Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Here are some of the books I’m looking forward to this spring. If no publication date is listed for a book, that means it has already been released earlier this month!
1. Gallant by V.E. Schwab
Why I Want to Read It: Ms. Schwab is a good storyteller.
2. Okoye to the People: A Black Panther Novel by Ibi Zoboi
Why I Want to Read It: I haven’t read much Chinese science fiction and would like to change that.
4. Wild and Wicked Things by Fran Dorricott
Why I Want to Read It: I wasn’t immediately sure which classic novel this retelling was about. When combined with how many different themes were mentioned in the blurb, I was intrigued! Yes, I’m being a little vague with this reply on purpose. It’s better if you figure out certain things for yourselves.
5. Four Aunties and a Wedding (Aunties, #2) by Jesse Q. Sutanto
Why I Want to Read It: The first book in this series is still on my TBR. Maybe knowing that the sequel will be released soon will convince me to begin this series?
6. Gone Dark by Amanda Panitch
Why I Want to Read It: The comparison to the classic young adult novel “Hatchet” in the blurb piqued my interest.
7. Mutinous Women: How French Convicts Became Founding Mothers of the Gulf Coast by Joan DeJean
Why I Want to Read It: This is a piece of American history I know nothing about!
8.History Comics: The Stonewall Riots: Making a Stand for LGBTQ Rights by Archie Bongiovanni
Why I Want to Read It: I would have loved to read this when I was a teenager. Luckily, adults can still read young adult books.
9. The Foundling by Ann Leary
Why I Want to Read It: I am well-versed on the history of how orphaned, abandoned, and unwanted children were treated, especially if they were unlucky enough to be sent to an orphanage or workhouse. It will be interesting to see how knowledgeable the author is on this subject. My hope is that she will do an excellent job exploring this topic from many different angles.
10. Private Label by Kelly Yang
Why I Want to Read It: Spring is the perfect time to read a romance novel.