them tying the knot.

I’m sure there are many readers out here who will know all too well how realistic many of the scenes in this short story are. Well meaning but aggravating mothers who can’t let go of their youngest child. Cousins who haven’t yet understood that this “passing phase” is actually a new life path they’re starting out on. Comments being said at exactly the wrong time. It’s all part of real life and the drama associated with weddings. I enjoyed the extremely modern language, though I had to find myself rereading many sentences multiple times to make sure I understood them properly (…because Rochester….because, modern speech…) and think particularly amongst younger readers this will go down a treat.

While this isn’t an intense, explicitly erotic story (one quick sex scene), the love is clear between Kyle and Daniel. I really laughed aloud at a few of the family antics and some of Kyle’s inner monologue. I’ve been in a few wedding disasters — but Kyle and Daniel’s totally take the cake. I found this to be a really funny, true-to-life telling of the lead up to a wedding. The napkins, the family drama, the ill-timed bachelor party, the last minute nerves (and completely inappropriate make up session). This is a fun, well-written wedding story with a twist and memorable characters. Recommended.

Written in the Stars: The Destiny Stories by TC Blue

Written in the Stars: The Destiny Stories by TC Blue
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (69 pages)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Lilac

Sometimes Fate steps in and brings you exactly what you need. It’s up to you whether to accept the gift.

That’s the situation Andrew finds himself in when he gets lost in Michigan one night and stumbles upon the Dew Drop Inn… and Raj, who seems far too perfect to be real. Not only is Raj gorgeous, but he seems to be into Andrew, too.

Raj knows what he wants. He’s been waiting for his destiny for years. The only question is whether he can convince Andrew that they’re meant to be. That their meeting was written in the stars.

A repressed, heartbroken man walks into a bar, zeroes in on the most delectable behind he’s ever seen, and takes the hot young man home for a bout of sex. And that’s just the start of the story.

This novella is composed of three sections that had previously been published as three separate short stories. In the first, Andrew and Raj meet; in the second, Andrew meets Raj’s parents; and in the third and last, the couple take a holiday. Because of this structure of bringing three stories together without a bridge to connect them, there’s no sense of fluid continuation, unfortunately. Still, as simple erotic tales these achieve their goal in entertaining and titillating.

The first meeting is insta-love inspired by fate. Raj immediately believes Andrew is his one true love, fated to be his, and after a night of lovemaking Andrew agrees. Due to the length of this bar rendezvous and subsequent sex scene, the characters remain one-dimensional, without much depth to them. I wasn’t emotionally invested in the characters due to their lack of depth. If the word destiny hadn’t been thrown around so much, this would have been just another hookup at a bar, no muss, no fuss. The language is sensual and hot, so for an erotic quickie this is above average, even though the insta-love makes this unrealistic.

Raj’s parents surprise him during a party Andrew has set up for Raj’s 21 birthday—and they act badly, looking down their noses at Andrew being older. With their first fight, Andrew and Raj’s characters gain a modicum of depth. Nonetheless, this middle story presents new, unappealing side characters, and because of the fight and subsequent separation, there aren’t many happy-bubbly emotions happening here. The party itself had some confusing elements but this part of the story does end on a positive note. In short, this felt like a slice of life piece and a more memorable part of the book.

Raj is independently wealthy but Andrew works hard as a lawyer. Raj wants them to have a vacation, so off they go to Hawaii. Not much going on here plot-wise. Just nudity, sex, sightseeing, and sunbathing. Again, no real deepening of personalities. Frolicking and enjoying oneself are the themes here, and the overall tone is light and fun. The best part of the book for readers who don’t require too much depth.

TC Blue has written a relatively engaging story involving the same characters meeting, falling in love, and establishing themselves as a couple. This story is plot-light, but as a three act erotic quickie this works fine. The writing is efficient and to the point, plus sensual and sexy in the right spots. A nice read and a good way to sample this author.

The Jester Prince by Voss Foster

The Jester Prince by Voss Foster
The King Jester Trilogy Book 2
Publisher: Torquere Press Publishers
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (172 pages)
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Orchid

With the destruction of Zirkua Fantastic, King Jester, the spirit of discord, has been unleashed once more upon the Earth. Only Toby, a fresh, untrained immortal, and the other former members of Zirkua Fantastic dare to stand against his chaos. But their hold is tenuous, and they are only truly safe from his power within the bounds of their camp. King Jester grows more powerful and more dangerous with each passing day. But he’s made one mistake which might prove to be his undoing. He’s stolen Toby’s soul mate, Marley. When he discovers Marley’s location, Toby knows what he has to do. He will rescue Marley, even if it means he has to face King Jester alone.

But the others won’t let him go it alone. Marley has information about the resistance, which means they can’t afford to let him stay in King Jester’s control. In desperation, the immortals raise an army to storm the compound. But will it be enough to challenge the embodiment of chaos himself? All they can do is hope, and put their faith in love.

Toby must find his Other (soulmate) or be forever alone. This is bad as Toby is immortal, although his Other, Marley, is not.

Marley is the half breed son of King Jester and has been kidnapped by the King. To stop the Jester from taking over the immortals and everything else Toby and the other immortals at the circus must recover Marley.

I found this book slightly confusing at first. It’s the second in the series but seemed to start in the middle of the story with no real explanation of what had happened to Marley and it’s only after the first few chapters I began to understand the reasons behind Toby’s magic training and the relationship between humans and immortals.

I did enjoy the story as I got deeper into it, but parts of it were still confusing. The last few chapters are full of tension and adventure which increased my enjoyment. On the whole it is a good book, but one that I never actually got lost in. Getting lost in a story is my rule of thumb for an excellent.  I think if I’d read book one first, this might have been a different matter.

However, I have to say I’m glad I persevered as it was worth reading once I got into it.

Having His Cake by Genna Donaghy

Having His Cake by Genna Donaghy
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (21 pgs)
Other: M/M Anal Play
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Wedding bells are in Matty Strauss’ future. Not his own, of course. He’s about to cater for the biggest event in his career, and the fact he’s had to sell out to do it is just icing on his stress-cake.

Needing to loosen up and forget his worries, Matty takes himself out to his favorite club. Hooking up with a random hottie was part of the plan, but finding out it’s the groom-to-be wasn’t.

Matty can’t help but try to help make Cathryn’s wedding as perfect as she wants it to be. In charge of the food and all-important wedding cake, Matty is determined to use Cathryn’s wedding to help launch him into the arena of big-boys. With one last night of freedom before work will encompass everything, Matty heads to the club to blow off some steam. A mystery man makes all the right moves on the dance-floor, and before he knows it Matty is indulging in a club-fuck. What was supposed to be a no-strings-attached quickie takes a seriously complicated turn when Matty once again bumps into the mystery man.

While I understood Matty’s personal rules about club sex – not giving out his name and keeping them as one-night-stands around the back of the club – I felt that Eaton’s reactions and shyness should have clued Matty in that this wasn’t some common guy used to the circuit. Matty came across at the end of this scene as mean and a little harsh, and this pulled me out of the story. Feeling bad for Eaton and sad for him, and not really liking Matty’s actions had me needing to take a break and step away for a little bit. While I might be a big soft-touch, it’s not common for me to need a breather like this when reading romance, so it was a reaction that really stuck with me.

Having said that, I really enjoyed the emotional depth to the writing. I found this to be a story that brought me both high and low. I became invested in Matty’s character, and fiercely wanted both he and Eaton to find happiness together. I also thought the author wasn’t afraid to hold back. Marriage equality, and issues such as strength of morals and having to compromise were all addressed in this short story. Don’t be fooled by the small page count, I found despite the shortness this story packed quite a punch and hit a few important points.

Despite their rocky start – and the near-unbelievable coincidence of Matty and Eaton meeting again – there is a wonderful Happily Ever After and a wonderful resolution to the story. This is not a book full of realism and lighthearted fun – but it is an emotional and very well written short story. Readers who like a bit of drama and having their heart and emotions toyed with from strong writing will probably find themselves loving this story. A strong, emotional story with two wonderful characters.

Building Us by Lynn Townsend

Building Us by Lynn Townsend
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (16 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Fern

As a construction foreman, Eric knows how to build a house. What he’s uncertain of is how to build a life, now that he’s finally found the man he wants to spend his with. Temple, a university professor with a stack of erudite publications as long as his arm has always played the single’s game, until he meets Eric.

Will a roof-top proposal lead to “I do” or will the whole thing fall apart when Eric can’t put a ring on it?

Eric is a working man – a builder and roofer, well used to dirt and construction sites. Temple is a tenured professor, urbane, neat and well educated. Never in a million years did Eric think he’d end up with a man like Temple, but he loves the professor to pieces. Despite delays and disasters, Eric insists Temple come up on the roof and hammer in the last nail, finalizing their new home together. Eric and Temple are solid – as structurally sound as the house Eric’s just built, but that doesn’t mean life can’t still throw them curve balls.

This is a really sweet, softly funny story of two men already deep in love trying to take the next step together, and all the twists and turns life can hand them. I found myself laughing aloud at times, and sighing happily at others. The author does an amazing job, filling both Eric and Temple with life and vibrancy. I instantly found myself attached to both characters, and loving their difference as much as their similar love for each other. Neither man is a cliché, or arrogant, but the strength of their love for each other is a real joy to read.

Hot and sensual, but also really sweet and gentle, this is a short story for those low on time but still wanting some spicy reading. Temple and Eric really captured my imagination and their sweetness and evident love had the romance reader in me deeply satisfied. Light, fun reading, this is a book I can heartily recommend.