Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
It’s Tuesday again! This week is all about surprises. For my list, I’ve included books, in no particular order, that surprised me in a variety of ways. Some of the books listed I expected to like, but didn’t enjoy as much as I thought I would, and some I didn’t think I would like but ended up loving. I’ve also included a few books that had a surprisingly powerful impact on me, or an unexpected ending.
Signs of the Zodiac Series by Vicki Pettersson-I really enjoy books that fall into the paranormal category, but this series left me with surprisingly conflicted emotions. I think the premise of the series is unique, and the take on good and evil is complex. However, I had a love/hate relationship with the main character, and I had issues with how some traumatic situations were handled. Complicated feelings aside, I still feel the series was worth reading.
Vampire Academy Series by Richelle Mead-I really expected to like this series. I enjoy books about vampires, and friend recommended it to me. However, I didn’t like it as much as I thought I would. I was intrigued by the world Ms. Mead created, but Rose isn’t my favorite character, and I was never a fan of her romance with Dmitri. I’m glad I read the series, but it will never be a favorite. I enjoyed the spin off series, Bloodlines, much more.
The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins-I’m not a fan of dystopian, and I was very hesitant to read this series, especially because there was a lot of hype surrounding it. A very good friend convinced me to read it, and I’m glad they did. I loved it. Once I started reading the series, I couldn’t put it down!
Inside the Victorian Home: A Portrait of Domestic Life in Victorian England by Judith Flanders-I enjoy history, but I’ve never read much non-fiction. I decided to read this after a friend recommended it to me. I thoroughly enjoyed it! It isn’t a book I raced through, but I enjoyed picking it up and reading a chapter or two at a time. I enjoyed it so much I’ve read a couple of similar books since and have several more in my tbr.
Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice-I know I’ve included this book in several of my lists, but it is belongs on this one too. When I first experienced this book, I’d never read any books with vampires. However, I was pulled into this tale and have enjoyed vampire novels ever since.
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Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling-This is another series I put off reading for a very long time. I tend to drag my feet when it comes to reading books with a lot of hype surrounding them, and I don’t like feeling pressured into reading a book. I’m glad I read it because the entire series is wonderful.
The Lady or the Tiger by Frank R. Stockton-I will always remember the way I felt when I first read this story. I was so surprised and intrigued by how Mr. Stockton left the ending!
The Crucible by Arthur Miller-I read this years ago in school and have read it a couple times since then, but I’ll always remember being surprised by how strong my reaction to the story was. Such a powerful story!
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner-It has been a very long time since I read this story, but it is certainly memorable. It is such a tragic and creepy tale, and of course the ending is quite shocking.
The Lottery by Shirley Jackson-Another short story with a surprising ending!
What do you think? Were any of these books/series surprising to you? Did you enjoy them?