Save Jake Venice by Asher Oswald
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (41 pgs)
Other: M/M
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by NymphaeaWhen I heard Jake Venice had taken his life, I felt like I died with him. Suffocated by the fluff and fakeness of the plastic faces at his funeral, all I wanted to do was join him…wherever he was now.
I woke up the next morning with one last chance. Somehow, I was put ten days back, and I had one shot to try and save Jake. I drove across the country to find him, but when I did…How do you convince someone to hold on who’s already let go? How do you bring light to someone committed to the darkness? I have ten days to try.
A complicated topic tackled in a short story.
I’m a sucker for short stories and even more of one for tortured heroes. This short story certainly delivered on the tortured front. My heart bled for Jake.
I commend the author on tackling a difficult topic. There are some people who look at the world through the lens of depression and can’t see a way out. There are others who need order and logic, but can’t comprehend emotion. That’s Jake. The author wrote him in a fashion that made me both love and hate him. I didn’t like how combative and sharp-tongued he could be, but I’ve known people like Jake, so in that sense he was realistic. As for the other hero, I appreciated his desire to stick with his mission.
That said, this wasn’t the kind of book I might have picked up otherwise. There were rough edges to the characters and the ending wasn’t what I expected. If you’re looking for something fluffy and light, then this might not be the short story you’re wanting. But if you want something a little coarser, then this is the kind of story you’ve probably wanted for quite a while.