Christmas Jinx by Natalie-Nicole Bates

Christmas Jinx by Natalie-Nicole Bates
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary, Holiday
Length: Short Story (39 pages)
Other: F/F
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Marnie desperately needs an assistant. As the proprietress of For the Love of Fruitcake, her successful little home bakery, her Christmas orders are piling up. She’s had bad luck in the past with assistants, and vows this year will be different, especially now that she will be entering a Christmas Bakeoff competition.

Jinx needs a job and a home for the holidays. She’s young, sweet, and eager to please. But she’s also a jinx, just like her name.

Marnie is smitten, and hires her on the spot, but soon realizes that everything Jinx touches goes wrong, and threatens not only Marnie’s business, but the Christmas Bakeoff as well.

There must be something Jinx is good at, and that is for Jinx to know and Marnie to soon figure out

Sometimes good things can happen when you’re in the right place at the right time.

Jinx’s uncanny ability to cause accidents everywhere she went made me grin. It might have caused her a lot of embarrassment, but the scrapes she got into were so comical. I never would have guessed that anyone would find as many ways to get into trouble in an ordinary kitchen as she did. She brought a lot of laughter to the plot, though, and that was a very good thing.

I would have liked to see more attention paid to the chemistry between Jinx and Marnie. It would have been especially helpful to show more flirtation between them before anything sexual or romantic happened. Their relationship moved incredibly quickly in this story despite the fact that neither one of them came across to me as the kind of person who would jump into this sort of thing without thinking it through first. They seemed otherwise cautious about life. While I liked them both a lot as individuals, I was never quite sold on the idea of them being a great couple because of how out of character they acted when they were together. If not for this issue, I would have give this book a much higher rating.

One the things I like the most about Ms. Bates writing style how much attention she pays to everything that’s going on in her tales. Everything from the food to the settings to tender moments between the two main characters were described in great detail. All of these elements are important to me. The fact that this author pays close attention to both the erotic and the non-erotic parts of a story is a big part of the reason why I’m such a fan of her work.

Give Christmas Jinx a try if you’re in the mood for something decadent.

Combine by Sean Michael

Combine by Sean Michael
A Hammer Novel
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (188 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/M, Menage, Anal Play, Toys, Spanking, M/M/M/M
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Dom and sub couples Peter and Devon, and Max and Swan, are joining their lives together. After a week at The Briar Rose, they know there’s a lot of work to do, and they’re all committed to making sure what they have together succeeds.

Peter is the easygoing sub, while Max needs discipline and rules to keep from falling back into bad habits, so both Masters worry about making sure that each boy gets what he needs without making either sub feel neglected. It’s a balancing act that winds up taking some fancy footwork and the stress takes its toll.

As they learn to live and bond together, they discover things about each other that makes them fall more deeply in love, helping to cement their relationships.

Then an unexpected attack on Peter and Max threatens to upset the balance they’ve created, and Swan and Devon must join forces to give their subs what they need to push through and thrive. Will this stumbling block break apart their hard-won new family, or will it forge a stronger foursome?

After a week merging their two couples at a B&B, Peter, Max, Devon and Swan are finally moving in all together as a blended group. But as with any new relationship there can be bumps and it takes time to get comfortable with each other. Can these two couples combine their lives, love and create something new?

I really enjoyed this sensual story. It’s a progression from Sean Michael’s book “Blended Family” but can easily be read as a stand alone. Mr Michael has done an excellent job of laying out the backstory without massive info-dumps or making it feel like a rehash of old stuff. I was pleasantly impressed by the seamlessness of having Max, Peter, Devon and Swan’s story and relationship progress while still explaining how far they’d already come on this journey. I also really loved how all four characters had their own style and quirks. With four main characters it would be easy to have one or more appear too similar – or perhaps be somewhat overlooked in the narrative, but I found them to be all unique and interesting and take equal shares of the spotlight. The author is to be commended in my view for meshing the various threads of story perfectly to make an excellent foursome.

This is a highly erotic tale, and while there’s plenty of BDSM play and toys, I found it sweet, charming and extremely tasteful. I could also strongly appreciate how the plot and storyline basically *is* the foursome coming together. I loved reading about the small hiccups of couples moving in together, finding their new pace and settling in with each other. There of course was some outside conflict about half way through – and while I found the problem the four men faced sad, it was also a strong reminder of how some pockets of the world is today. Bittersweet. Most of all though, I loved seeing these characters I enjoy coming together, sharing their bodies and home and finding their new rhythm together.

I felt Combine is a strongly romantic story with excellent characters, a realistic plot and interactions and more than a hint of laughter. This is a wonderful story and one I happily found myself engrossed by. I can’t wait to crack it open and start reading it again for pure pleasure. A vibrant, wonderful tale.

Elder Petersen’s Mission Memories by Jeff Laver

Elder Petersen’s Mission Memories by Jeff Laver
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Historical (1970s)
Length: Short Story (69 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Steve Petersen has been hoping his homosexual feelings are “just a phase.” But as a nineteen-year-old embarking on a two-year Mormon mission in South America, he realizes those feelings are still there, and that he’s attracted to another missionary — the companion he’s been assigned to be with twenty-four hours a day. Set in 1972, less than three years after Stonewall, these missionaries have been taught by their church that homosexuality is an abomination, and those who suffer from those tendencies must repent. Worse, they’re told that with God’s help, fervent prayer, and mind over matter, they can become heterosexuals. Steve’s conflict is real and heart-wrenching; he’s an official representative of his church, but he’s falling in love with his companion. Can he reconcile his church doctrine and the feelings in his heart?

Steve was nineteen in 1971 and a devout Mormon. That summer after finishing high school he studied hard in anticipation of leaving on a Mormon mission. Sent into a new country for his mission and assigned to his new partner/companion, Steve (Elder Peterson) was thrilled to find his partner was Elder Evans. Steve knew Randall from high school. Randall had been a few years ahead of him and very easy on the eye. Missionary life is a lot harder than Steve ever expected, and soon his need for Randall has become one of the most important things in his life.

This is a well written story, akin to a confessional or short biographical tale. Told in the first person, I found myself intrigued by the Mormon lifestyle Steve lived. On a mission in Columbia, in a strange country and feeling very isolated I understood a lot of the problems Steve found himself facing. His sexual attraction to Randall was a slow burn, growing and intensifying over time and feeling quite realistic. The strict and very strong religious beliefs, though, make me think this book definitely won’t be everyone’s cup of tea. The emotions are raw though and I found them very well written.

I really felt for Steve as he tried to sort through his homosexual thoughts and feelings. Particularly given the “historical” (1970s) time setting I can understand how confusing, taboo and difficult life must have felt for Steve. I connected with his character – despite knowing next to nothing about the Mormon religion. There is a non-penetrative sex scene near the middle and finally toward the end a proper, erotic sex scene that is graphic and has a very long lead-up to it. I found it emotional and explicit though very tastefully written. This isn’t a “usual” erotic romance story, but more a coming of age style story about one man discovering his sexuality and his true self in relation to his Mormon religious beliefs. Readers looking for a more regular “guy meets guy and hits it off” story mightn’t find what they’re looking for here, I still am glad to have read this story. It opened a window into a religion and lifestyle I don’t know much about and while I didn’t find it as titillating as some others might, I nevertheless don’t feel my time was wasted.

Well written and interesting, this book will not be every readers cup of tea. But for readers who enjoy coming of age style stories or who are curious about the Mormon religion and workings and don’t mind M/M relationships this might be an interesting book to try.

Everything Anise by Natalie-Nicole Bates

Everything Anise by Natalie-Nicole Bates
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (60 pages)
Other: F/F
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

A Victorian-era vampire living in the modern world, Emigh Bennett’s favorite activity is watching people from the window of her little bookshop. When she spots a woman nearly killed on the street outside her shop, she rushes to her rescue, and she meets Anise.
The proprietress of a little home business called “Everything Anise”, Anise crafts one-of-a-kind perfumes all with a touch of her namesake spice, all with the power to intoxicate and delight the senses. She is smart, sexy, beautiful, and happens to be a little bit different.

Although Anise is everything Emigh could ever ask for and more, she can’t quite figure her out. Anise possesses the duality of an innocent angel and a vivacious vixen. Even if Emigh can ever peel away the multi layers of Anise to uncover the truth beneath, what will happen when she finally reveals the truth about herself?

They say that everyone has a soulmate out there somewhere. Does the definition of the term everyone include vampires, though?

There was a nice balance between all of the various elements of this story. It was definitely erotica more than anything else, but the science fiction themes were also stronger than I expected them to be. I was pleasantly surprised by how much detail the author went into about who and what Emigh was. Knowing so much about her background really helped to flesh out her character, so to speak. Writing it that way was a good call on Ms. Bates part.

I would have liked the see things move more slowly between Emigh and Anise. They warmed up to each other faster than I would have expected based on their personalities and histories. Everything I’d learned about them made me think they’d both be cautious about pursuing anything with someone they’d just met, especially since there was so much they didn’t know about one another yet.

With that being said, the chemistry between these characters was phenomenal. Sometimes sparks do fly between two people right away, and the way they flew in this tale were as believable as they were sexy. While I didn’t know if or how everything would work out, I definitely wanted Anise and Emigh to end up together. Seeing how they interacted when they were in same place made me want to see it happen more often.

Give Everything Anise a try if you’re in the mood for something erotic.

Another Creature by Valerie Brundage

Another Creature by Valerie Brundage
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (38 pages)
Other: F/F
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Astilbe

Luanne and her husband were planning to renovate a seaside cottage together, but she has moved in alone after discovering Alan’s infidelity. Not that she doesn’t have sexual secrets of her own. But now, distraught by her loneliness and the mystery of the open sea, her dreams are haunted by the vision, voice, and touch of a tentacled creature, the Melusine of lore that has always been rumored in the region.

Is its unnatural touch on Luanne and the seduction in its voice real? Luanne’s lesbian friend Karen comes to console her, and the heat and promise of their past illicit relationship return. But the legend is real, and the Melusine wants Luanne for itself. But Luanne can’t resist Karen’s sexual advances, and she’s not sure who (or what) really loves her, and whose arms will protect her forever.

Some dreams are destined to come true. Others are only meant to be taken metaphorically. Which kind of dream has Luanne been having?

The chemistry between the main character and her love interest was steamy. I particularly enjoyed seeing how it heated up over time. There is definitely something to be said for building the audience’s anticipation in advance. Ms. Brundage did a good job at both setting up the scene and making me yearn for these characters to get together.

This tale included flashbacks that took up a disproportionate amount of space in the storyline. While it was riveting to have these glimpses into Luanne’s past, there were too many of them for something of this length. Cutting back on them would have made it easier for me to focus on what she was doing at the cottage. At times it was also hard for me to figure out what was going on because I couldn’t quite tell if the current scene was happening now or was set in the recent past.

I’d never heard of Melusine before. The descriptions of who this individual was and where she came from were really interesting, especially once I realized that it was all based on a real legend. This was an intriguing way to frame an erotic story. It’s not something I’ve seen done very often, and I enjoyed seeing how all of the pieces fit together.

Another Creature should be read by anyone who likes introducing ancient legends into modern settings.

Box Of Nails: Jack Of All Trades by Sean Michael

Box Of Nails: Jack Of All Trades by Sean Michael
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (150 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/M, Anal Play, Toys, Spanking
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Brad is crashing in his cousin Stephen’s room while he tries to sort out his life. A perpetual student, he still hasn’t settled on a major after a half dozen years at University. He loves learning, but so far that’s the only thing that’s been a good fit.

Dill is a full-time Dom who hasn’t found the right sub yet. He’s not worried about it — he figures it’ll eventually happen and in the meantime, there’s plenty of boys at the Hammer Club who are eager to share a scene with an experienced master.

When Brad and Dill meet at a party at Barney and Devon’s house for subs, the attraction is immediate and undeniable and Master Dill feels that Brad is the perfect sub for him. He also believes that as his submissive, Brad will learn the focus he needs to fulfill his potential and find satisfaction with his life. Now he just needs to help jack-of-all-trades Brad see they belong together.

Dillinger Robinson is at a party with his good friend from the Hammer BDSM club, Jeff. It’s just a normal day until Dill meets Brad, a sweet little sub who is a perpetual student and seems to be a little lost. Drawn to Brad from the moment he laid eyes on him, Dill craves to introduce the younger man to the lifestyle of BDSM. Brad isn’t sure at first, but he is open-minded. Brad loves learning, and always eager for new experiences. Dill can certainly give him that and more.

This is a fun, sharp read. I found myself almost immediately liking both Dill and Brad. I love Sean Michael’s writing style, and almost always fall into his stories within the first few pages. This was no exception. I really enjoyed how open to exploring Brad was. While he wasn’t interested in BDSM per se – he had an insatiable curiosity and loved learning all sorts of things. Dill uses this hunger for knowledge to draw Brad in, with wonderful results. I found Brad endearing – and laughed aloud at some of his thoughts and comments, like wanting some time to read up and research various sex toys and other items. Dill was also incredibly patient, and that was exactly what Brad needed.

While I’ve only read a few other of the Hammer books in this series, this stands very well on its own. The club and some of the other members we briefly met are well explained and I feel anyone could pick this up as a stand alone novel and not miss a thing. There is plenty of kink in this lovely novel (rimming, nipple play and other BDSM playing) but I really loved how so much more of the book was about two men learning about each other and starting a deep and loving relationship. There’s fun times with them cooking, having coffee, just getting to know each other outside the bedroom. While the sex is smoking hot and prolific, it’s not just a number of bedroom scenes strung together. Brad and Dill get to know each other on every level – and their relationship is romantic, emotional and far more than just excellent sex. The author has an amazing talent to mesh these two aspects together and making a novel that has the best of both worlds.

I found this to be an amazing M/M full of kink, humour and excellent characters. Readers don’t need to be familiar with the other Hammer novels, and I would heartily recommend this novel. I loved the characters and found myself eagerly turning the pages late into the night. A wonderful tale I will happily reread many times in the future.

Under the Mistletoe by Vic Winters

Under the Mistletoe by Vic Winters
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Holiday, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (38 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex, Masturbation, BDSM, Spanking, Voyeurism, Multiple Partners
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Nymphaea

Three stories, three couples, all trying to make the season bright. From Brand and Tony exploring a little BDSM in The Present, and Adam and Eddie, both trying to find a little Christmas far away from home in Christmas on the Beach, to Danny and Jeff who plan a very traditional celebration for their first Christmas together in I Got the Booby Prize, these six men just want to have a Merry Christmas.

These guys are hot, hot, hot with a side of mistletoe.

I love MM stories and these were a good addition to the genre. Vic Winters’ books flow well and have engaging characters. I’m glad I picked up the book. Each tale, though short, features something for everyone.

The Present involves two men finding the right balance for their relationship. I liked how the author handled the BDSM in the story. I had a hard time buying into this being a Christmas story–it felt like it could’ve been any time of the year–but that didn’t take away from the read. The characters of Brand and Tony were interesting. The play between Brand and Jack was definitely hot.

Christmas at the Beach was just that–a fun beach read. Adam and Eddie were sweet together. I liked how the author wrote the loneliness of being away from family over the holidays. This was a feel good story that tugged at the heart. I loved the twist ending and hope there are more stories about these two characters.

I Got the Booby Prize was a little harder to get through. The sentiment of this story is cute. The characters though…I didn’t really engage with them much. It was like I read their story, but wasn’t immersed in it.

If you’re looking for a cute read with holiday flair, one to read during a lazy afternoon before the holidays, then this might be the book for you.

Early To Rise by V. L. Locey

Early To Rise by V. L. Locey
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (103 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 3 Stars
Reviewed by Fern

There are few things worse than being left at the altar by the man you thought loved you. Just ask Simon Wilder. He knows all about it. He also knows a thing or two about getting fired. It`s been a rotten week for Simon and making major life decisions during such turmoil may not be the wisest thing Simon has ever done. Or is it?

Packing up his clothes, his collection of Tony Orlando CDs, and his cat, Sambuca, Simon leaves the hustle and bustle of Philadelphia behind and heads out to live on his uncle Tiberius’ farm in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Starting over on the farm where he vacationed once as a child is a going to be just what the doctor ordered, as long as that doctor is the good-looking large animal veterinarian, Gentry Martin. Is a sexy country vet the cure for a love-sick city boy?

Simon had been jilted at the alter by Richard and then promptly lost his job. With no income of his own, and also the loss of his partner of two years sharing the bills, Simon knows he also likely will soon lose his apartment. Things can’t really get that much worse. So Simon decides to relocate out in the country. His Uncle Tiberius owns a farm and Simon recalls having a fun-filled two weeks out there one summer back in his childhood. But of course living in the country after a lifetime in the city isn’t as easy as Simon expected, nor was the complexities involved in starting a relationship so far out in the country.

A little slow to begin with, this nevertheless is a good, fun, city-boy-goes-country style story. The beginning – where Richard stands Simon up at the alter, followed by his outrageous scene leaving his job and making the decision to move to his Uncle’s farm is all well written and really fun to read. But I couldn’t help but feel while reading this first third of the book that this was all “background” material. A quicker, pass through these scenes – amazing as they were – would have sat better with me and given us a faster opening to Gentry and Simon’s introduction and the true plot unfolding. I enjoyed seeing Simon go through the pain and heartache, but felt impatient for the “real” story to begin. This could have just been me though, and other readers might prefer the meandering way the plot moves and taking their time to come to the real relationship here – Simon and Gentry. They don’t really kick off their relationship until half way through the book, but some readers might enjoy this slower pace.

Once Simon and Gentry started to become involved, I found the story to be both funny and romantic. Their relationship progressed at the same slow, easy mosey as the rest of the story does, so the story is quite consistent in its pacing. I would strongly recommend this story for more traditional romance readers who like a lot of character development and time spent with their plot being fleshed out. This would be an excellent introduction-style story for readers new to M/M romances in my mind. There is only the one erotic scene, right at the very end of the story (and a few chaste kisses scattered through the last quarter of the story) and there is nothing in it that I feel pushes the envelope or is outrageously explicit. As such, straight romance readers looking to dip a toe into erotic literature (and/or M/M romance) should be warmly satisfied with this as an experimental try.

Both Simon and Gentry’s characters are well explored and the romance between them is tastefully written. I found the pacing a little slow for my personal preference, and would have liked a bit more spice to an erotic story, but I can’t fault the plot, characterization or warmth infused in this fun, lighthearted story. I also enjoyed the author’s voice – this is a good story told in a humorous, friendly fashion that is as addictive as it is fun. A good read I thoroughly enjoyed.

Blended Family by Sean Michael

Blended Family by Sean Michael
The Briar Rose
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (146 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/M, Multiple Partners, Anal Play, Toys, Voyeurism
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Matt and Adam are back and this time they’re welcoming two established Master/sub pairs who want to play together. Without ruining their friendship.

Subs Peter and Max have been best friends forever, since before they met their masters. They were lovers once, but both men needed the influence of a Dom to stay on an even keel. Happily in love with their masters, Devon and Swan, the boys nonetheless want more.

Devon and Swan care deeply for each other and are willing to give becoming something more a try and the Briar Rose seems like the perfect place to give it a go. As neutral ground, if things go wrong, they should be able to put the whole thing behind them and go back to their lives as simply friends.

Can Devon, Peter, Swan, and Max become the blended family they yearn to be?

Devon and Peter, and Max and Swan were all happy in their pairings, their respective commitments. But Peter and Max had really thought they could make something special with all four of them together as a single unit. Matt and Adam run the Briar Rose together, and Adam has agreed that they’d help two couples spend a week and see if they could become a foursome. When it came to the crunch time, however, nerves abound for all of them. Can Devon, Peter, Max and Swan really make this work, blend their two families and make good, solid friendships something far deeper and more meaningful?

This is a smoking hot story, packed full of delightful, kinky sex and two really stunning relationship coming together as one. I really loved seeing the two main couples together first, finding their chemistry and having them set the tone. Then watching them come together as a foursome – with all the discussions, emotions and complexities that brought. I loved how nothing was really glossed over, at least not to my mind. Everyone’s goals were discussed, worries, what each of them wanted to achieve. Secrets were bared and honesty was integral to the blending process. This really read to me as how two groups of friends could enter into a foursome in a real way, deepen an intimate relationship and make something so highly complex work for all involved.

I loved how there was tons of sex – but more importantly there was strong love and a connection behind it all. At no stage did I feel like various characters were simply pairing off – or swapping over – to complete a check list of whom had been with whom. The author has done an amazing job of keeping the flow natural and wickedly logical. Each scene followed smoothly from the last, and the characters exploring and refining their relationships and boundaries was a delight to watch unfold.

I really enjoyed this book. Great sex, loving and interesting characters mingled in with an emotional and highly sensitive plotline have melded together for a wonderful book. I greedily devoured the entire novel in one sitting and am looking forward to immediately jumping back into it to catch all those small things one invariably misses upon first reading. A loving and emotional book that’s gone directly onto my keeper shelf. Highly recommended.

Building A Life by Alexa Snow

Building A Life by Alexa Snow
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (104 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

When Levi goes to his best friend Cooper’s engagement party, he doesn’t expect to meet an adorable 5 year old named Ashley or to be re-introduced to her hot, intriguing father Philip. Levi is anxious to get to know Philip, and the feeling seems to be mutual. But Philip is married to Cooper’s sister Meg, even if his wife has been mysteriously out of the picture for the past two years, so this ready-made family can’t possibly have room in it for Levi… or can it?

Levi is the best man for his good friend Cooper’s wedding. While at the engagement party, he meets Philip, the separated husband of Cooper’s sister, Meg. Sparks fly, but despite their attraction neither feels right in acting upon is, as Philip and Meg are still technically married. While things between the two men are incredibly complicated, some things are crystal clear. They’re both extremely interested in each other as a lot more than friends. Can they work past their respective issues and build a proper life together?

This is a really good, strongly emotional story. The pace was slow enough I enjoyed Levi and Philip trying to sort themselves out and work on their relationship. This isn’t a story where the main characters meet, fall instantly in love and have large amounts of rambunctious sex. Each have their own baggage, and both have plenty of stuff to work through to find their way to each other. I enjoyed how the story didn’t drag, but didn’t gloss over any of the hurdles and race to the finish line either. I feel the author should be commended on the pacing of this story.

I also really enjoyed the characters. Levi and Philip were both vivid, three-dimensional to me. I felt a particular kinship to Levi and found myself very sympathetic toward him. While the plot “twist” toward the end is easily guessed – as is the ramifications and resolution – I still was impressed that there was a plot, and a decent one to boot. Not just a throwaway, easily “fixed” thing made to pad out the sex. While not precisely original, I found the timing and conflict really added to the characters development and the forward motion of the relationship.

A strongly written, heartfelt erotic romance, this is a lovely story to curl up with. It’s great for a relaxing weekend with a lovely hit of spicy sex and tons of emotion. I really enjoyed the characters and pacing and would happily try another book by this author.