Circle of Three by Treva Harte

Circle of Three by Treva Harte
Publisher: Loose ID LLC
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (140 pgs)
Other: M/M, M/F, M/M/F, Anal, menage
Rating: 3 cherries
Reviewed By Dianthus

Three teenage kids stuck in the suburbs of New Jersey in the ‘70s combined to become a punk band. Instead of it being a summer diversion, they suddenly become famous. Stu, Jimi, and Jane discover drugs, rock-n-roll, and sex–with each other. But the combination of gossip, fame, and drugs is more than a new threesome can handle.

Years later, Stu is in trouble and the three come together to support him. They rediscover each other and their need for each other, but the damage they inflicted on each other may already be too much to overcome. Can their circle of three be more than sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll?

Sex, Drugs and good ‘ole Rock’n Roll. For these three young suburbanites, this is the ride of a lifetime. The 70’s were a time where you jumped in feet first without asking questions and just didn’t care about the consequences. If you want a look behind the scenes of an up and coming rock band than this is the book for you.

I didn’t really know what to expect from this book. At times it lulled a bit but those lulling points lead to a better understanding of the group of characters on a whole. These three characters, Jim, Jane and Stu couldn’t have been more ill matched for each other but they were exactly what each other needed. Without Stu, Jim wouldn’t have probably gotten out of the situation at home and met Jane. And without Jane, Jim wouldn’t have been able to open up about his sexuality. The idea that they made great music together during this time only added to the mix that eventually led to a crash and burn for them all.

Stu was the leader of this little gang, and from the beginning knew that he was never like the other two but they were the best things that ever happened to him. He was the “dark angel” or “devil” tempting these two kids from the right side of the tracks. But he was also the engine that lead to the place where they could be exactly who they needed and uncover everything about themselves. The essential bad boy, he was the key that opened the lock door inside both Jim and Jane.

Jane, was the quiet reserved one that fed off the power she got on stage. She was the missing piece that brought Jim and Stu together making a sort of family when none of them had that on their own. She was also the level- headed one that made sure to think all things through before jumping. But she was also hiding a part of herself from both these men, something that only could be reveled with the two of them together.

Jim, in the end, was the glue that held them all together. He was the one they both loved and wanted to be with. He was also the most damaged and in his eyes the most unworthy of anything. Even thought he was the glue that kept this team together it was probably longer than they could stand. In the end it imploded the relationship between them all.

This was a memoir of sorts, as all three of them remembered it, and how their lives all became intertwined and the effects that life, relationships, sex and rock n roll had on all of them. A great story all around with enough meat to it that it was very hard to put the book down at the last page.

Rules of Arrest by Aurora Rose Lynn

Rules of Arrest by Aurora Rose Lynn
Publisher: Total-E-Bound
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (45 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/F, M/F/M, Ménage, Anal Play, Voyeurism
Rating: 3 Cherries
Reviewed by Everlasting

An arrest encourages delicious possibilities for sex…

Chloe Denton’s new, minimalist look gets her arrested! The handsome, off duty sheriff detains her in the back seat of his cruiser but now there’s an emergency Trent Jacobi never anticipated.

Will Chloe consider a threesome? Is she a ball buster? And how many times can he pretend to arrest her for the sake of more hot sex?

What is hotter than being handcuffed and arrested by the sexiest sheriff you have ever seen?

This author managed to create two characters that brought me into their world, making me a voyeur to their life. As she introduced the heroine, Chloe, she also introduced Chloe’s feelings about her life being destroyed by her divorce. What woman hasn’t been through a horrible divorce and lost her identity as her husband walks out the door? Aurora Rose Lynn has brought out feelings of love, loss and renewal as she introduced her hero in the book. Trent, the extremely sexy sheriff, is the walking wet dream that every woman wants to open her eyes to as he faces off with Chloe.

Just when I was comfortable being the reading voyeur to Chloe and Trent, the author introduced the step-brother, Jeff, the elusive bad boy who was going to help fulfill Chloe’s dreams. This sexy man makes a unexpected appearance in the storyline and left me fanning myself from the sexy scenes he is in.

From the beginning, the author built the story with heartfelt emotions bringing the reader into the action. In the middle of the tale, Ms. Lynn became a little wordy but there was still enough passion and vibrant emotion to keep me hooked on the storyline. As a short story it is exactly what someone is wanting from of a quick read: hot, steamy and interesting.

I can’t wait for the next book to come from this author. She is definitely someone that I will be following in the future. Everyone should put this book on their short story list.

Bollywood Dreams by Scarlet Blackwell

Bollywood Dreams by Scarlet Blackwell
Publisher: Total-E-Bound
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (74 pgs)
Other: M/M, M/M/M, Ménage, Anal Play, Voyeurism
Rating: 3 cherries
Reviewed by Anemone

In Bollywood, the brightest stars are the ones who need the most care.

Amar Vartak is fresh off the plane from England and on the set of his first Bollywood movie. Rama Kamane is his crush, his hero and the hottest Bollywood star of the moment.

Amar wants him but Rama doesn’t dare go there. He has his reputation to protect and he doesn’t tangle with male actors. He hasn’t bargained on the English boy capturing his heart though…

Rama Kamane is a Bollywood legend. Women fall at his feet and millions flock to see his gorgeous visage on the silver screen. He knows how to play the press to keep his career going and if wants to go on to Hollywood, he needs to keep his homosexuality out of the tabloids.

Amar Vartak is a dreamer. Hitting it big in this Bollywood movie means everything but if he fails, he risks going home to England and an arranged marriage. He doesn’t plan to fall in lust with his co-star and idol, Rama but he can’t deny his feelings for the gorgeous actor.

Ms. Blackwell has written a sinfully sexy gay Bollywood-style romance. The plot is fun and the chemistry hums between the two actors. With a prostitute playing the unlikely cupid and a well-meaning co-star who pushes them together, this story’s rich cast carries a lovely plot.

The ending was unexpectedly sweet and very enjoyable. While the story had a rough start with little description, the writing smoothed out by the end and I found myself rooting for the characters to get together.

Bollywood Dreams is one hot romance and with an HEA that delivers at the end, this romance is certainly dreamy. I recommend it for someone who is looking for an afternoon escape to Mumbai.

Aftermath by Bailey Bradford

Aftermath by Bailey Bradford
Publisher: Total-E-Bound
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (106 Pages)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex
Rating: 3 Cherries
Reviewed by Canterbury Bell

Darren Brown spent two years running from his past, but he could only run so far before he was found.

Darren Brown lost the only two people he loved just days apart. His mother first, then his best friend. Guilt over his friend’s death drives Darren to wander for over a year before he winds up in the town of McKinton, Texas.

Lee Bausch served his tour in the Army then started his quest to find answers only one person could give him—except that one person had moved away. It takes him almost two years to find Darren Brown, and it turns out Darren doesn’t have the answers Lee needs—he is what Lee needs. Darren is shy and so sexy Lee can’t get enough of him, but he still needs answers because he can’t shake the feeling someone he loved was murdered.

After a terrifying experience at the motel, Darren knows he has to tell Lee about the spirits in McKinton. And there’s one spirit, scared and alone, who has the answers Lee seeks, if only the spirit knew how to tell Lee his suspicions are right.

Stefan Bausch died suddenly, unexpectedly and with no reason or explanation. It was the darkest time of his best friend’s life. Darren left town before Stefan’s death and still lives with the belief that it was somehow his fault.

His journey to a new location and his attempt to begin a new life is not exactly going the way he planned. He is living in a home with an elderly woman, gathering eggs from some very uncooperative chickens to bring to Virginia, his boss at the local diner. Darren walks around with the feeling of dread, and paranoia that he is being observed.

Lee Bausch is a man on a mission. After over a year of chasing leads, begging for favors and lots of frustration, his hard work has paid off. He has found his brother’s best friend. Did he have the answers to all of Lee’s questions? Did he know what really happened to his younger brother? After finally spotting Darren in the diner, he is taken by surprise when he finds himself not only attracted to him, but totally mesmerized by the fragile young man. Their meeting turns into an unexpected sexual frenzy that becomes the beginning of a love story.

Darren and Lee are complicated characters with so much baggage that it tends to confuse the story at times. The eclectic mix of secondary characters keep the momentum of the story going, but overall it is just that, a story. Darren’s fragility, weakness and uncontrollable attraction to Lee make you wish you could take him home, feed him some chicken soup and prepare him better for the outside world. Although Lee’s feelings are genuine and mostly believable, I did feel that he was taking advantage of Darren’s naivety.

The ending is somewhat expected but at the same time a turn from the norm. This is an easy read and a interesting short story to pass some time and get into the mind of a spirit with something on his mind.

The Dragon Slayer by Jianne Carlo

The Dragon Slayer by Jianne Carlo
Publisher: Etopia Press
Genre: Historical
Length: Short Story (97 pages)
Other: M/F
Rating: 3 cherries
Reviewed by Bittersweet

To save her sister, can Catriona slay the Dragon Slayer?

Ruard, the Viking warrior known as The Dragon Slayer, has no great hopes for the wife he’s to take as the lord of Dunsmuir Castle, so long as she’s a biddable wife, with all her teeth, who doesn’t drool—a plain, humble woman. He has no use for the flame-haired nymph with breasts as ripe as melons and whose supple hips beckon a man’s hands. Nor for a maiden with a stubborn chin and flashing eyes that speak of naught but trouble.

Catriona hopes for a husband ‘twill be easy to poison. Lord Ulfric holds her sister captive and demands Catriona do his bidding: poison his Viking rival, the man they call the Dragon Slayer. Catriona hopes for a cruel warrior, a man easy to hate, not this Thor god come to life with golden hair, sky blue eyes, and a laughing smile. Her sister’s life depends on it, but how can she slay this Ruard, her new husband, who makes her heart pound with joy?

The Dragon Slayer was incredibly sweet. Our hero, Ruard is an honourable, manly, just, honest, sexy Viking! What more could I ask for in a hero? Catriona on the other hand is his perfect counterpart: defiant, yet at the same time compliant, worried for her loved ones, smart, efficient, sweet and pleasant. The author knows her character well and comes up with clever names such as “Catriona the Pure” or “Catriona the Siren”.

One of my favourite parts was their first bedding together. It was wild and a bit crazy due to the presence of others (they had to ensure she was a maiden) but it had an undercurrent of tenderness that turned me to mush.

Jianne Carlo gives apt descriptions and with the command she shows of the language, she creates a tone which easily transported me into the character’s world. Dragon Slayer is a quick read which will submerge you in a fabulous epoch.

Coming Out Wolf by Julia Talbot

Coming Out Wolf by Julia Talbot
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (13 pgs)
Other: M/M
Rating: 3.5 cherries
Reviewed by Coreopsis

The worst thing in the world isn’t being gay. Not even close. It’s not even being a werewolf. The worst thing in the world is being in love with your roommate and having that love be unrequited. No matter what Steve does, Rick just isn’t responding. Will he give up too soon on making Rick his mate?

When two lone wolves end up living together, chemistry and fur is sure to fly. In Coming Out Wolf we get a snippet of what is the start of a beautiful relationship.

I really enjoyed the idea of pairing a made wolf and a born wolf as roommates. Both are gay so there is common ground between them but beyond that their polar opposites. Steve is the more flamboyant gay man whereas Rick the laid back take life as it comes kind of guy. Rick has been a wolf all his life and his go with the flow attitude holds him back from confessing to Steve that he likes him in more than a roommate type of way.

The conflict hits its peak when Steve forces Ricks hand in admitting his interest in him. From there these two steam up the pages with their need to be together. I liked how the author had the men reverse roles when they got sexually involved. Steve became the submissive one and Rick became the aggressor.

My only wish was for it to have been longer so I could have seen where this duo went beyond discovering their true feelings for one another. The pair never had full on sex but the author’s descriptive writing was solid and held my attention to the very end. Sometimes it’s nice to read a story where the main characters aren’t jumping straight into bed together, it makes the story more believable on the relationship aspect.

This story was short and sweet. A good book to read when you don’t have a lot of time and need a daily fix of werewolves and romance.

Three Reasons Why by Mari Carr

Three Reasons Why by Mari Carr
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (127 pgs)
Other: M/F
Rating: 3.5 Cherries
Reviewed by Canterbury Bell

Wes wants Jill Harper in every possible way a man can want a woman. But she’s resisting. Hard. When he learns she needs a handyman for her diner, he decides fate is smiling upon him—until Jill offers three reasons why they can’t be together. Always up for a challenge, Wes decides to prove her ridiculous reasons unsound, one by one.

Jill knows her reasons are total bull, but she’s sticking by them, come hell or high water. Unfortunately, Wes Robson is extremely persuasive. Especially in bed. If the sex gets any hotter they’ll likely burn down the town. Before long, Jill’s reasons begin falling away as fast as her clothing whenever Wes is around.

But Jill knows exactly what Wes wants for his future, and she’s just prolonging the inevitable heartbreak. The real reason she can’t give herself to Wes, can’t allow herself to love him, can only lead to pain—the kind from which neither may ever recover.

There is always that one guy, the one that makes you lose your mind and manages to make your clothes somehow melt off. The guy whose kiss is like a warm blanket on a cold winter morning. The guy that you lose total control with even when you know there is disaster looming up ahead. And it is worse when you know he feels the same way.

Wes is that guy for Jill. The guy she loves from the bottom of her soul and knows he feels the same. But she is fighting it with all her heart and soul. Why?? Because Jill has a secret, a secret that she knows will break Wes’ heart and in turn break her heart.

Jill and Wes have know each other a very long time and it seems every time they are alone in a room, biology takes over, until one unforgettable Christmas changes Wes’ life forever. His desire for Jill was now for more than just her body and he wants her forever. The problem is convincing Jill of the same thing. Her feelings for him are apparent but she is resisting committing to him and he cannot understand why. A job change from the military to the local police force and a more settled life does not sway her opinion of life with him and nothing he seems to do is working…until a stalker endangers Jill’s life and Wes takes over.

This is that kind of wonderful story of not seeing what is right in front of you. Jill and Wes are just the perfect couple. Her fear of losing him is manifested by her pushing him away. Her resistance fuels his drive to make her his. Mari Carr makes them personable, lovable and resilient in their individual quests for happy ever after. His determination makes him the wonderful guy you want to come out on top and win the girl of his dreams. You can’t not root for their inevitable conclusion even through the most stubborn of behaviors.

Lots of family and friends fill the spaces of this story as well as being their champions in bringing together the reluctant lovers. They are fun, funny, sexy, entertaining and addictive; you want to know everything about them.

Enjoy Mari Carr’s writing and become acquainted with all her characters in this book as well as all her others.

Love at First Sight by Cardeno C.

Love at First Sight by Cardeno C.
Publisher: Dreamspinner Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (210 pages)
Other: M/M, anal sex
Rating: 3 cherries
Reviewed by Cactus

Do you believe in love at first sight? Jonathan does: the moment he glimpsed the striking David from afar, he was hooked, but David disappeared before they could meet.

More than three years later, Jonathan gets a second chance—he and David finally meet face to face, and the two fall into a passionate love affair. David turns Jonathan’s previously lonely life into a fairy tale, giving him more than he ever imagined. But the past few years have been hard for Jonathan, and he’s terrified that his young son and scandalous past will be too much for David. If they’re going to build a future together, they’re both going to have to dig deep: David for the courage to share himself in a way he’s never considered… and Jonathan for the strength to tell the truth.

Love at first sight is rare enough but when it happens to two people, it may be something special. Or so Jonathan hopes. Jonathan saw the man of his dreams by chance on a trip to New York City. Determined to make that dream a reality he moved there but finding his man wasn’t as easy as Jonathan would have liked. After a few heartbreaking and life changing years, Jonathan returns home only to run into David, the man of his dreams, in a chance encounter. Now that Jonathan finally has the man of his dreams, he has to keep him, which means exposing his deep dark secret.

Love at First Sight is a very sweet, gentle romance. Although this is a book in the Home series, you don’t have to read the previous books to appreciate this one. Previous characters and couples appear throughout the story but the appearances are always very brief and inconsequential. In fact I’ve read the previous books but couldn’t remember the various couples and that didn’t affect this book at all. This story relies on super sweet romance that verges into being corny and a lot of coincidences. This is not something that always resonates well with me but readers who don’t mind inconsistencies or can overlook convenient setups likely won’t be bothered when these are used here.

Instead the romance and instant love and chemistry is the focus. This isn’t a surprise either from the series, the author or the title so fans of the author know going in that the stories tend to be heavy on the love and absent of any conflict. David and Jonathan meet, fall madly in love right away and proceed to have happy, mind blowing sex throughout the rest of the book. This isn’t bad per se if that’s what you’re looking for in a book and the “no complications, no drama, no problems” aspect will definitely appeal to some readers. The theme of love being everything and all things dominates the book as the happy couple oozes their love over everything and everyone (pun intended). Again this will appeal to certain readers who want that and while I don’t mind such a theme on occasion, this particular story went way too far into corny and obvious to truly appeal to me.

Jonathan and David are nearly perfect in their respective ways without much nuance or depth. The various secondary characters are exaggerations – from the two-year-old who speaks nearly perfect and complicated English to the various insane family members and friends who appear and, though I can’t believe I’m saying this, there are actually too many sex scenes.

Again this is all personal preference. While I may not have loved this for me, I can easily see why this story may appeal to readers who want an uncomplicated story about two men who fall, and stay, in love. It’s definitely sweet with a firm happy ending.

The Green Room by Gwen Masters

The Green Room by Gwen Masters
Publisher: Total-E-Bound
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (202 pages)
Other: M/F, Forced Seduction, Spanking, Voyeurism
Rating: 3 cherries
Reviewed by Iris

The glare of the spotlight, the paparazzi cameras, the tabloid snickers and the bad influence that flows as fast as a river through it all—can love really survive the rigors of fame?

Set against the backdrop of Music City, The Green Room is the story of Janey Mills, an unconventional talent scout, and Anthony Keenan, the man pegged as the ‘Next Big Thing’. With Janey by his side, Anthony shoots to fame through a whirlwind tour, a record-breaking album release and all the trappings of sudden fortune.

Their love flourishes—but when the damned trio of sex, drugs and rock & roll enter the picture, they learn the darker side of fortune and fame. Can their growing love survive under the glare of the stage lights?

A peep into the world of sex, drugs and rock and roll – the beginning of this novel is exactly as you would expect it to be: hot sex in public, the lure of a contract, the siren call of drugs and the spiral out of control. The first half is exactly what I expected, and so rather predictible. It just didn’t keep my attention well.

I am happy to report that the second half of the story is the exact opposite! It still contains all of the sordid elements of the first half, but there was a change in the writing, in the tone of the narration. It became much easier to be involved in the plot and in the lives of the characters.

I admit, tears flowed freely during many of the pivotal events illustrated in the second part of the book. I find this an endearing quality of the book because it means I was completely involved in the characters’ lives, and it is also the reason I would recommend this book, despite the slow start.

While the music and music career provide a vehicle for all sorts of bad behavior to get the book started, it becomes much more than a “music book” or even a “sexy book” – it becomes a romance. True, it is studded with the voracious sexual appetite we all believe musicians have, and the sometimes violent and slightly deviant sexual behaviors we would connect to them. But in the end, it becomes a story of hard work, love, and redemption.

Give yourself some time to get through this book, and then allow yourself to fall in love with the characters. You’ll be glad you did!

Wild West Weekend by C.R. Moss and R.M. Sotera

Wild West Weekend by C.R. Moss and R.M. Sotera
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Western
Length: Full Length (180 pages)
Other: M/F, BDSM, Toys
Rating: 3.5 Cherries
Reviewed by Moonflower

Double D Ranch Tales, 1

Two people scared to love again. Two others hesitant about commitment. A weekend in Nevada will change all that.

Bristol Ashcombe is swearing off men and taking a vacation with her friend, Cassie. Damon Dougan is packed and ready to leave the ranch for a trip, that is, until a long-legged, sexy woman steps out of a vehicle and he decides to stay. Will one sex-filled weekend be enough for either of them?

Cassie Harding travels to the Double D ranch to meet Bristol and looks forward to seeing her old friend, Dakota. Dak’s excited when Cassie, his former sweetheart, returns. Cassie and Dakota, though they’re heating up ‘the sheets’ in and out of the bedroom, have fears about commitment after years of being single. Will they find it’s better to dance together than apart?

Wild West Weekend is a feel good romp, with the bonus of not one but two sexy hot cowboy brothers!

Bristol & Damon – Part One

I think the term “once burned twice shy” could fit both Bristol and Damon to a T.

Bristol should be riding high on the success of her Broadway show, but something is missing. After a failed marriage, she needs a break and agrees to meet up with an old friend at the Dougan Ranch. Bristol is one major New York City diva. She is delightful and funny to read about. She is absolutely oblivious to the workings of a Nevada working ranch. All you can do is smile and shake your head right along with Damon at her mannerisms and cluelessness. She is utterly wonderful.

I adore Damon. He is so laid back and charming, I could just eat him up with a spoon. I can honestly say that Damon was totally broadsided in his last relationship. His leeriness to have another relationship is well-founded and believable. Still, Bristol intrigued him from the moment he saw her stepping out of the limousine.

The romance between Bristol and Damon was rushed but considering they only had a weekend, I understand why. The chemistry they had was combustible and just plain cute. I would have enjoyed reading about a full month’s vacation with these two. I finished Part One wanting more. No, needing more. I will have to say well done to the author for engaging me, pulling me into the story.

Cassie and Dakota – Part Two

Hmmm, how to sum up these two lovers? They only got better with age. Cassie and Dakota fell in love as teenagers, but life got in the way for them.

Dakota stayed on at his family ranch never knowing what happened to his first love. He dove head first into the management of the ranch, never finding time to fall in love again. Twenty years later, he is looking forward to seeing Cassie again. Can he survive being rejected by her a second time?

Life is what happened to Cassie. She loved her summers at the ranch, but circumstances and heartbreak kept her from returning. Older and wiser, she decides to look up her old flame. Trouble is she is not the same sweet teenager he once knew. Cassie has a dark past, and she is worried that straight-laced Dakota may not be able to handle her taboo side.

I found Cassie and Dakota’s story a bit more realistic. They had a past and a foundation to work from. My only disappointment was, who was this stranger in town and what was the purpose in the story? Beyond that, I enjoyed their interactions and how she was able to blend her past sexual experiences into the present to help Dakota move beyond some of his current issues. I found myself cheering them on throughout the story.

This book has two overlapping short stories happening on the same timeline. It was enjoyable to read the separate accounts of these two couples. It made the book unique for me and I was able to set my focus on the enjoyment of each individual couple.

The ending was tied up wonderfully. As I was coming to the end of the book I was about ready to throw it up in the air and shout, “What about Bristol and Damon?” Thank you, thank you, and thank you for the unique twist at the end. It was a delightful little present tied up in a great big bow. The collaboration in this book was well written and flowed seamlessly, great work and job well done! I look forward to future endeavors between the two of you again.